Folder date modified not updating. Undoing the moved folder.

Folder date modified not updating I have exported to the file numerous times to try and get it to update but it doesn't. If you modify a file, then of course its "Date modified" field changes appropriately, but apparently the containing folder does not update its "Date modified". Undoing the moved folder. E. By default "Date" is shown in music folders instead of "Date modified". Dec 4, 2011 · ‘Date modified’ for a file does not always update to last date saved. 26. Jan 11, 2023 · Only if you modify or change the file itself. And if the folder has its date modified later than any of its subfolder or files, it will use that instead. About your problem, you have date-created and date-modified, access-date and date-taken. I need that to be updated when it copes. What is the difference, if any, between ‘Date modified’ and ‘Date last saved’? Feb 2, 2023 · When I update or add a file in a folder on the BOX web screen, the update date of the folder (not the file) is sometimes updated very late. Change Display format to Standard. g. 0002) (64-bit), the document's date in the Date modified column didn't change in my document on the computer but after syncing, I view documents online and find that the document's date in the Date modified Anybody else have this problem with date modified for any folder not updating? I have quite a lot of folders arranged by date modified, and after a while I noticed that date modified doesnt update automatically, I have to open that folder first then go back to change the date modified Anybody else have this problem, or any fix? The problem with Date Modified especially if the file is being copied by the application is that I've seen the data modified being the date that SCCM copied the file, not the original date of the file located in source. In my computer, if I move a file to another folder, it sure doesn't change the modified date. Feb 8, 2019 · I am looking for a way to update the parent folder "Modified" timestamp when child content is added or modified in a document library. Dec 30, 2022 · I’ve replaced my Date Created and Date Modified code with a copy/paste directly from the Templater documentation, so they are now currently: creation date: <% tp. May 3, 2022 · Based on your description, it seems that if the subfolder's modified date was updated, you want to the main folder's modified date will display as the sub-folder's modified time, such as , if the sub-folders'time is modified at (5/2/2022) at 5:41, the main folder will also changed to this time (5/2/2022) at 5:41, not the main folder's time before. Sep 29, 2021 · If Files in Windows Explorer are showing incorrect or wrong dates, or if the date modified is not being updated, here's what you need to do. Probably some File Explorer settings were wrongly applied automatically to this. Jan 4, 2014 · By checking the 'Date modified' of this . They’re roaming profiles. For reference sake, here's what won't work: (1) Turning off autorecovery for the file (I assumed incorrectly that the Modified date of the folder was being incremented by the hidden temp file that office creates). Feb 5, 2023 · When I open a file to read it, but do not make any changes (no typing, no saving; I simply close the file again) the "date modified" column in windows explorer is automatically updated to today's date. Of course this is a rough script as an idea of how to solve the problem, but if you have more elaborate requirements you will need to modify this script manually. one files) with correct modify dates. So what is "date modified" on a folder supposed to mean? And is there a Windows setting that controls this on a per-folder basis? Not having a "date modified" that represents the last date any file in that folder's subfolder was modified is a big nuisance. She can open her files in Microsoft programs, close them without saving, and the folder date does not change. Jun 26, 2019 · Modified date is not updating after copying files. Here’s what’s likely happening: Oct 7, 2024 · Fix Windows 11 Sort by Date Modified not working. wlmp and other binary files with extension . As your comment below indicates, this is not especially accurate, as that file can be modified by system processes, services, etc, and may not be a good indication of when the user last logged in. Mar 8, 2021 · Using Windows File Explorer to copy all files from \\SA1. Since you are moving NTFS2 into NTFS1 you are in fact modifying NTFS1 so its modified date changes. Jan 14, 2019 · Date Modified in Finder changes when Word and Excel files open I have experience that the folder changes the Date Modified when I open a word och excel file, tested a folder containing a Page and Numbers document, and opened these files, and as expected , the folder stayed in the same time setting without changing the date. update". The thing that worked for me was deleting the files, then using Git Revert to get the files back. 5) Since the modified date is seemingly unchanged (or older than the original), DreamWeaver doesn't recognize that the local and remote files are