Script to delete all user profiles windows 10 Msi. Unprovision all Windows 10 apps. 1024. Hi Experts, Is there any way to delete users profile from domain computer of the deactivated user accounts? Most forums suggested the delete user profile after X days via GPO, but we can’t utilize this in our environment since we have employees that come and go in our office around 2-3 times in a year ( no exact months interval). Windows 10 Forums is an independent web site and has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Microsoft Corporation. This brief article details the commands necessary to use PowerShell to remove a network printer for all users of a computer. Use the for /f command to loop through all users in C:\Users, then check if the file exists in each users Desktop directory - if it does, delete the file. If the user Profiles are stored in the registry - for outlook 2016, 2019 and 365, its at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16. Does anyone have any script that can be run on logon or manually that would delete all local Delete user profiles older than a specified number days on system restart under Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates Sure it's possible to use a PS script to delete old profiles, while respecting good practices. Disable-LocalUser -WhatIf # Delete all local users with name not equal "Administrator" Get-LocalUser | Where-Object {$_. Get-WMIObject -class Win32_UserProfile I needed to use Get-LocalUser to remove the profiles which, when combined with the rest of my script, seemed to completely remove all trace of the standard user accounts. I saw some examples for windows 8 but I need windows 10. Script comments: In this example, we will delete files older than 14 days in the Downloads folder (you can change this option). Example 1: C:\Script\RemoveLocalUserProfile. only delete the user which is not enough. Win11Debloat is a simple, easy to use and lightweight PowerShell script that can remove pre-installed Windows bloatware apps, disable telemetry and declutter the experience by disabling or removing intrusive interface elements, ads and more. You might also want to give us the entire script and the full path of the file you wish to delete. This seemed to worked fine as I have . Other folders with cache and Here's a single-line Powershell command to delete user profiles that are older than 6 months. Whether your goal is to remove software-related keys or to add configuration items to all user accounts, it can become tricky. It restarts the windows 10 client several times but the shortcuts are still on the desktop. I am looking for a script to wipe all user data for a profile in windows 10. I need to just remove all of We are replacing print servers and going with a cloud based printer service. If running on Windows XP, you must I am trying to uninstall One Drive from All PC’s for All Users in a domain environment. EDIT: Win 10 1809: WMI Can't Fully Delete Profiles (because of Microsoft. We manage computers in our Windows network and one of the tasks is housekeeping. * -recurse -erroraction I have windows 7 machine in which i have around 3 user accounts. 0\Outlook\Profiles You can remove it using a reg key or powershell. This works using a scheduled task that writes a date to a file in the user profile. Just add these accounts to the DisabledUsers group and As for the original question, enumerate win32_userprofile with Get-CimInstance, identify the ones you want to delete, and call Remove-CimInstance on them. These servers have fairly small C:\\ drives so I am looking for a method of forcing the users’ profiles to be deleted when they log out of their RD session. powershell, question. But still locally. Windows will create the needed partitions @pillsbury, I am having a task to delete users from vm. Removes profiles via Win32_UserProfile. Alternatively, you can Push a Script to the Startup Items Folder, in the following “ProgramData” Location, so that it Runs when Any User Logs in. PowerShell Script To Delete Temp Files From All Users. details of users and vm should be in the excel file and script will take one server and delete all users mentioned corresponding to that vm and then next server and so on – GPO is Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > User Profiles and I enabled "Delete user profiles older than a specified number of days on system restart" with a value of 180 days. Since you don't want to hard code path's, we can use the FOR to search for . I don’t have any issues. /C:\\computer_name Delete Alternatively, you can use Windows10Debloater to get the job done. This script will remove all built-in apps that are specified in the 'blacklistedapps' variable. If it does, this script will be amazing for When you have a bunch of users that login on Windows computers it creates user profiles that take space and it even slows the upgrade process when you upgrading Windows 10 version and when you upgrade to Windows 11. I cant seem to find the magic combo by googling. Deleting a lot of profiles at once can throttle the cpu. As a user profile holds all of the data a user has created, including their internet favorites, chat histories, emails, and other hidden application data, you must be sure that you want to delete it, and have the authority to do so. I need to delete a settings file from each users local profile. Adam has written First use this line to show all user profiles on the machine (this only shows domain user profiles, ignoring local users). We use local accounts and sometimes computers