Delhi Edition

G4hup. Drilling is always faster and more satisfying anyway.

G4hup I'm asking $5750 for everything, we split shipping. com E Field Probe Active Antenna Technical Manual Document Author Dave Powis, G4HUP Date 5 Oct 2016 Feb 13, 2017 · Dave Powis, G4HUP, was a proud Yorkshireman by birth. 15-1. Rewinding Toko 10k Series Coils. Up and running on a Yaesu FT-991/A; 12/10/2017. The board Dave designed is essentially a high-impedance buffer. The PAT Board, designed by Dave G4HUP (SK), allows for the display of Received Signals on the Computer screen connected to the SDRplay Receiver. Details inside! Read On G4HUP Panoramic Adaptor Installation – IC706Mk2 These instruction cover installation of the PAT board in the 1st IF of the IC706Mk2 – 69. 2002 Last updated: 18. Page created: 03. Alongside the PI3ALK related efforts I have assembled an L-C Meter, according to a design by G4HUP. I would like to use SDRPlay2. Drilling is always faster and more satisfying anyway. net/wb4kdi/Kenwood/TS-450S/ts450fun. A simple high impedance tap circuit has been designed by Dave G4HUP and was available to buy. 705MHz– this gives access to all receiver options on the main receiver. Two designs will be explained as options for systems using a 144MHZ IF – frequency schemas for other options using 432MHz and construction and installation of the G4HUP Inductance and Capacitance Meter Model LC V2 in normal operation. io> On Behalf Of Jaime Eloy CU3AK Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2022 11:02 AM To: KenwoodTS-2000@groups. Phil Recently, I installed a G4HUP PAT on my FT-817ND. Dec 10, 2019 · Luckily that all changed recently. You need a Y cable from the Utune jacks to the SDR play. G4HUP Panoramic Adaptor Installation – FT1000MP These instruction cover installation of the PAT board in the 1st IF of the FT1000MP – 70. Jan 30, 2018 · Following the sudden sad passing of Dave G4HUP in 2018, Dave’s family agreed that the HupRF Panoramic Adapter Tap (PAT) boards and his Website was transferred to and managed by SDR-Kits going forward. Because of a very long feeder run (70m) I had installed an MGF1302 preamp at masthead, and this enabled me to hear the larger US EME stations. So, the next step was order the IF tap kit from G4HUP. I've read CN-101, CN-201 and CN-302. With nothing better to do on a Saturday night, I set forth a goal of completing the new revision of the redesigned G4HUP panadapter (what I’m now calling the W3AXL Panatap) and getting it installed in my FT-450D. So, after that experiment, I moved on to trying to perform the "RF Tap", where you tap into the RF front end of the FT-450 to provide an RF out just after the passband filters, the preamp, and attenuator, and the transmit/receive switching inside the radio. Jul 4, 2017 · As luck would have it, all the hard work was done for me by Dave Powis, G4HUP. 088GHz operations from a Direct Frequency Synthesiser (DFS) locked to a GPS source. Jan 30, 2018 · Following the sudden sad passing of Dave G4HUP in 2018, Dave’s family agreed that the HupRF Panoramic Adapter Tap (PAT) boards and his Website was transferred to and managed by SDR-Kits going fo… Aug 8, 2024 · Stuck one of those cheap Chinese Malachite clone SDR's on my ICOM IC-7100 G4HUP Panoramic tap tuned to the first IF = 124. G4HUP Panoramic Adaptor Installation – FT950 These instruction cover installation of the PAT board in the 1st IF of the FT950 – 69. It is not clear they are shipping right now, but clearly SDR Kits purchased G4HUP ’ s designs from his famil y and are keeping his website going. Page created: 16. construction and installation of all variants of the G4HUP General Purpose Distribution Amplifier Model DA1-8 in normal operation. G4HUP Panoramic Adaptor Installation – TS2000 These instruction cover installation of the PAT board in the 2 nd IF of the TS2k – 10. Whilst full kits are no longer available, all documentation can be accessed here, and I may still have PCB’s and some of the components. No perceivable signal loss into either the Yaesu or the SDRPlay whether plugged in or not. 12. Should I use 40MHz like the original? Looking in my junk box I found a G4HUP DFC30 unit which takes a 10MHz reference and provides a 30MHz output. Feb 17, 2017 · Sad news that Dave Powis, G4HUP became a silent key on 9 February. I used some short lengths of wire-wrap wire and some double-stick tape to integrate the amplifier in my radio. LCM Drill Overlay . Pretty cool but the dongle covers from 25mhz up and I wanted to use it on the lower bands. You can also use the SDRplay RSP as a second receiver in addition to the frequency displayed on the main dial of the radio. 