out of sync (or newer) and ignores it. TXT, PDF's immediately update time/date. Aug 31, 2023 · Unlike the NTFS file system, which updates the modified date of a folder whenever its contents change, the exFAT file system only updates the modified date of a folder when the folder itself is modified (e. Modify files. I can't believe that Microsoft has not done anything to fix this and this still happens 5 years later. This is a mind blowing glitch in the OS. There might be thousands of files inside the directory so obviously, I can't do it manually. ), modifies that file, and saves, file explorer will not update to show the updated modified date and new sort order. You manually change the folder’s modified date on the Dropbox desktop app without making edits to the folder. renaming a file Nov 27, 2018 · The "Date modified" of an object is only changed when the object is modified. Choose a Date Range: o In the dropdown, look for Custom Range. Apr 5, 2023 · I have confirmed here in our environment, that when we save any kind of Office Document (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), the time/date won't update unless your refresh or leave file explorer and go back in. I opened an A. ) I've edited the "ntfsDisableLastAccess" registry key to "0x80000000" and have tried running the command "fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 0" and rebooting but nothing seems to work. The File Explorer sort by date modified feature not working issue stems from various factors, including: Software glitches: Bugs in File Explorer or outdated Windows updates may cause software glitches. ask a new question. However, my colleague’s folders do not act this way. If the Sort by Date Modified option is not working for you on your Windows 11/10 PC, use these fixes: Set Group by to None; Reset Jan 17, 2023 · If I right click on the file, select open and then view the file with notepad (or similar) then the date modified displayed by file explorer changes to the current time. It seems like the Date modified column changed when you opened files which are uploaded to OneDrive and didn't modify it. But, the A. See folder date modified doesnt update. 1. exe file, I found it wouldn't update accordingly. Even if I add a column to the folder for "Date Accessed", it still shows Feb 26. Only happens with office documents. If you notice that the date of the May 27, 2022 · When I right click the details bar in a File Explorer window to view more metadata columns, the "date modified" column usually reflects the day a file first appeared on my system rather than the "date created" one and I've always wondered why that is or if there is some setting I have wrong, or perhaps it has to do with the way other apps and Aug 27, 2024 · In File Explorer, has anyone run into the "Date modified" column for a folder not changing when a file or subfolder is added to it? Reply I have the same question (0) Apr 26, 2022 · I need to update the modified date (and accessed date) of all files in a directory (Windows 10) and its subdirectories so that my company doesn't automatically delete them after a year of no modifications. However, altering file dates for fraudulent reasons is illegal. “date:21/03/2021” but it’s not the same functionality as originally there. You're referencing their example when moving a folder. The "Date Modified" information is always more recent than the latest modification date of any of the files and/or folders. BulkFileChanger - Modify date / time / attributes of files from GUI and command-line. Folder B's Date Modified changed correctly. My server writes a log and I need to get the file changes using a FileSystemWatcher. Mar 14, 2022 · I think that folder modified date only updated when we create, or rename folder in SharePoint library. Apr 17, 2024 · In Windows 11, 23H2 and 22H2, if a user has file explorer open to a network location, sorted by Date Modified, opens an older office file (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. Feb 18, 2024 · The Date Modified for files should never change due to moving or copying. Sep 30, 2023 · I understand how frustrating it can be when the date modified in Windows Explorer does not update after modifying and saving an Excel workbook. It seems to maintain the original modified date from the copied file. Jul 1, 2020 · Some systems faithfully preserve the "date modified" when copying or moving by giving the copy the same "date modified" value as the original but there is nothing to stop an app being designed to write out the file copy as a completely new file - containing exactly the same contents, and having the same filename, as the original but with a Oct 23, 2024 · Causes of Sort by Date Modified Not Working in Windows 11. Jan 4, 2014 · While you are correct that AutoRecover causes a Hidden temp file to be created in the folder, which, in turn, causes the Folder's Modified Date to update, simply turning off the feature in the Office application does not fix the Modified Date problem. Say I create a new folder inside one of the folders on the list it wont move to the top of the list even if