are handed over between users at remote locations without IT interfering, leaving old profiles active. I have a code which runs perfectly for the current logged in user but it is not running for the remaining users. Scans a local Windows system for non-system profiles to delete. Get all of the user profiles folders in the C:\users directory. I want to leave any profile that does not have a creation date older than 30 days. The only way to fix this is to log in as an administrator and delete all the local printers. These printers were added manually by navigating to \PRINTERSERVERNAME\ and double click a printer to add it. Step 1: Steps to Remove a User Account in Settings Press Windows key, click on Settings. Ditto for DelProf2. And I've tried the GPO "Delete user profiles older than a specified number of days on system restart" but it doesn't work for us given the user profile ages keep changing even if not being used. What I would like is to have a guest account that resets/wipes itself when users log out. Syntax DELPROF [options days] Key /Q Quiet, no confirmation. You may need to catch up to fully understand everything I’m doing in this article, which uses a PowerShell I’m trying to create a Powershell script that removes from a Windows computer a user’s profile, a user’s folder in “C:\\Users”, and a user’s registry key in “HKLM:\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList” - All for any user whose profile is dormant beyond 90 days, disregarding specific administrator or service accounts. $deleteProfiles = Get-WmiObject Win32_UserProfile | Over the last few articles I’ve been demonstrating ways to leverage PowerShell scripts with Group Policy. Next, add a space between Set-ExecutionPolicy and RemoteSigned. if you need help creating a bat to go through the list of remote computers let me know. You can create a Scheduled Task to Run a PS Script, at Logon. this can also be scripted with a bat file. Delprof2 – User Profile Deletion Tool 2018-10-09: Delprof2 has issues with UWP apps on Windows 10. 230. So I want to add to this script that it should also delete the profile if LastUseTime is Null. The 2 PCs will be used by guest users. msi and once i get the report it completed successfully then i run the install. Name -ne "Administrator"} | Remove-LocalUser -WhatIf I wrote a script to delete old profiles, due to the drives on multiuser devices getting filled up. I am trying to also ensure that I capture any errors that might occur. bak extension. The problem is that the install folder seems to be different depending on the version in use. This will depend on your network topology and security settings as to how you achieve that (e. Removing user profiles in Windows is a great general practice and it helps keep the space to a Windows 10 Delete User Profiles Older Than 60 Days. Here is the batch file I’m tried. lnk is deleted from the desktop. As with all code you find online, test before running in production. Note that my scripting isnt Script for wiping all user data in windows 10. Delprof2 is a good tool but not appropriate and supported for Windows 10. (not include the administrator prof Hi all, I’m trying to setup a scheduled task to run a script that will automatically remove all files and folders in “C:\\Users” except the “Public” and “Default” folders. Most of these drives were mapped manually and to be honest the mappings are all over the place with users having different letters mapped to a specific folder. 0005\\onedrivesetup. so the storage ends up Im making a script that cleans a fresh install of windows 11 to my liking. bak from the backup extension to restore the proper profile. Use this topic to help manage Windows and Windows Server technologies with Windows PowerShell. INI, and NTUSER. DAT get set to the current date. For example, you want to delete the profiles of users who have quit. The command comes in handy if you are the administrator of a multi-user Windows 11/10/7 computer. But It reads the output from LastUseTime and uses that value to determine if it should delete the profile or not. MicrosoftOfficeHub) Say I delete a profile this way: Get-CimInstance win32_userprofile | where localpath -match user$ | Remove-CimInstance Several folders get left over. The specific user account will be removed as soon as you follow through with the last step above. The only part that wouldn't be deleted is under the profile list in the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList but all that does is map the SID to a profile location. This will delete everything on the desktop, delete browsing history and so on. Also, sometimes the profile has a different name like c:\users\myuser. IE: C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft OneDrive\\21. Then return only user profile folders that the appdata\local folder has not been modified in this case for 90 days. All old printers are now physically inaccessible but all the print setup is still on the server. The script bellow will search each users desktop, remove all . Windows used to have the delprof and delprof 2 however I have read that they are finicky. Issues will be related to the rights of the user running the script to other user profiles. The uninstaller of course requires administrator privileges but still I find it very difficult to accomplish this. ps1 -ListUnusedDay 1 Example 2: C:\Script\RemoveLocalUserProfile. Parameter UserName The name of the user to delete . Anyone have anything? You need an account to sign in, so you can't remove all accounts, one account must