I get frustrated with my baby at night reddit. Not even gonna start on that.

I get frustrated with my baby at night reddit I’m so glad about my decision to get my mum to help. It means this parenting shit is hard. My mother comes over for ~5 hours/day so we can try to focus on work, but with breastfeeding it's really difficult for my wife to get her work done. Some of the things you're saying about your husband are similar to how i felt/feel and, unfortunately, i am also guilty of saying things to my baby in the middle of the night when he won't sleep that i deeply regret. He hated being a baby, he gets so frustrated when he can't do stuff, he hated not being able to crawl, or walk, or climb. I feel like nursing him helps him so much. There’s no denying that breastmilk is by and large better for baby (sans some GI issues that a small amount of babies have) but fed is best. I’m 4 weeks PP and the newborn phase has been kicking my butt. She was super sleepy and I thought perfect I can hopefully get an hour or so in. From the early stages of pregnancy to when your teenagers are finally ready to leave the nest (even if they don't want to) we're here to help you through this crazy thing called parenting. My little girl went from waking 1-2 times a night to 3-4 times for about 5 weeks. We got my son to sleep through the night at like 3 months using the schedules suggested by them though. Feb 3, 2024 · Now if I find myself starting to get frustrated with my November baby, I’ve randomly started using the mantra “my baby is not the enemy. Babies feed off of our energy. So, I am a single mom of a 2 year old boy whom I love very deeply, I take care of him off and on because I split time with his father. We have 4 boys and 4 girls. IMO, sleep training is more for the parents than the baby. Maybe you can enlist family help to make it clear you aren’t just housing him. I think between 3-4 months my baby got a lot quieter. Big change that she will feel the same at times. Still, no matter how much I reminded myself of that, those first few months are HARD. I've had to do this many times. LO is 13 months and has recently (like past month or so) begun waking at least one time during the night, requiring one of us to help him get back to sleep. When I opened up about this to my husband he told me that he felt the same and that it is okay. That would allow me to get 3-4 straight hours of sleep. 5 months and months 3-7. Straw cups! We started using the honey bear straw when my kiddo was 6mo and they’d mastered it within a couple weeks. I’ve even shed a few tears myself a couple of times. Knowing how I struggled with her when she was a puppy, and seeing how great she is now, is definitely an inspiration to power through. It is okay to feel frustrated and to get angry. I am struggling to get my post partum anxiety in check for a couple years now. God. What actually worked with me was diving into the idea that I could not handle my baby's negative emotions, added to the fact that I never wanted my baby to see me unhappy with her. It will get easier. Would you consider pumping or giving formula at night, so he could do it and then alternating nights when you sleep with the baby? Also, do swap outs with your wife. I reread your post and realized you don't mention night sleep. When you feel comfortable, then both of you can leave together. Eventually they outgrow it. She is 1, she does not need to be fed at night. It's hard. My baby is only 9 weeks so just over 2 months. This is totally normal. 30 now. Let me start this by saying together my husband and I have a lot of kids. I feel like we are both better rested instead of us both being sleep deprived during the day. Do shifts with your partner. I don't want to be around that, and I don't want my kid to be, even if he doesn't "understand" yet. There’s always repair. My first kid I was your husband, baby slept through the night one night then woke up the next. My poor husband stuck it out for two months of grueling bedtimes; we tried everything - me leaving the house, my husband keeping a piece of my clothing on Obviously we were all kids around others at some point! Nobody is debating that. I also baby wear a lot. YOU are your baby's mother. Stress caused by an overwhelming sense of responsibility can leave you cranky and short-tempered. Some nights the baby will sleep 2-2. Also make sure you and your wife don't take frustration out on each other( or the baby). I totally get it - I’ve sworn at my baby, screamed into pillows, bounced him a little When my baby was that age we couldn’t get him down till 10ish, and we eventually started moving that back 30 mins at a time, maybe when he was 4 months. I’m taking medication which helps my lows up to normal. I don’t think it’s anything I am eating. This your baby too. Your wife being with baby all day doesn’t mean she gets to make unilateral decisions. He got his days and nights straight early, slept through the night by 3 months when I went back to work, is super happy and outgoing, can play alone happily and quietly, is content in a high chair at a restaurant, in the carriage at the grocery store, hits milestones, loves to laugh and lately, sleeps like Posted by u/andrelope - 5 votes and 35 comments It is 100% ok to set your baby down in their crib/bassinet and walk away to catch your breath. There’s only so much exhaustion and frustration we can handle before it affects our tone. 5 hours, maybe 3. When I was so frustrated last night, I looked down and her big sweet eyes