I hit refresh on the explorer window, however if I go into the folder and back out it will update the date modified to the real date Oct 8, 2023 · Issue: Windows Explorer is not showing the correct date on modified files. with this version 2022 (Build 22. The problem is that it keeps the original modified timestamp in the destination folder. Perform SFC Scan and Repair Windows Image -This process will perform scan for any corrupted system files or integrity violation and will attempt to repair it along with the Windows Image. Please see screenshots. last_modified_date() not updating the date! #286. We would like to know which update was installed on the computer, to check go to Start >> Settings >> Update & Security >> Windows Update >> View upda When I sort my folders by date modified it doesnt actually reflect their true last modification date. Check to see if the date modified is correct. Mar 5, 2019 · Date Modified in Finder changes when Word and Excel files open I have experience that the folder changes the Date Modified when I open a word och excel file, tested a folder containing a Page and Numbers document, and opened these files, and as expected , the folder stayed in the same time setting without changing the date. If that is the case, change to "Date modified" by right clicking on the heading and making the change. Date Created does not mean the Date you created the content. You suggest adding a Created column with instructions. – May 30, 2019 · As per your query, when you make changes to the InDesign file, the date modified is not changed in finder/explorer. Modified date is never updated when a file is copied, the file was not changed, just its location. However, when I go into the folder, I see that none of the files in that folder is updated as Mar 21, 2021 · Thanks for your response. Apr 21, 2023 · I know, this is a very poor C# workaround for some special cases. Hope this helps! Best regards Sep 16, 2017 · Unfortunately having read this and other threads I am still experiencing an issue with Veracrypt not updating the modified date on the volume file. Independent Advisor - Community Thanks Apr 4, 2023 · Edited and resaved file. 5. I have seen some solutions requiring tweaking registry but surely there is another way to attempt to fix this? Oct 29, 2014 · I just did a simple test - if you create an empty file in the directory, it changes the folder modified date to to that time. Dec 6, 2010 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Mar 28, 2018 · It’s possible if you check the profiles that they are updating around a particular time? You don’t happen to use roaming or redirected profiles by any chance? An AV check shouldn’t change the modified date on a file, files, or folders though… The User Profiles dialog only shows the date, not the time. Sep 30, 2008 · On a FAT file system, the modified date of a folder does not change if the contents of the folder change. Therefore Date Modified will be a moving target depending on when the application install is performed. Only “Date of Creation” is the actual Time. Hi Zafa Arch, Sorry for the trouble caused by the issue. o You should see options for different ranges like Today, This week, etc. If it is changing for you, please provide details of the scenario with screenshots. If I download anything to any of the sub folders (for example a picture) the date modified doesnt change for the sub folder so when I sort by date modified it will not reflect that the folder was actually modified after adding the picture and stay in its old postition/ date modified. So, the 'modified date' will only change when you deliberately change something of course. I've tried clicking on the refesh button but this seems to update the list of files in the directory, not correct the times. This means that the contents of that folder had to be modified at least as recently as December 4, 2022, but the date modified for the folder does not Nov 15, 2011 · I encountered a case where some files appear to not be part of the repository (no overlay icon on those files) when they should have had the green checkmark overlay. Respond to this thread to let me know how the issue progresses. The "Date" column only shows the file's metadata, if you want to see the "Date modified" or "Date created" then that is actually a different column which is not visible here. May 20, 2013 · I also tried another browser and then experimented with other files - all the same result. last_modified_date("dddd Do MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss") %> That stamps the note correctly, but doesn’t update it after an edit. Apr 30, 2019 · Making Folders' Last Modified Date Correspond to Last Modified Date of It's Child Folders/Files 0 PowerShell script to move files in a new directory and rename them - how to avoid duplicate collision? May 31, 2023 · FabvE Modified date of folder in SharePoint document library will not change if new files added/edited inside the folder as mentioned by NikolasAli Modified date of folder only changes when you change the create a new folder, rename an existing folder or