3 GHz beacon, GB3MHS. It never caused me any noticeable problem, so I didn't worry about it. Review Summary For : G4HUP Panoramic Tap Board; Reviews: 5 MSRP: $10 Kit, $20 Assembled; Description: An entry level SMD construction project, that allows the I. Last updated: 17. g4hup. Thanks73. F. Dec 6, 2024 · G4HUP personal biography The correct G4HUP PAT board to purchase for the 1200 installation is the model PAT50M (G4HUP PAT board). 6/23/2019 TS-450 Function Programming Summary https://www. 9000D has a G4HUP PAT IF output installed, the PEP upgrade, and all firmware is current. G4HUP © 2014 PAT Install FT847 18 Sep 2016 6 The RF input to the board comes from the IF output of the RF board, at J3009. G4HUP Apr 2016 V9. 0 RIG 1st IF PAT version Install kit Notes Elecraft K1, K2 6MHz PAT6M K3 8. Jan 21, 2015 · DFS Manual Generic V2_03. We are very happy with the end result. http://hupRF. Remove bottom cover from FT450 - 4 screws on the bottom and 2 per side. This device provides a maximum usable bandwidth of 1. First I give the SSB/CW filters a little upgrade and you can read all about that here . Jan 5, 2023 · Software: SDR ConsoleHardware: ICOM IC-7100 with an RTL-SDR on its 1st IF acting as a spectrum scope Oct 24, 2017 · G4HUP recommends using a ventilation hole for mounting the jack, but this requires tearing down the radio even further and I was short on time. E. G4HUP © 2014 PAT Install FT817 26 Jan 2014 too - if you want to decode LSB in Spectravue, you must select the USB filter! This is a ‘feature’ The G4HUP board allowed me to add a high quality IF out option to my FTDX-9000. G4HUP Panoramic Adaptor Installation – FT920 Important Note: In addition to the PAT board/kit and the installation kit you will also need a short coax cable with a Taiko Denki TMP connector on it – Jul 21, 2018 · SM0JZT has installed a G4HUP buffer amplifier in his µBITx and uses an RTL-SDR dongle externally. facebook. The 9000D is Yaesu's top of the line radio. 455MHz – this gives access to all receiver options on the main receiver. Recently, I performed a similar modification to a friend's Yaesu FTDX-1200. Yaesu FT847 G4HUP hupRF IF Tap Installation Being the owner of the Yaesu FT-847 for mainly satellite work and as a backup HF rig, I decided to do a few modifications on the unit. One can purchase kits, accessories and fully assembled products. Publication date 2016-08-20 Topics amateur radio, EME conference, 2016 International EME Conference, Venice, Italy August 20-21, 2016 Collection G4HUP Panoramic Adaptor Installation – TS2000 These instruction cover installation of the PAT board in the 2 nd IF of the TS2k – 10. Revised component values to values that you can actually obtain. G4HUP Panoramic Adaptor Installation – FT920 Important Note: In addition to the PAT board/kit and the installation kit you will also need a short coax cable with a Taiko Denki TMP connector on it – G4HUP © 2015 PAT Install TS450_690S 29 Jun 2015 the upper side of the PCB – see Fig 4, below, or it could be picked up at Pin 2 of the main IF connector on the RF Feb 21, 2019 · - Tapping First IF and using the G4HUP PAT70M KitThis video goes through how to make the Panadapter internal connections for the 897D HF rig, tapping the fir Software: SDR ConsoleHardware: ICOM IC-7100 with a Nooelec NESDR SMart RTL-SDR tapped in on its 1st IF G4HUP Panoramic Adaptor Installation – FT897 These instruction cover installation of the PAT board in the 1st IF of the FT897 (68. G4HUP Panoramic Adaptor Installation – FT847 These instruction cover installation of the PAT board in the 1st IF of the FT847 – 45. Dave Powis – G4HUP / ND8P Introduction This paper will explore the options for deriving the fundamental oscillator frequency for 47. Dave was a well-respected tutor and mentor and a very active member of several radio clubs, mentoring many candidates to gaining