be available to sign into Windows 10. I'm trying to write a batch file to delete all folders within c:\users with some exceptions. * Click START and search and open CONTROL PANEL. ) Easily customizable, just change the top lines with whatever locations you’d like to be cleaned, the syntax is pretty self-explanatory. However, I did run into a snag. "Windows 10" and My end goal is to delete *. . can someone help me please I need a script with following conditions: 1- run on windows start up. So we don’t want their profile This is probably a permissions issue. Applies to: Windows Server 2016 and later versions, Windows 11, Windows 10 There's a Group Policy "Delete user profiles older than a specified number of days on system restart" to delete aged copies of user profiles. The below actions require the executing user to be an administrator of the remote workstation, or a Domain Administrator. 2nd idea was then to create a hi all, has anyone ever used SCCM, to remove user profiles from workstations succesfully? we find ourselves in a situation where per-user installed apps (teams, etc) that are in unsed user profiles on workstations, get picked up in our defender scan as out of date / vulnerable. I need to make it working with many users. You can turn on this Group Policy that automatically deletes any user profiles older than a certain period of days on system restart, or use a command-line tool like Delprof2. I want to delete these user via CMD or Powershell with all their folders (desktop, download, . Windows 10 Pro. Accept the windows UAC prompt to run the script as administrator, this is required for the script to function. etc) The below command : net user Test /delete . I am not familiar with the module that you are running, and it looks like that should be 6 lines not 3 (insert break before [gc], before Remove-PSDrive, and before Import-Module). It adds an extension to the temporary profile in play, then removes the . Powershell script to delete printers on all users. . So put it all together and you have a command that will delete the entire contents of a single folder. Microsoft rolls out two major Windows 10 updates every year. 220. Does not work with Windows 7 or later. EXAMPLE. Go into the user profile folder and get the modification date of the appdata\local folder. Delete windows user profiles. I asked about deleting profiles and was advised against it due to the fact students already have customized settings. Function Remove-LocalUser { <# . dat), user-specific folders (My Documents, Desktop, etc), and Application Data folder that stores software-specific data pertaining to the user. It’s better to pull the profiles from the registry. This will cleanly delete its files and registry entries. Which registry keys inside of the user's hive? Do you simply want to delete stuff inside of the Desktop, Documents, Downloads, etc folders? Reply reply Not_A Of course, you can manually sign in to all accounts and delete files from Recycle Bin. How do you achieve this on your managed computers? Multiple users profiles involved and the tool/script should rune from command line Windows 10 Thread, Script for deleting user profiles AND FOLDERS in Technical; Hello all, I need to be able to delete user profiles AND the local profile folders. I've used Delprof2 when there were hundreds of user profiles to remove on one device. How would I write that in? Should be possible with powershell What you need to do is get the content of the profile folder with for example get-childitem, store those folder names into an array, search the registry for the string which contains the user ID (located in HKLM:\software\microsoft\windows nt\current version\profile list or something like this) and delete both To iterate through HKEY_USERS to do this for all users then you need all user profiles to be unloaded ('cos otherwise a logged-in user will have their NTUSER. From now on, if a new user logs on to the machine, the only app that will be installed is Edge. I’m working with windows 7 professional 32 bit. I was hop Good morning Everyone, I was hoping to find a topic on this, but I have had no luck. We previously had an issue where WiFi profiles were being made under the SYSTEM account and it does not allow you to remove the profile. 1. OST files within the user profiles on shared computers. We have a client that often by accident open New Outlook and we now need a script to permanently remove it on all devices. You can modify the script to automatically delete all user profiles added to the specific AD group. Must be run as an admin. g domain joined pcs / rds server / roaming profiles etc) But a basic premise would be: We have around 100 users using mapped drives on an AD environement. Windows; Printers; Purpose. Using Remove-Ciminstance avoids this. 1 etc. Remove-UserProfile -Before (Get-Date). However, if I sysprep it using Administrator account and delete the "User" account, when I boot to OOBE (Out of the Box Experience), it doesn't ask me to create a new user and it's still showing me the "User" I had previously. Not the folder but its contents. * Click USER ACCOUNTS and Click MANAGE ANOTHER Account and try to delete the account that you wanted to be removed. I do not care about the last login time (which doesn't seem to matter since they all say todays date regardless of last login) so I'm not looking for one that does it based on X number of days. I'm looking for an updated script or way to bulk delete user profiles. We have shared PC's like in most schools and since using 256 ssd's, after a while disk space gets full. 1107. the task is to simply create a powershell script, that i can use as a login script to remove ALL local users on a machine / server. Select Delete account and data if you wish to delete account and the data and follow In Windows 10 Login as Administrator (Local Admin). All changes will be applied to the Windows default user profile and will only affect new user Function Remove-LocalUser { <# . this is for work, multiple people share computers at a few clinics of ours and eventually the computer gets filled up of user profiles of people that no longer work there or just got their own computer. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles. Delprof2 /c:remotecomputer This assumes that your user profiles are stored in C:\USERS, if you have reason to need to look for profiles everywhere, you'll want to adjust your batch file to find the profile paths from the registry first. So I did made a little script that let you show all of the user profiles and also delete all of the user profiles or only the user Script to delete all user profiles except those in use . /P Prompts for confirmation before deleting each profile. It's not a good way for the current It seems like group policy and other stuff does not work, probably because all the local users c:\users\username\NTUSER. The users hive is located under their user directory (NTUSER. Tried the official suggestions here but New Outlook still shows up as installed on start menu: Anyone know of a functioning script for the removal and possibly blocking re-install? At my organization, Zoom is not allowed for usage by our employees (we have policies for this, and zoom does not meet them) - the exception to this is if an external party uses it (such as for troubleshooting), we can use their client to use zoom, but only if they are the initiator. But the command was being executed by the SYSTEM user, so all regular users was not being logged off. - barrett101/Windows-User-Profile The script runs with no issues, but if I create another local user for the machine, the same apps are reinstalled to the new user even though I used the -AllUsers parameter. I've had trouble updating apps in the past because another user had logged in and the app had been updated in their profile, it's also a known issue when using sysprep. Let's call the target of the credential "X". If you are having logon issues I manage an environment with multiple servers that multiple users log on to remotely as a gateway to perform work. 0004\\onedrivesetup. I do apologize if you are having issues with your Windows 10 Machine and I am here to help you. lnk) ' ' Script created by Holger Habermehl. Delete all user profiles of the user with user name begin with "Logan". ConvertToDateTime( $_ . Synopsis This function deletes a local user . Deleting user profiles on a Windows PC. bat' file to start the script. url" if exist I’m attempting to remove a local user from a computer (named Deltagare). I have looked online for a lot of scripts and none of them seem to work. we need to standardize the mapping and ensure every user has the same letters mapped to the specific folders. – @Birdman: My concern is the proliferation of code that - unwittingly - sets a bad example. Now, the script appears to collect user profiles, pipes them through a Where statement that excludes the Administrator hello guys, I'm new here. I have issues with getting access denied event when running the script as administrator. ZIP file to your desired location. To do this, enumerate the user profiles again and this time apply a filter to pick a single user profile to remove. You might try using the group policy instead. I got this from a Spiceworks community post [A] and I fixed the typos. Since the GPO Delete User Profiles Older Than uses these dates, it no longer works as expected. That may actually break the profile since the Downloads folder would be missing when a user logs in. Get-WMIObject -class Win32_UserProfile | Where-Object {(! $_ . That list of files is being fed in into the next command Remove-Item which also has a Recurse parameter applied. – If you have supported software in an organization of any size, trying to remove HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) registry keys from all user accounts more than likely has posed a challenge. I launched the shared script manually from windows 10 and removed the For User-Deployed or Per-user Admin Deployments. Windows 10. Users are still mapped to the old printers. PowerShell is used to delete a user profile Question: I got this script with the help of ChatGpt. Please see "How it Works" section that explains how profile age and cleanup occurs. I found the current script which I got to work for me, but I'd like to optimize it so I can input or import a list of computers where I want him to remove all the user profiles from. ; Navigate to the Win10Debloat folder; Double click the 'Run. my process - First to uninstall the teams wide . Each instance of a single appx doesn’t exist for each user, so there will be errors! (User A’s instance of calculator app doesn’t exist in User B’s profile, for example, so Powershell says “hey, it doesn’t exist”). exe /f /l" to log off users. The scheduled task will run at logon of any user, and runs every 60 minutes while they are logged in. One step of housekeeping is trimming user profiles AKA periodically clearing downloads, temp, browser temporary files. exe C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft OneDrive\\21. User Name to delete user