change any metadata associated with the folder. Step 1: Change the System Date and Time Right-click the date and time on the notification area and select “Adjust date/time” from the resulting menu. Step 2: Go to Files and click Add Sep 25, 2023 · The Excel files Date Modified changed correctly. Jun 15, 2013 · does not work for filetype EML (and perhaps others). Jun 13, 2022 · I added different types of files to my documents, I sync the document to send them to OneDrive. Imported files aren't automatically reloaded. reload(mymodule). I reindexed and it applied the latest modified date at that point in time. I put part of my files in the OneDrive folder, which is located in C:\Users\xxx\OneDrive\ 4. May 21, 2015 · If the file is associated with certain programs, the column heading will be "Date" instead of "Date modified". I rely greatly on the ACTUAL modify date - the last time it was actually modified. The problem occurs when an application is updating a file. I understand it has affected your daily work. If I manually copy and paste the file to the directory it updates the modified date to now I'd of thought x copy would do the same. exe file would still not be updated. , when a file is added or removed from the folder, or when the folder is renamed). This problem has Feb 27, 2024 · Exactly the same problem - when I work on files (mostly Excel) and close/save them, the 'Date Modified' time that appears is an old save time. I then tried to do Build/Build Solution and Rebuild Solution but the . Mar 14, 2023 · May I know if "the date column at the side of the document " is the Modified column in SharePoint that not changed accordingly after your modification? If yes, generally, Modified column are one of the default columns which SharePoint maintains internally, it gets updated by SharePoint automatically whenever there is a change in the metadata Feb 26, 2024 · 1. Oct 4, 2021 · Run a system file checker to verify the integrity of windows system files on your computer making sure that there are no corrupted files on your windows. Jul 7, 2010 · Once I get to the 3rd or 4th selected folder is looks like it auto refreshes and some of the folders modified date changes to the current date and time and therefore goes to the top of the list and is deselected. Aug 3, 2019 · To view the date modified, date created, and date last written data for all files in a folder, use the following command-line syntax: Get-ChildItem -force "D:\Test\" | Select-Object Name, CreationTime, LastWriteTime, LastAccessTime Dec 16, 2021 · The "Date Modified" information is always more recent than the latest modification date of any of the files and/or folders. Share. For example I just saved an Excel file at 9:20pm, and under 'Date Modified' it shows 3:58pm which is when I saved it the prior time. If nothing changes, check the entire Windows system files to find and fix corrupted files with the DISM and SFC commands. A file or folder's modified date represents the last time that file or folder was updated, Just moving the file from one drive to another does not change the modified date. : On 2008, "Last Modified" field on log files is not updated unless another program attempts to open the file or the utility is stopped, even if F5 is pressed to refresh Oct 2, 2014 · The modified date doesn't seem to update to the current time/day on the overwritten file. – Oct 4, 2022 · According to your description, the issue of your concern is that Teams files are not updating. Please refer this thread if you need to update folder modified date. I use this procedure to archive my emails in a folder per year and want to be able to order them by name or date modified (as those columns are present by default in Explorer). Thank you for confirming this. I just viewed this document without making any change. Mar 23, 2021 · Upon opening a file the 'modified date' remains unchanged! The 'auto save' is off for all other files you are opening. If so, drag & drop the file(s) back to their original folder. Opening a file within a folder updates the folders timestamp but not the files. This problem has Jun 27, 2024 · Method 2: Removing File Attributes Using Third-Party Tools. I understand that after recent update when you sort the files by Date Modified, the folders are listed at the bottom. 2. Closed e-alizadeh opened this issue Jul 17, 2021 · 3 comments Closed Description of NTFS date and time stamps for files and folders. Column will display the correct date time not the friendly version | repeat for all date/time column you need. Unzip the file and open the application. However moving forward, any updates to a file are not reflected in on the date shown in the search result. I can add subfolders, delete subfolders, add documents to folder, even rename the folder but the date modified date and time never change. The Modified date after the application updates the contents of the file doesn't change. Explorer was open while the file saved. exe) (DISM) Note: Respect the spaces or simply copy / paste the commands. Just wondering if changing a file in the folder doesn't do this, what causes the folders "Date modified" field to change; is it adding a whole new file only? Jul 31, 2018 · Windows is not setup to force a writing of the metadata to the file system. The folder and its sub-folders have separate entries in the disk catalog table. Displaying ‘Date last saved’ also does not update. Can you tell me how to update the . docx "modified date" has become the present !!!! 