their amateur radio licences. I connected the Clifton Labs buffer to CN201 but had to add a jumper on the bottom of the board, which you may not want to do. Since our last update, in addition to offering the above, KD2C has added new items that have been most requested by customers: This is the method I used to get my SDR Play to work as a pan adapter on my FTDX-1200. G4HUP © 2014 The filter shown at the output of the amplifier is a broad low pass filter to give some bound to the overall pass band of the PAT. Jul 2, 2018 · For people with older transceivers, wanting to enjoy the full benefits of an SDR as a Panadapter, the G4HUP boards are an ideal choice. Apparently, +RxB can only be accessed on the front side of the main PCB at The PAT (Panoramic Adapter Tap) Panadapter Hi-z tap board circuit was designed by the late Dave Powis, G4HUP/SK. He had designed a compact, high-impedance IF tap for direct connection to any SDR. This circuit, which was presented as an entry level SMD construction project at the 2013 RSGB Convention, allows the IF of a rig to be tappe… We have a small number of Active Antennas in stock, , supplied by Dave G4HUP to SDR-Kits when he was still alive. A New Project for the Autumn! E-Field Probe Active Antenna and Bias Tee ****Winner of the ‘Construction’ Category RSGB Construction Competition 2016 !**** Customer Testimonial … Jun 21, 2024 · To build the largest and most complete Amateur Radio community site on the Internet - a "portal" that hams think of as the first place to go for information, to exchange ideas, and be part of what’s happening with ham radio on the Internet. 10. This is an alternative to the approach used by KD8CEC to add an RTL-SDR that gives much wider bandwidth (i. We expect these Kits to become available by Mid May 2018 ed PCB. 695MHz – this gives access to all receiver options on the main receiver, including 23cms for TS2k X versions. com Tel +44 (0) 1473 737717 sales@hupRF. Whilst there he developed an interest in amateur radio and gained his Class B licence with the callsign G8BPJ. Make sure that your printer is set to 100%, and that ‘shrink to fit’ is turned OFF before printing this file! Dave Powis, G4HUP Abstract At the 42nd Weinheim Convention a paper was presented describing the plans for new 2. If anyone has any ideas I would love to know. SDR New!! SDRPlay Integration. Yaesu FT-450D with hupRF PanAdapter (G4HUP) installed. I highly recommend ordering the assembled version, and also an installation kit from Dave, G4HUP. Software: SDR ConsoleHardware: ICOM IC-7100 with an RTL-SDR on its 1st IF acting as a spectrum scope Aug 8, 2008 · g4hup Direct Frequency Synthesis for 47GHz transceivers A presentation at 13th International E. Added the G4HUP PAT board to my Yaesu FT DX-1200. G4HUP (SK) suggested I use a fine wire rather than the coax, but I never opened the radio back up to swap it. History (G4HUP/W3AXL) Updated G4HUP / W3AXL panadapter tap Simple revision to the G4HUP high-impedance IF tap with specific components and updated filters. G4HUP Panoramic Adaptor Installation – IC706Mk2 These instruction cover installation of the PAT board in the 1st IF of the IC706Mk2 – 69. Small USB stations in HDSDR with AirSpy mini. Jul 21, 2018 · SM0JZT has installed a G4HUP buffer amplifier in his µBITx and uses an RTL-SDR dongle externally. Very unfortunately, it is my understanding that Dave has passed away. Other useful information would include your experience with similar products, infomation on a product that you would purchase instead of this one, and so on. Product is not in production The PAT (Panoramic Adapter Tap) Panadapter Hi-z tap board circuit was designed by the late Dave Powis, G4HUP/SK. com is a website for amateur radio enthusiasts to look up callsigns, access solar-terrestrial data, and read the latest news and articles about ham radio. Discussion on the panadapter feature of Yaesu FTDX10. of a transceiver to be tapped at a high impedance, and brought out to an external SDR receiver, to provide a panoramic display. Dave Powis DL4MUP/G4HUP Abstract With the availability of surplus RF power amplifiers from 1. Included is all original accessories and manuals, the original triple boxes for the radio, and the original double boxes for