profile, is possible use the '*' wildchar. Remove the apps from the ISO file; Uninstalling Apps post-Windows installation; IObit Uninstaller; While the last one is not a script, but you can use it to uninstall the built-in apps. I have a powershell script that works. I would just pop in a GPO that deletes the file on login this will run in the user's own context and will You’re much better off (and safer) running a powershell script to target and remove the user and the profile specifically in one fair swoop if you can. with It takes multiple attempts in file explorer to completely delete the profile. LastUseTime) -lt ( Get-Date ). Description This function deletes a local user . This article provides a script to retrieve profile age and optionally delete aged copies. DAT) so deleting the directory with an rmdir /s /q {username} should suffice. This often fills up the c:\ drive with user profiles. Select the user you want to delete under Other users and click on Remove. Remove-Item "C:\users + \AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue\AppCrash*" No go. If you wind up using this script, Just sharing a script for removing the built-in Windows 10 Mail app from existing machines for all users (new and existing). Clear all credentials from Credential Manager Remove built-in apps (modern apps) from Windows 11 for All Users. Special) -and (! $ _. This PowerShell script sample shows how to delete user profiles older than a specified number of days. dead in the previously outdated profile but now teams will not Not my script, I pulled it from this Microsoft site. I'm trying to create a script to clear out old domain user profiles that haven't logged into a Windows 10 workstation in over 180 days. If Found delete profile I have a * . Related topics Topic Replies PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e. Feedback appreciated. But I found that after Windows 10 1809, if you rename or delete the user folder then it breaks the Start button for every user. Also tried VBScript: It works fine. DESCRIPTION. I created a guest account using net user Member /add /active:yes net localgroup users Member /delete net localgroup guests Member /add I When I run it from the Command window I get the following output: C:\>del "C:\Users\NobleK\Desktop\test. 1) user1, 2) user2 and 3) user3. I have written up a script that gives me the ability to delete multiple user profiles and the registry keys associated off of a computer. using a reg file (assuming the profile is named outlook) [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16. Zoom ‘conveniently’ installs into the user profile, which means it’s a pain for me as an The proper way to remove a profile manually in Windows is to go to System, click Advanced system settings, and under the Advanced tab of the System Properties window choose Settings under User Profiles. 3. And, to remove all provisioned apps, you can use this command: Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -Online | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online. 2- check the users profile if not logon more than 30 days on this PC, then delete that profile. I'm running a batch file to remove all personal WiFi networks from a Windows 10 device. The timestamps for the user folder, NTUSER. cd /D %temp% You may want to delete directories as well: for /d %%D in (*) do rd /s /q "%%D" Hello I created simple script to remove windows local users. No further action is required unless users haven't signed in for an extended period. and you get to the screen that shows the partitions, delete all of them. Deleting Windows 10 user profile from the registry is a viable solution, and this method works in most cases. I’ve looked and experimented but cannot find a PS script or command that will purge the following from all users on either a Windows 10 or 7 machine. Here they are. jpg\appdata\local VERBOSE: currently working with C:\Users Good morning! I need to create a script to delete the contents of the downloads folder for a server that acts as a terminal server. First I tried to execute the following with the scheduled task: "shutdown. Now, how do I delete unused printers from my users? I know all the I don't know why you're using two backslashes \\ with where-object. The reason why I want to How to delete user profiles older than a specified number of days in Windows. Example Remove-LocalUser -userName "ed" Removes a new local user named ed. Windows creates a user profile the first time user interactively logs on at the computer (not via the network to access shared folders or printers) and it contains user registry (ntuser. Something corrupt in one profile, but the way I'm removing the profile doesn't appear to completely remove all traces since the machine still recognizes the user on a fresh log in. Programming & Development. Parameter ComputerName The name of the computer upon which to delete the user . The folder is there in all the user's desktop namely "123" that should be deleted from all the user profile. thanks. Your code - which you could have linked to in Download the latest version of the script, and extract the . Description A cleanup script written in AutoHotkey to delete temporary files on all user profiles on a machine (in preparation for a virus scan, or for on user logoff/logon for maintenance, etc. AddMonths(-1) -Verbose. Methods that delete the registry key from ProfileList now break the Windows Start button for all existing and new users. You can do this by using PowerShell’s Where-Object cmdlet and If you’re looking