7. I have a PC with Windows 7, and I do NOT have administrative rights on it, so I can't install any custom utilities. You can change this by right-clicking on the column header and selecting “Date Modified” from the dropdown menu. Create new file in folder; Update file in folder; Delete file in folder Jun 21, 2011 · What's a batch script command to touch on a file to update its date and time to the current date and time? (Modified Date) For example, Joe Blow sends me a text document which he created months ago, Mar 21, 2016 · The file copies fine so nothing wrong with the syntax. Currently, the "Modified" metadata field stays set at essentially the "Created" date even when documents and folders are added or modified in the parent folder. This issue can occur due to various reasons, such as incorrect system settings, outdated Windows or Excel versions, or corrupted files. Modified Time did not update. Not even knowing what the date Ill try again. However, inside that same folder there is a file with a date modified of December 4, 2022. I have a folder that has many sub folders in it. The files in the folder also remain the local properties. My current bat file uses XCOPY: Mar 29, 2016 · So this post only applies to "date modified" for folders. (2) I turned off Thumbnails for my test folder as some folks had reported that it causes Modified Date to increment. Feb 8, 2023 · I currently have a folder (let's call it "A"). Aug 21, 2020 · And the “New” folder is modified by “Tingting Yu”, this is the local user profile name synced by migration tool from local to online. docx document from inside C:\Users\xxx\OneDrive\ and it was opened in Word. DAT file inside each specific user's root folder. Mar 4, 2013 · I need to update the "Date Modified" property of files and folders as they are copied from one location to the other so that "Date Modified" = Current System Time. 0522. If the date modified does not correct itself then you may have other issues with the file(s). Her folders maintain the proper “Date Modified” until a file within on of her folders has actually been modified Aug 13, 2018 · I am not sure if i miss something here but i would not expect that the “Date Modified” would change only by pasting it somewhere else. Now, however, I know some app is modifying the file, so for example, the file should show it was modified one minute ago, such as "1:17pm". Our tech support guide provides step-by-step instructions to help you troubleshoot and resolve the problem. If you move NTFS2 you are not creating a new folder so the creation date doesn't change, neither are you modifying the folder so its modified date doesn't change. Mar 8, 2021 · I bought a new computer and transfered a few files over, but the date modified was not updating after doing so. Oct 3, 2024 · 4. Jan 13, 2016 · I'm guessing you're changing an external file that you've imported. Jun 14, 2019 · How is moving a file MODIFYING IT ? It's NOT. Dec 3, 2023 · Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes/No VS Code Version: OS Version: Steps to Reproduce: Create project in VS code. It will not include changes in the subfolders or files within the folder. refresh the File Explorer by pressing F5 while in the folder. Creation works, the other 2 remain unchanged. Apr 7, 2014 · It worked, but this seems to be a bug of Windows, as I do not remember changing the columns. Sep 6, 2024 · Why would I need to change the modified date of a file? Changing the modified date can be useful for organizational purposes or to align files within a specific timeline. 6. You can explicitly reload it with importlib. If you are indeed correct that the shared folder itself is not marked as modified when some contents of it are modified, that would actually be consistent with another aspect of folders in the cloud that does not mirror what you would see on a typical computer- with shared folders if the folder itself is selected by a shared-to user who then deletes it, the folder itself is deleted but not the Apr 21, 2020 · Otherwise it can be an idee to turn of the "friendly" display of the Created/Modified column in Lists/Library settings. creation_date() %> modification date: <% tp. Mar 22, 2023 · I've run into a weird issue where I'm modifying files within a folder in Teams, but the Modified date on the folder doesn't changeeven if I delete all the files and upload fresh ones, the Modified date on the folder still doesn't change. There are no messages of any kind. Jan 26, 2024 · The behavior you're experiencing with the "Date Modified" not updating for a folder on your C drive, while it updates correctly on OneDrive and D drive, might be due to a few reasons: 1. They are not modified by today, Aug. Jul 7, 2024 · If the