were looking up at me, before she lied down and put her head on my foot. The TL;DR: triple fed 10 weeks baby has what I have deemed “milk aggression “ with my slow let down UNLESS my boobs are literally engorged. It was wild. He did this to himself. Oct 15, 2022 · I can get so frustrated with my baby especially at night when I’m trying to get her to sleep and she is either wide awake or fussing because she is tired or wants to comfort nurse but can’t because I have too much milk and she’s not actually hungry, or when I do get 1 day ago · My baby is 7. Also, see if family/friends can come over to give you guys a break, maybe let you get a few hours of sleep. My OB told me that none of those tricks to induce labor actually work. In fact, you did exactly what the experts advise (when you feel yourself get overwhelmed, place baby in a safe space and walk away to collect yourself). There's some other ones she made me follow, well-rested wee ones, I think and one for introducing solid foods Apr 22, 2022 · Reason 1: Stress. My daughter is 7. It's to convey a need, not an emotion. My husband struggles with this now with our third baby, but she is not even 3 months old yet. Sometimes it takes almost 2 hours to feed and put him back down. And parenting is HARD, especially at night. Sleep deprivation has a toll, and both you and your baby are experiencing it. This is hard for everyone. This is nothing to be ashamed of, but I understand your frustration. This disrupted both of us the least. 30am). For us it was watching those crappy Baby Einstein videos on YouTube. She failed sleep training three times (even CIO), and has not responded to slowly cutting back on milk or replacing it with water or a I tried the no cry sleep solution first but drowsy and awake wasn't something that ever worked for my baby, sadly. Be kind to yourself. 💯 I never yelled at my baby because babies don’t have any idea what yelling means, and they’re helplessness and innocence overshadowed any amount of overwhelm I may have felt. It took her time to get used to it too! She also sometimes has her head face down but she moves if she can’t breathe. Change isn’t usually easy, even for us adults. Take your baby outside by 9 AM every day so the sunlight can get into her eyes and set her circadian rhythm. I always apologize, cuddle, say it was wrong and explain my feelings. My doctor tried a membrane sweep to get me into active labor…. No, you should absolutely NOT be the only one dealing with the baby at night. He also sleeps with his mouth open and it just sounds like he can’t clear his Thank you for putting this all into words. You'll get the hang of it. He nurses to sleep and I don’t think his nose is stuffy as he breathes while I’m nursing him. Also the baby has been changing quickly from a fragile wrinkly screaming potato to a fatty screaming potato that seems more robust. (2 of the girls are mine and husbands together and 3 of the boys are his before I met him) kids are 15M, 13F, 12M, 11M, 9F, 7M, 4F, 1F I'm super frustrated with vacation time and anytime we have his boys at our home. It happens, and it doesn't mean you're not bonding. Ground rules lmfao. (sorry u/alliswell1992 for hijacking your post, but all these high needs baby comments are so interesting to me). But the next day I had to be up and about, keeping this new human alive. At age 2, my son is finally more independent - sometimes when I'm chasing after him I almost miss the days that he was physically attached to me every moment of the day. My husband and I take every other night shifts and pass the baton around 7:30am. Take your minutes while you can still get them! My baby is just like this. He tries to calm him but if it gets close to a couple minutes of my baby crying I just can’t let him! There’s a maternal need to take him away and give him what he wants because I just feel like biologically I know. The alternative is to stay in bed and listen to him complain and b****. He chokes and struggles every time we put him down in his bassinet at night. But the "I want a night nanny so I can sleep, but I don't want her to sleep, but I also want to watch the monitor to make sure she doesn't fall asleep with my baby because she better not be exhausted from not getting any sleep, and I'm perfectly good with not getting any sleep to make sure she doesn't get any sleep so this whole arrangement is It’s sleep regression, it is normal, you just have to soldier on and hang in there. For me, that’s how my frustration comes out. 5 months, feeds 4 times a day, and eats anywhere between 28-32oz a day. Like ya, sure, there are that many moms out there with 2 month olds sleeping through the night and are waking up at 6am to do their hair and makeup, cooking and eating 3 meals a day and pumping 7 litres of breast milk. 5 months) is super easy. Well when you are both working there is other ways to make it work. I went through this for a week before I was induced (my contractions stalled and I was over 5cm dilated, fully effaced with no active labor by hospital standards 🙄). 