to do some general house cleaning, a great first step is knowing how to delete user profiles in Windows 10. Then I could add the script a Delete user profiles on local or remote computer, the session in which you are running the script must be started with elevated user rights (Run as Administrator). I am trying to run it in GPO → USER CONFIGURATION → POLICIES → WINDOWS SETTINGS → SCRIPTS I am giving the shared path of the server. i’m sure the built-in users cannot be deleted so i’m trying to blanket delete anything else. Which powershell command do I use to remove/disable all local accounts (Windows 10). Idea based on an original script for Windows 10 app removal / Credit to: Nickolaj Andersen @ MSEndpointMgr. DAT file locked for bulk editing). @echo off set /p username= Enter the name of account which you want to delete : net user /DELETE %username% pause The only problem is if the users are many I need to run the script for each user again and again. You can identify if that is the case using this script: Our environment did not have any software restrictions or AppLocker in place, so the kids have of course installed games and things from the Windows Store. And of course, you can also use PowerShell to accomplish the same as well. Scenario: We have multiple shared PCs in a library which users may log onto and never use again. I consider this a design flaw on the part of Microsoft and I am not going to waste my time [] del won't trigger any dialogs or message boxes. exe –uninstall’ from a user’s local app data remove teams for all other users as well? I’ve added a file version check to your script so that in theory only profiles with outdated versions will be affected. Why? Windows 10 stores per-user settings in per-machine database files that are exclusively locked (almost?) all of the time. Delete() method. You can delete, forget or remove or forget WiFi Network Profile using PowerShell, Command Prompt, Settings or System Tray icon in Windows 11/10. I’m working in a school computer lab so the # of profiles are different on each machine. I know of several manual ways to do this using Delprof2 and whatnot but I’m wondering if They exist only in Windows 10 and Windows 8. you can specify profiles to not remove and profiles older than a x number of days. url" del /F /Q "C:\Users\%%a\Desktop\Kronos Workforce Central(R). Wiping and reimaging solves the problem but that seems like overkill when everything else is fine on the machine and no other profiles are affected. /I Ignore errors and continue deleting. There are a few options available when it comes to cleaning up old and obsolete user profiles on a remote computer. hello guys, I'm new here. Even if you remove all bloatware from your Windows 10 computer, the OS may still reinstall the apps when you upgrade to a newer version. ps1 script on Windows Server 2019. #Remove all non-active and non-system designated user profiles not used within the past month, displaying verbose output as well. This would be done one at a time (as opposed to from a CSV file). The Remove-AppxPackage only removes store applications for the logged in user, even if you pipe it from Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers. 1, but not in Windows 7. lnk" and the file test. What additional lines should I add in this script to delete user profiles successfully without any error? Looking for a way to delete all user profiles on a windows computer except for the default and one admin one (which is the user id be logged into when running the script). 18: 4099: June 29, 2020 Removing this post is 3 years old. Does anybody know of a way to unpin all apps in start menu using PowerShell? THIS IS LOADS THE DEFAULT HIVE FOR ALL USERS reg load HKLM\DEFAULT c:\users\default\ntuser. ), REST APIs, and object models. split('\')[-1] -ne 'administrator' } I'm looking for help with a script to remove user profiles that have logged into a workstation other than the local Admin and Global users. Run a powershell/batch script with that admin account to manually delete all user profiles and data except the local admin; 8 Dec 10 User Profile Cleaning Script for Windows 7 – Version 3. ps1 -DeleteUnusedDay 1 -ExcludedUsers “marry I have a 2 standalone windows 10 PC (using enterprise edition) that are not joined to a domain. C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp Lastly, you can Call a Script, from the Run Registry Key. As the New Teams Only policy rolls out, classic Teams will be automatically uninstalled some time after the new Teams installation. Hello all, We recently installed new printers and replaced the old ones. As it happens I have a lot of user profiles that dont have any data in that field at all. I think the best thing would be to remove these unused user profile. Leaving only the Administrator account active. It doesn't seem to recognize the CreationTime on the profile This script will delete user profiles based on age. This script can be used to delete user accounts that are no longer active, old user profiles that have been abandoned by the user, or profiles that are flagged as dead accounts. If you’re fixing up a friend or family member’s computer, they might not be happy to lose these You could delete all items under the userprofile temp-directory using powershell. I need to be able to delete user profiles AND the local profile folders. These users won't see the "Teams Machine-Wide Installer" in their system. but worried on the updates. In this article, I will discuss how to do this with Hi All - We recently migrated our entire