Date doesn't change and the File History Status does not update after the File History backup is completed in Windows 11/10, then see this post. Why doesn't a file update its modified/created date if it was copied and overwritten to ? Even I deleted the file in a folder first, then copied a new file with the same file name into the folder, the properties detail in the file still showed previous created/modified date. Also, I failed to mention that some of my folders have sub-folders, and then files in those sub-folders. Hope this helps. Sep 21, 2016 · Steps. I’m going to do it again but wait several minutes to see how long (if ever) it takes for Explorer to update without close/reopen/refresh. I checked following and it is not working. I've come across the following tasks cause the "Date Modified" to update. 111. Is it legal to change the modified date of a file? Yes, it is legal for personal use. Description FolderTimeUpdate is a simple tool for Windows that scans all files and folders under the base folder you choose, and updates the 'Modified Time' of every folder according the latest modified time of the files stored in it. windows. I went through the post carefully. Jun 28, 2010 · Because I just noticed that when I move a file with a more recent 'Date Modified' date into a folder, that folder's 'Date Modified' is updated as well. Usually, keeping your system updated and resetting folder view settings may clear On Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003, this is done by checking the modified date on the NTUSER. If I understood you correctly, if you open this file from SharePoint, the changes/edits are shown while this is not the case with the teams application. If I then view the properties of a folder within the share on SA2, all files within the folder on SA2 retain the Last Modified Date. file. Please try restarting your system and check if that helps. There is other functionality to search by date such as clicking the down arrow on the “date modified” field or as you’ve pointed out or indeed by just typing e. In OneNote 2016, look for C:\Users\ <user> \Documents\OneNote Notebooks\ <notebook>, this notebook folder should contain section files (. Dec 12, 2023 · This means that the modified date you see on OneDrive is not the actual date when you made changes to your notes, but the date when you created or moved the notebook to OneDrive. This should allow you to select a specific date range for your search. net\share to \\SA2. This happens quite often to Microsoft maker files . I then deleted the CSS file altogether - the website still looks the same and I can still see the files in the browser's console. I've tried adding the "date created" column in the folder window as well, and that date is also changing to today's date. . When you delete the file, that still counts as a modification, so it stays modified at that time. And our files and folders are housed on the same shared drive. If the Date Range Picker is Still Missing Dec 18, 2023 · To change a file or folder’s Date Modified, Date Created, or Date Accessed, simply right-click on it and then click Change Attributes on the context menu. For example, if you have D:\FAT1 and D:\FAT2, and you copy or move D:\FAT2 into D:\FAT1, the created date and modified date of D:\FAT1 remains the same. net\share, all share contents are copied from SA1 to SA2 and the Last Modified Date from SA1 is retained. The date modified on that folder says August 3, 2021. To see the correct modified date, you need to open the notebook in OneNote Online and check the page history. (Sometimes it takes more than a day) Is there any way to solve it because it does not give the correct result when I want to find the most recently updated one from the folder list? See Also. I just checked the same thing at my end and it is working fine (See screenshot). Does anyone have an explanation, answer, workaround? The folder's Date Modified only changes when an item at the first level is changed. exe file? Sep 6, 2014 · I just found a strange condition in Windows 8. Can I change the modified Sep 11, 2019 · I've added the "Date Accessed" field to windows file explorer, however, it is not updating when opening media files (pictures, videos, etc. The folder’s modified date on that computer will change to the time you set but won’t sync with other devices. Mar 2, 2010 · By default, many Office applications (like Word and Excel) require you to manually save changes before closing the document for those changes to reflect in the system's "Date Modified" column. Step to run the System File Checker tool (SFC. Jul 17, 2021 · tp. A good solution would be to update date-modified and date-created in a batch process after copying or moving a whole bunch of files. In this case, I change something in C, so not only C's date modified should change, but also A and B. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 2 votes and 4 comments While in folder view in explorer, simply drag & drop the file(s) into a higher folder. Aug 15, 2021 · The "Date Modified" information of a folder does not reflect the modification date of a file or a sub-folder inside. Sep 27, 2018 · Looks like no one’s replied in a while. Then, I closed it. But today is Feb 27 and clearly I have "accessed" it so how can I see the true last accessed date?. Folder A's Date Modified did not change. Changes within subfolders don't affect Date May 8, 2018 · If you update files inside a folder only timestamp of file will be updated not folder. This especially catches out people used to Matlab, so IPython has an autoreload extension that tries to automatically reload imported modules when they change. I think that's clear. Check the Column View: Ensure that the column in File Explorer is set to “Date Modified” and not just “Date”. For narrowing down this issue, please let us know of the following; Sep 17, 2018 · In OneNote Online, date modified is not updated on OneDrive website by design. Afterwards, the files had the green checkmark. Apr 14, 2022 · This is the first time I saw this: I have a folder on an external hard drive (not sure if that matters), and then viewing it as a "list", I can see the Date Modified showing the dates and time. To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question. Cheers Jan 23, 2015 · Some of my file "Date modified" do not get updated at times. Mar 22, 2024 · The folder’s modified date on that device will change to the time of the update, but won’t sync with other devices. Feb 26, 2011 · so I open the file to read the content again, and then open up the Properties again, and still the Accessed (date) is the same (Feb 26). Copy a File thats last Modified in 2008 to your win 10 desktop with the Result that the File was still last Modified in 2008. This seems grossly incorrect. Dec 20, 2023 · Learn how to fix the issue of a folder's date modified or date created not changing after moving it in Windows 10. The Date Modified of a folder will always change to reflect the date of the copy or any change within the main level of the folder. Access finishes exporting but the file modified date doesn't change. So, everytime my log file is updated I create a new empty file with the same name but the extention ". Jul 18, 2016 · I've done those checks and everything is up to date. Closed then reopened File Explorer, and file modified now read a minute later. Feb 25, 2021 · You can modify the file or folder creation date by adjusting the system time and then copy and save the file / folder afresh. This method triggers the folder's modification date update, but doesn't actually change the contents of the folder. Regardless what I do to a folder, the date modified field does not change. Since the date of the sub-folder is not contained inside the entry of the folder, a modification of Dec 13, 2024 · When using a date range search in File Explorer, the date shown in the Search result list is not the latest modified date on the file. In case of multiple subfolders, it'll only take the latest date to apply to the parent folder. The change of date on a child of the folder does not count as a change of the folder. Moving a Folder. From File “Date modified” property are not updating while modifying a file without closing it. For example, you could do it with a php cli script. You can see that they have different “Modified” date. If file is copied to another folder or a memory stick then the correct date modified/saved is shown on the copy. Aug 21, 2019 · Hi, Thank you for writing to Microsoft Community Forums. This property is also remained. I just created a new main 'parent' folder and transfered all the files over with cut and paste. Hi, essentially I'd like to find out what actions would cause the "Date Modified" time stamp to update. In order to simply find a folder that has recently been modified, I intend to sort my folders according to "Date Modified". core. Please correct me if I am wrong. Step 1: Download and install the Bulk File Changer software. The file date modified is updated properly but the sub-folders and higher level parent folders still show the old date without updating this information. dat. I can only get results if I actually change the file names altogether (which is really inconvenient). Changing the CONTENT of the file is modifying it. It doesn't matter if network location or local C-Drive. Note: You may need to click Show more options in the context menu if you are using Windows 11 . Jun 3, 2023 · 3. In my instance this was something that was previously working but then suddenly stopped (i'm not sure if it was related to a Windows 10 update). Jan 3, 2019 · After copying files and folders from my old laptop and working on one of the files, I found an issue with date modified information (seems to be observed by others too). If you find the answer helpful, please mark it as an answer. Sometimes, the file system on Windows can have caching or indexing issues, causing the "Date Modified" attribute not to update immediately. Go to library settings | click on Modified. Select the Date Modified Filter: o Click on Date modified from the options available. gwosl ogp pddwug ugfxhbz ttinxlhoo wmlbk uzspibrt iyz npt ephhei nqyzlq vhd vnkywv dwnkdu ndbgn