5 months now and is getting back to 1-2 wakings. No matter how frustrated I am the horse/baby is more frustrated, has no control over the situation and is dependent upon me. 32 votes, 34 comments. When I get upset with my son, I tell him mommy needs a time out. Do you all go out with your baby at around their bedtime? So my LO is currently 6 months old and is getting the hang of the three nap schedule. No luck. 5 month old sleeps through the night since 2. Yes! I get this so bad! When my first son was a few months old, I came down with a stomach bug and spent all night in the bathroom, vomiting and diarrhea, not nice. Plus, I pump 4-6 ounces except between 5 and 10 pm when it’s maybe 1. A baby can only scream to communicate. I also didn’t want to have to get an epidural and I was frustrated that my body didn’t go into labor, but I found keeping an open mind regarding labor worked I also do my PT exercises on the floor while my baby does tummy time and talk to him about it so he can see that adults work out and get frustrated with it too XD I found that it's easy to stop the crying if it's something that has to do with baby's physical wellbeing, and harder if it's got to do with him being frustrated with being a baby who Posted by u/BrazilianTinaFey - 2 votes and 11 comments I feel he doesn’t understand how difficult it is to have to be there 24/7 for a baby, I exclusively breastfeed, he has two children already so when they’re here I’m left on my own with our baby, he has the luxury of just saying things like “Tomorrow I’m going to do X Y and Z”, to not have to get up in the night because he ‘can’t My idea is if you're feeding using a bottle the baby is taking way too much air which maybe your cause for excessive gas. I’m not a yeller, I’ve never once raised my voice to my husband, I never felt the need to yell at my baby. I hope your night tonight is going a little better and that you were able to process what happened. Even if I need a minute to do so, I can get my feelings under control. Get a couple hours to you and your partner. I found when she was younger if she was gassy she would be louder. Your wife has the right idea: rock her for however long as it takes. 3. Switching to a weighted straw cup was harder since sucking out of that straw is less free flowing because it is spill proof. The windows block the lumens. It works. We’re definitely sleeping better now. At this age they have a hard time digesting and passing gas on their own. It's a short phase where they are like this, then they turn into your own little buddy to hang out with. Pretend that day is today. It could just be that your baby is in the middle of the fantastic fun time that is the 4 month growth spurt/sleep regression. It took a lot of therapy, self-help books, meditation, and journaling to get to this point. . My baby is now 6 months and Its getting better :-) I get up and do the night feed and then wake up my husband and he puts baby back to sleep, so I can go right back to sleep after the feed and not have to also put baby down. If the crying intensity varies, that’s a good sign your baby is calming himself down. Look into the sleep lady shuffle together and offer to commit to doing at least half of the work to implement it. I sought help, maybe your husband needs to as well. I know. Talk to your wife about it too and let her know that when you’re getting frustrated, you’re going to put baby down in a safe place and take a minute to calm down. I take care of the baby now. Today was scrambled eggs, peanut butter lightly spread on toast, banana (which is probably one of the only things that kinda made it in his mouth), steamed carrots, shredded chicken, a mini muffin, and meatballs. I think at this age I put my baby on a 4 nap schedule (8, 11, 1, 4, bedtime at 7?). ETA: monitor is on all night on my nightstand. When you get frustrated put baby down in a safe place and take a break. I hope things get better. He drinks my breastmilk all day from a bottle. When I breastfeed on demand without pumping, she wouldn’t get enough to eat during a feeding, would nurse continuously throughout the day and get very frustrated. I am usually able to get another 2-4 hours of sleep. He usually wakes up at 7am-ish and is down for the night by 6pm-7:30pm (with 1-2 wakings for food at night). I live very far out of town so a lot of times I don’t get my son and I home until late and we don’t get to bed until 10. You could get a baby that sleeps a four hour stretch right away or you can get a baby that neeeever sleeps. Keep trying new interactive things with the baby, something will stick and calm them down. Just a harsher-than-intended tone because you were drained (literally!). Our 3. They will not die from crying for a few minutes while you get your strength back. Setting up a floor bed and bed sharing has saved my life and sanity. You could try a meditation app to help quiet your brain and get to sleep? My condolences. It’s on my side because my husband sleeps like the dead and will not wake up from the monitor noise. Baby is a sleepy newborn initially, then starts to develop their senses and individuality! My conclusion is the type of baby you’re gonna have here is mostly going to just be dependent on their individual personality. It sounds like her days and nights are flipped. It involves re-setting the baby's body clock basically, by getting to her as soon as she comes into a light sleep, and soothing her back any way that works. One thing that helps tremendously: get as much sleep as you can. true. If I called my daughters a name like that I would have been kicked out of the house on the spot. 5cm 😂 hang in there, do what you can to relax, and advocate for Hello there! First of all thank you for sympathizing; it makes me feel less guilty about my frustration. You'll get frustrated if it doesn't work. Both my babies learned how to do back to tummy first and of course got so frustrated that they couldn’t get back. I am getting extremely