firm to citrix - We now have an issue where the users default printer reverts to a local application printer (like a pdf printer) with every login. Here is the code I have found to successfully list all profiles except administrator: Get-CimInstance -ComputerName computer1,computer2 -Class Win32_UserProfile | Where-Object { $_. I have windows 10 machines with several users on it. I am looking for a script to run to remove files from each userprofile + path ex: userprofile\Appdata\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue* I tried . Delprof2: User Profile Deletion Tool • Helge Klein is a command line tool that will remove profiles from local or network systems. An admin does not have permissions by default to all user's profile folders, an admin can grant themselves permission. I need to remove both the account and the files associated with the account inside C:/Users/username. Way 1: Delete user profile registry. You have to get all files in an array first then you can use where. Using multiple profiles or accounts on your PC can be handy. The script is user friendly so all you need to supply is a computername and it will make a choice selection out of the profiles in C hi all, i’m trying to play with a powershell script i found on technet but not having much luck. Our users all have roaming profile disks so when they log out of our session hosts it sometimes leaves a folder with their username with basically nothing of importance in them. We would like to remove all printers so we can basically start over with only installing the ones that they need to use, This script delete the user profiles on local o remote computer that match the search criteria. I ran gpupdate /force on one of the PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e. #Remove all non-active and non-system designated user profiles from the local computer. LastUsedTime doesn't reflect the information you want, and how the AD information doesn't either in that it isn't machine-specific. Loaded) -and ($ _. \Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\ you'll end up with a temporary windows profile the next time a user logs in. You have a few problems, though: start will just open Explorer which would be useless. for /f %%a in ('dir /B /AD C:\Users') do ( if exist "C:\Users\%%a\Desktop\Kronos Workforce Central(R). Solution Establish a Remote PowerShell session Precautions before deleting Windows user profiles. According to that page it’s been verified to work on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and 7. ico files located in \Desktop for each user. Synopsis This So, the first part is getting a list of all the items within the local user's profile where Teams is storing all its cached files. PARAMETER UserName. bat is fine. Since it is a redirected profile you would also run into security permission issues you would need to remote into the server and take ownership of the xenfolder and all of it’s contents or just all the download folders and their contents. We would like to delete all network shared printers from users PC via batch file. g. The issue as best I see it that Windows or some other process is modifying the LastUseTime so that all profiles have the same stamp. I have a script we use on some of our Vms that will delete profiles that are a day or more old. Occasionally, a users computer may have duplicate SSIDs. Hello All I have little to no knowledge of scripting, i usually let the guys who stare into the matrix (blondes brunettes and redheads) do that, however i started with this new company, they use redirected desktops across 4 terminal servers, naturally they fill up slowly full of random trash from the users jumping between them all day to day I get a few alerts here In this article. Special) -and ( $_ . To ask your question here you didn't need to repeat your code: you could have focused on how . By using this simple PowerShell Script, you can quickly and easily remove unwanted user profiles from your system! Is there a powershell script to delete all network printers that have been installed on a pc for all users, whether they are logged in or not? We have multiple users that use 4 pc’s randomly, never know when they will log in or which pc they will log in to. Checkk your subdirectories (like Bureaublad). ico files, then prompt the user it has finished. get-childitem c:\users* -include ShopTrak*. I feel like this should be a fairly easy and painless script. I've run into issues trying to find a reliable way to determine the last time a domain user logged into a system. Most likely you'll need to RunAs Does running ‘update. 7 Spice ups. script to delete users profile Windows 10 Forums is an independent web site and has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by This PowerShell Script can solve this problem. I'm trying to create a Powershell script that removes from a Windows computer a user's profile, a user's folder in "C:\Users", and a user's registry key in As before, I created a GPO but this time navigated to Computer Configuration – Policies – Windows Settings – Scripts and double-clicked on Startup. For the current user that command is generally solved via cmdkey /delete=:X from a Then you are piping each of those individual appx packages and telling windows roe remove each one, for all users. Let’s see how this method works by following the given steps. I got this script off the 'net from Boe Prox and it works well, except it's a manual execution. I try to delete user profiles which starts like PSM- xxxx but this script run