the speaker. The SDRPlay is now supported when used as a panadapter for the K4, K3, K3S, KX3 and KX2. io <KenwoodTS-2000@groups. Details inside! Read On QRZ. The code is designed to give two outputs from the chip - one is a positive logic keying waveform, the other negative logic – ie antiphase keying outputs. I managed to put 12v+ into the mic port of my FT-450d, and haven't gotten around to repairing it. This is a small board which allows one to tap the IF of a conventional radio receiver to use an SDR as a panadapter (essentially, a waterfall display which shows a chunk of spectrum about the frequency tuned on the receiver). DL4MUP 23cm Initials. Installing a panoramic adapter for the IF of a YAESU FT-897D - PAT70 of G4HUPhttps://www. pdf - G4HUP Home Page EN English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian český русский български العربية Unknown Aug 12, 2010 · A DFS Based 23cm Down Converter by G4HUP A presentation at 2010 International EME Conference, Dallas, Texas, August 12-14, 2010 Well there’s the G4HUP board which is a buffer amp, but personally I just brought out a connection after the filters and PTT switching to an SMA on the back. Aug 25, 2014 · G4HUP in his lecture described the measurement of his 2,4 m dish surface's accuracy with septum feed (RWST). md to add quantity of parts needed. The board has to be connected to the FT-817 PCB at two points: the +RxB line and a suitable point to tap the IF off. . com Feb 15, 2018 · For those Radio Amateur users who have older transceivers, KD2C has reminded us that he is now able to support customers worldwide with Panadapter IF Tap Boards based on the designs of the late Dave Powis, G4HUP. 3-2. 08. 7m solid dishes to G4HUP QTH - July 2002: Septum Plate Circular Polarised Feed. It is a little more complex and compact than the PAT board, but nevertheless it is well wi… All Thanks to Dave G4HUP and a couple others noted on the PDF for Getting this to work properly as Daves tap point wasn’t the best before his passing I couldn’t get it to work correctly but input from an expert and was able to successfully get the project finished and working great since. Panoramic Adapter Tap Boards . It's small enough to fit into almost any rig. 489MHzMakes a neat little bandscope Nov 30, 2003 · parts for RWST feed: marking out the side joints of the casing: Rx port and monopole mounted: first assembly stage - rear plate mounted: second assembly stage - laying the septum plate and packing pieces on lower half casing INSTRUCTIONS FROM KU0D AUG 2017 PAT Install FT991 AUG2017 Modified hupRF Panoramic Adaptor Installation – FT991 These Instructions were derived from Dave G4HUP(SK) and with the extensive help from JIM G4HUP Panoramic Adaptor Installation – FT450 with thanks to Federico, IW2MVI 1. The circuit is designed to provide a convenient method of adding a “RX Output” and/or “IF Output” to your existing rig by tapping off the RF or IF of your receiver or transceiver so that it can be displayed panoramically via G4HUP Panoramic Adaptor Installation – FT897 These instruction cover installation of the PAT board in the 1st IF of the FT897 (68. Jul 4, 2017 · Luckily that all changed recently. The more current you can get flowing in … Oct 18, 2002 · transporting 3m and 3. These instructions could be used, with suitable modification, to correctly terminate any of the PTFE coax cables, such as RG142, RG178, RG188, RG196, RG316, etc. Nov 26, 2020 · Having worked out how to inject the external reference the next question was what frequency to inject. html 1/2 TS-450 Function Programming Summary Function Keys Description Internal view of G4HUP's PAT85M High-Impedance Buffer for my IF. 0115MHz – this gives access to all receiver options on the main receiver. The G4HUP board looks similar. Apr 26, 2018 · Enter a great little board by G4HUP (who is sadly an SK at the time of writing…). 45MHz– this gives access to all receiver options on the main receiver. The G4HUP PAT board is working extremely well, and am pleased with the addition of an IF out connector for the FTDX-9000. In the previous post I described the installation of the hardware. 