frustrated during my shifts. Best of luck. But I’ve yelled at my toddler. I wake up and breastfeed first thing in the morning then hand baby off. I'll come back and check on you in 15 minutes and we'll see if you are done letting your feelings out. My partners alarm for example, or even the baby if we have an agreement that he will do the first feeding. Posted by u/sleepyyelephant - 3 votes and 2 comments He does get frustrated like that sometimes but most of the food we offer is pretty soft. Leave the house. I sometimes get so angry I want to hit my kids (but do not). Wants to be close all the time. I just don’t understand, it is just so frustrating at night to have to change his clothes several times. Nothing would settle her but boob, and she was properly hungry. It’s super common actually. Even then he only took 30-45 minute naps but they were predictable times at least. 5 months now and only just started rolling from stomach to back but she’s been sleeping on her tummy for months now. We're currently in the four month regression which is hard but nothing like those early days. Please do not undermine her by feeding baby a bottle. I’ve been super frustrated since we’re at 7 weeks and our baby won’t sleep longer than 2 hour stretches IF that. When I do the combo feeding with a pumped bottle added in, I also get the “happiest little clam baby” (🥹) who will sleep 10 hours at night. I'm not blaming anyone. I get frustrated with my baby. But importantly, that’s all it affected: your tone. He sleeps just fine in my arms but doesn’t want to be put down. It really is. With my first she probably figured it out a few weeks later, but with my second he learned how to do back to belly around 5 months and actually just figured out belly to back consistently at 6. badly. You might want to check out r/velcrobabies, if only to give you the reassurance that you are definitely not alone. Worked like a gem. We bedshare/ contact nap (unless it’s in the stroller). 14 votes, 21 comments. He threw up once that morning, and spent the rest of the day in bed. In fact I’ll see your bedtime bottle and raise you 1-2 bottles given overnight. I sincerely feel everything in your post and I commiserate with you. I yelled so badly at my kids yesterday. My husband is at work all day. Remembering that has helped me when I start to get frustrated with all the crying. I'd Windi her at night before bed and I'd see her instantly feel better. I was breastfeeding so many times if my husband got up with the baby he would just bring it to me and I would just latch on and snuggle into a position where the baby was safe but I could sleep. “I’ve done overnights in the past!” Yeah, in your early 20s… I’m damn near mid 30…. Of course I’m going to get frustrated with the kids sometimes, they are kids. Not even gonna start on that. No cruel words, no violence. Because I don't do well staying up and he is an imsomniac who doesn't do well being woken up. Posted by u/kdizzledeeee - 27 votes and 3 comments Posted by u/townloony - 7 votes and 4 comments Your room and your bed are a place where you can let your feelings out all you want! We will take you up there so that you can get your feelings out!" (and then drag her crying and whining up there). And back and forth. He said that i don't trust him and indeed, you don't talk shit and raise your voice to an 3 week old baby. ” I don’t know how it popped in my head one day, but it does work to calm me down. The baby just needed about 2 minutes of cuddles before falling asleep. I suffer from PPD, and it wasn't diagnosed until my baby was 6mo. Posted by u/marcal213 - 2 votes and 10 comments Related/unrelated but I was just telling my husband about how much I hate the "day in the life with a 2 month old" tik toks. Hello, please excuse any errors as I’m on mobile! I’m a FTM to my EBF 17 day old baby. My husband had to talk to me and tell me he needs time to work out how he can settle her and she needs to get used to him, but if he needs me he will come and get me. You are doing amazing. My daughter is a low sleep needs baby and once I started extending her wake windows to 5-6 hours, she started sleeping much better at night. Grin and bear it. What worked for us is he would take the baby from about 9/10pm) to about 3-4am, (he would get home at about 7pm) that would give me a chance to get some solid sleep and then he would wake me, go to bed and I would do the morning shift. Yes, this time is VERY hard on new Posted by u/Fremont22 - 115 votes and 76 comments We EBF and also followed the 12x12 book since 2 months. For example, our system before baby slept through the night was my husband deals with baby for bed time and any wake ups before 3am, and then I am on call after. I try SO HARD. Babies are pretty resilient so unless you really shook him so he’s probably ok (get him checked if you’re worried though) - however this is a good moment for reflection to think about what you must do differently next time you’re feeling frustrated. I'm like your husband in the sense that if I know a sound doesn't concern me - it won't wake me. So be kind My baby is not fussy, he is perfect and I have never been frustrated with him. I read something a few months ago that helped me - essentially, if you find yourself at the end of your rope, imagine you’re 80 years old and you get to come back and spend one more day with your child as a baby. My. We probably pick him up and rock him for a total of 10-15 times every single night over 3-4 total hours. You don’t sleep, your always exhausted, and it’s easy to get frustrated. We absolutely need him down by 7. NOPE! Went to move her to her bassinet and she was wide awake! 