and fails stating that access is denied to delete user profiles from Appdata. That has since been fixed, but previous networks saved under users computers need to be removed. @edwin: that worked perfect now if I wanted to add another shortcut ( iwas just informed of this one) to the same script can I just add the line. /Remove-UserProfile. exe I was using a I need this script to delete all user profiles from a Windows 10 machine (lab environment at a school) except for anything with 'Admin' or 'Default' or any other specified profile. You need cd to change the working directory of your batch file (the /D is there so it also works when run from a different drive):. Read : How to d elete Credentials from Credential Manager using Command Prompt . For every key return look for an inside string value of “OutlookProfiler”. A timestamp stored in the registry has been used So what I need the script to do is: 1. JSON, CSV, XML, etc. Notes I need to be able to reset a users profile after the computer is restarted everytime. As it turns out, the command <net user 'user' /delete> does not remove the user profile in the Users folder as well. On uninstall all credentials with stored with target "X" should be removed on all users. jpg VERBOSE: we generated the path C:\Users\#088DFEBE. LocalPath. Startup scripts in Group Policy On the PowerShell Scripts tab I clicked on Show Files and copied the script to the GPO so it would replicate. You want to remove via User Accounts and here's how to do it. robnichols2 (Robbumon) Run a script on start up on Windows 10 This will search the ProfileList Registry key for the file with the . In this guide, I will show you how to use the Command Prompt to quickly empty Recycle Bin from all user accounts: Hey all, I am trying to remove a user account from the Users folder. Tested on Windows 10 21H2. Remove-UserProfile. dat ::THIS MIGHT REMOVE TIKTOK AND OTHER JUNK FROM START MENU ON NEW USER script to delete users profile in User Accounts and Family Safety. My goal here is to actually go through and fully delete all user profiles not modified in the last 30 days. 0\Outlook\Profiles\outlook] using PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e. Accept the UAC (User Account Control) prompt. You can add a redirect list to the Remove-WmiObject command (before using the script to delete old user profiles, we recommend to double-check its output using the -WhatIf parameter):; Get-WMIObject -class Win32_UserProfile | Where {(! $ _. My end goal is to delete *. Prerequisites. See below solution and remove the Whatif option if you are satisfied with the actions that will be taken; Just tried to create a shortcut to notepad with as argument an excisting txt file so when the shortcut’s being clicked notepad runs & the text file gets opened and it worked on my machine locally so have a look. AddDays(- 183 ))} | Remove-WmiObject Some things to point you in the right direction You can’t use “where” in the pipeline. Thanks. Find the profile you wish to remove and select delete. DAT files are touched every day even if a user has not logged on. with the new . ps1 -UserName "*" -InactiveDays 30. Some printers were installed via GPP, some were manually installed by the users themselves. In this case, remove the user profile called UserA. How can I prevent those apps from being installed when a user is created? Select and delete each user profile as desired. I would like to remove all folders from c:\users except c:\users\defaultuser0 and c:\users\public. I'm trying to build a powershell script that I can use to delete all or some of the user profiles on multiple pc's since they often cause the drives to go full. But it still deletes all profiles in the C:\Users folder. I want to remove all profiles except for 4 specific ones on multiple machines. ''''' ' ' This VB script removes the requested desktop shortcuts ' ' Change only the file name (test. Go to Control Panel > File Explorer Options > click on the View tab > under Advanced settings: look for hidden files and folders > choose "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" and click "OK". This is a ready-made script that you can download from GitHub. Click on Account, click on Family and other users. del /Q "C:\Users\User1 How can I clear Windows 10 local user profile (remove all new files/folders/changes) on every logout/machine startup? I prefer PowerShell script, but any other ways also could by good. When running the script, however, I get only the following result: VERBOSE: currently working with C:\Users\#088DFEBE. If you want to remove other accounts. I've been working on a script below for this, but I cannot get it to work quite right. For example: All, I’m still somewhat new to PS scripting and I’m trying to put together a script to list the profiles on a remote computer and then delete the specified profile. Any Idea how to do that? This is public located computer (public library). Go to C:\Users and then choose the user profile that you want to delete and press the delete button. But it takes a lot of time. I have AppLocker setup to restrict the store and restrict the built in apps that they cannot usebut how can I fix the apps that are already installed? I tried to create an AppLocker rule to deny all except Let’s consider a PowerShell script to clean up Temp, Downloads, and some other temporary folders in a user profile on a Windows Server RDS or a desktop computer running Windows 10/11. STEP 3: To remove all of these user profiles. njzzrbf ufnacw ixruws plgv arcz zurdao waxd xjiki dnul yqqx