8MHz allowing a complete view of a given amateur band and supports auto-downsampling maintaining resolution as you zoom in. 4Ghz and 2. I tried retuning the output filter to 40MHz but the multiplier was very ineficent at times 4. M. com/pg/EA1RX/ Nov 3, 2009 · I bought one from NooElec and got it working with the HDSDR software. We both are using G4HUP PAT boards, and a RTL SDR Dongle to implement a computer driven pan-adapter with great success. The G4HUP website describes the PAT as a “small circuit board which can provide a high impedance tap of the IF of your rig, so that you can connect an external SDR to improve your operating experience. This document is relevant for units constructed on Issue V2_c PCB’s. This plugs directly into a computer USB port, and has an SMA for RF Input. 06 Here you will find the links to information and documentation about G4HUP products that are no longer available. 3. qsl. the bandwidth is not limited by the 45MHz filter). 8Ghz - Nuova Elettronica HAMKIT TM-V7A DISPLAY MOD & FIX Aug 14, 2018 · Dave G4HUP (SK) designed a little board called HUP-RF with a high-z JFET input and a emitter follower to drive the RF output to the SDR. 12/10/2017. This paper describes the design, construction and installation of the 2. I bought a low-cost NooElec NESDR Smart V4 device (Christmas Day 2020, for C$44). 33MHz), and also for installation to serve a second independent receiver function. Please be aware that these popular PAT boards are now officially being produced by our channel partner SDR-Kits – In the picture below you can see how well the SDR-Kits manufacturing flow matches the Check out the PAT Gallery pages from the side bar menu. Ready built units are supplied complete and tested, with a full test report. Build and test the PAT kit – use a 12v supply and you should measure a gain of about +1dB at 70MHz, for the PAT70, or +3dB for the PATV. 9GHz Personal Communication Systems (PCS) capable of producing in excess of 40W per module at 2. Introduction This kit provides you with a simple but effective means of measuring the current in antenna wires, and of looking for braid currents on coax feeders. Like the PAT board, the Latching Relay Driver has been introduced as an introductory SMD assembly project. G4HUP Panoramic Adaptor Installation – FT897 These instruction cover installation of the PAT board in the 1st IF of the FT897 (68. 3 and 24 GHz beacons at Martlesham, in the UK. It’s always worth asking! LC Meter Kit Manual. TS-850 rear panel showing labelled IF-Out for SDR The Second Step - Hardware. Dave KD2C now makes and sells an improved version called PAT (PanAdapter Tap) for various IF frequencies. Conference Florence, Italy, August 8-10, 2008 Addeddate 2023-10-03 00:11:20 The correct G4HUP PAT board to purchase for the 1200 installation is the model PAT50M (G4HUP PAT board). I purchased the kit with the board, coax for the input, coax with an SMA panel jack for the output, and set to 6. This proved to be both easier and more difficult than I thought. eHam. Note the Kapton tape! The FT-991a bottom cover has a conductive sponge that presses down on the can where I double-sided-taped the G4HUP buffer/amplifier. e. G4HUP provides photographs of these points, but I found them slightly confusing, so it is handy to have the service manual around to locate these points. This is after the 45MHz IF filter and one G4HUP Panoramic Tap Board ZZRX-40 40 meter Receiver from 4-State QRP Group HAMKITT ( TS-2000 DISPLAY BLUE LIGHT MOD ) \"WSPR without tears\" rPi kit by ND8I W7RY Amplifier QSK control board K9AY loop antenna kit CRKits KN-Q7A SSB Transceiver Kit DDS 1. This is the method I used to get my SDR Play to work as a pan adapter on my FTDX-1200. G4HUP Panoramic Adaptor Installation – FT920. 2002 G4HUP EME on 2m Having assembled a station with good Auroral and MS operation capabilities at my new location in the early 1990's, I started to listen for signals on setting and rising moons. Below is a video of very shortly after I got the radio put back together. Jim – K6JM From: KenwoodTS-2000@groups. 2003. pdf - G4HUP Home Page EN English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian český русский български العربية Unknown Jan 27, 2017 · I have a G4HUP tap board and I've read many articles on the installation. Using the two Utune jacks to feed the SDR Play. Click here for G4HUP and DL4MUP EME history. If someone is not accustomed to working with small surface mount components. Up and running on a Yaesu FT-991A; 12/10/2017. Panoramic Adapter Tap (PAT70M) Board for 70 MHz IF Transceivers FT857, FT897, FT1000, IC703, IC706, IC756, IC7410 etc construction and installation of all variants of the G4HUP General Purpose Distribution Amplifier Model DA1-4 in normal operation. net provides recognition and enjoyment to the people who use, contribute, and build the site. 7MHz PAT12M Gen Socket FT 450 70MHz PAT70M Gen Socket FT 736 15MHz PAT15M Gen Socket FT 757 45MHz PAT50M FT 817 70MHz PAT817B/PAT70K Gen Socket +5v RxB The purpose of this design is to generate a repetitive CW message, eg ‘test de DL/G4HUP’ followed by a period of continuous tone. 2. There are two ways it can be installed, either as an IF tap, or an RF tap. G4HUP Panoramic Adaptor Installation – TS850 Important Note: In carrying out this modification to your TS850 you will remove and cut one of the existing Taiko Denki TMP terminated jumpers. I am still experimenting with various software pan adapter programs, most recently as shown in the top photo, HDSDR+Ham Radio Deluxe+Yaesu DMU all working together. If I used it as a IF based pan adaptor for my FTDX-1200 then I could. The next two connections were 9VDC and IF-input to the G4HUP board. I know I can play with the different tap points but I'd rather do the least possible with the radio. So it avoids loading down the RX section, while making sure it has adequate power to drive the input of the RSP1. 215MHz PA K3 Separate product Yaesu FT221/225 10. Then I have it straight into an SDRPlay RSP1. 3Ghz, producing high RF power output levels for EME operation is simplified. 7 dB gain. The area that confuses me is the tap point. Revised parts. Describe your experience with the G4HUP Distribution Amp DA1-4HL and tell us why you give it the rating you did (required). The first step is a buffer amplifier for the IF -- I purchased mine from G4HUP-- mine shipped from the US fully assembled and together with his excellent rig-specific documentation I was able to easily integrate it with my FT847. Jul 4, 2011 · That was pretty sad looking compared to my Softrock in 192khz, look at the whole band goodness. Aug 8, 2020 · Once that was in place, I put the PCBA back into place for the other connection points. Aug 25, 2016 · I installed the HupRF PAT IF tap by G4HUP on my Yaesu FT-450D a few nights ago. Nov 3, 2009 · I bought one from NooElec and got it working with the HDSDR software. In 1965 he joined the GPO as a Youth in Training at Colchester, Essex. io Subject: Re: [KenwoodTS-2000 Good evening all, I recently installed one of the G4HUP PAT70 boards (adds a panoramic adapter output) in my Yaesu FT450D. Dave based his measurements on the assumption that the right surface illumination vary on some dish's points because of usage of the circular polarization. Nov 30, 2003 · parts for RWST feed: marking out the side joints of the casing: Rx port and monopole mounted: first assembly stage - rear plate mounted: second assembly stage - laying the septum plate and packing pieces on lower half casing G4HUP 2m Initials. Dave has had this meter in his range for a good number of years. 12/14/2017. Aug 20, 2016 · Dave Powis G4HUP. The Panoramic Adapter Tap Board (PAT Board) is a Printed Circuit Board which connects the IF signal from a Radio Receiver or Transceiver to the Antenna Input of the SDRplay RSP1A, RSPdx or RSPduo (and discontinued RSP2 and RSP2pro models) Software Defined Radio (SDR) Receiver, or another type of SDR Receiver covering the IF Frequency in question. The circuit is designed to provide a convenient method of adding a “RX Output” and/or “IF Output” to your existing rig by tapping off the RF or IF of your receiver or transceiver so that it can be displayed panoramically via an SDR. I have taken a part of the design and with modification, produced my own printed circuit board, tested and fitted to my own FT-450D. Unfortunately, with the passing of Dave came the end to all shipments of the PAT board, leaving me high and dry in the search for a cheap way to add a panadapter. mfzi kktomvs zfrng cdluy hlufh tpokg bucjek zzh otgdy fhpfufn juebyt mwlf hwvjin qycna zvfke