😩 she’s decided that her swing is the only place she’ll sleep at the moment. I feel like the worst parent ever because my social feeds (including Reddit) are all gentle parenting. I made it clear I wasn’t in the mood to entertain and went back to bed with the door shut. We’ve all been there. But when I get frustrated/at the end of my rope, I yell / snap. I know I would huff and puff sometimes, but I never did the name calling or swore at my baby. Unfortunately you and your baby can’t get enough light into your eyes inside your house. Really. You can get advice on potty training, talk about breastfeeding, discuss how to get your baby to sleep or ask if that one weird thing your kid does is normal. Source: childcare professional. I take baby at night, my husband gets baby first thing in the morning through his first nap. Just venting frustration because of what it triggers. At three months my daughter just started sleeping through the night. She's 5. Your partner gets the same. "That's right, let out all those feelings. Note: I realize your post is 9 hours old. Just as kids can run around screaming outside my window, I can vent on Reddit when it triggers tf out of my misophonia. Putting him down doesn’t take that long compared to a feed, but it’s one less thing for me to do in the middle of the night and it makes it feel like we’re in it Similar to the formula vs breastmilk debate. If you allow the tension from trying to balance life to build up, you will let out your anger and frustration on your innocent baby. Sep 1, 2014 · I've been reading the no-cry sleep solution in an attempt to get a better night's sleep, haha! She has a suggestion for increasing nap lengths, which you could try. Yes, my baby was like this too. My MIL sat around the house. Depends on your baby’s sleep though. Posted by u/theworldisquiethere_ - 1 vote and 5 comments Sitting here at 4:40am with my babe on my chest. I don't leave them alone for more than an hour. Your wife leaving him to cry it out and sleep so she can get a nap in isn’t ideal, but if she’s at her wits end it’s a lot better than her not sleeping. Yep! I'm a very calm, collected person, not prone to stress etc, but when my baby was a few weeks old and not sleeping, I once put him down safely and walked away to hit my couch cushions for a minute 😂 it was so out of character, but my sleep deprived brain thought this was the best way to get out frustration without screaming myself First off, if your baby likes the container use it! They grow out of them so quickly and it’s totally fine. And also; talk about this with your wife. I have no family or support system. The most sleep I get at night is after the bottle he gets right before bed. It is bad for her to get in the habit of being fed at night. This is the safest most responsible thing to do. When I get home I try and sleep 8-1, minus 30 min to feed my son. It is the way you handle your frustration and anger that is important. He still wakes up every 2-3 hours at night, but I honestly wouldn’t even care if he would go back down. This was the case with my first kiddo, and now my third, whereas my second was happy just watching and was always very mellow, today is rambunctious but easy going. The topic I was responding to is "not liking kid noises". So many mornings I have found myself staring at the clock, teeth gritted, waiting for 7:30 to hit because I’m so frustrated that the baby won’t stay asleep and I just want to sleep so. Your baby will grow up loved and nurtured regardless. " Parents are human. Hire a night doula. That all said, my 9MO baby has been fine with light once she’s deep asleep, but not noise. The first few weeks my mother was here and she was a great help, offering to take the night shift and letting me rest she was doing laundry and cooking food even taking the dog out for walks and getting him to destress. Some babies crave more stimulation than others. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Open navigation Go to Reddit Home I have no advice but this is literally me right now 😩. Instead make your goal to be a supportive soothing presence whether she stops crying or not. Give yourself a break, acknowledge that you're doing the best you can. Oh. There was a lot of self-loathing on this journey. My baby slept great for so long almost always sleeping through the night. Had the same issue at 3 weeks. My wife had the same issue so we chnage to 100% from-the-tit feeds. Being a parent is the hardest thing, especially with a newborn. I fed my baby girl last night at 3am after she had been awake all night. I just had my first baby in June and I was told it’s incredibly common to go overdue in a first time pregnancy. Shift sleeping is the most helpful thing you can do! so basically my husband would get up with the baby the first time, and I would set an alarm for a bit later, and just get up and pump and go right back to bed. On instances where he sleeps around 6-7, he’ll until around 2-3 pm, and on days where he doesn’t sleep at night he’ll take a “nap” and end up sleeping for 6-8 hrs at a time during the day/afternoon. Also, try to stop focusing on you goal as being stopping the crying. Some nights, like last night, I will put him down in his crib and he’ll cry right away, 15 minutes later 40 minutes later, you get the point. She’s never slept independently ever. Crying can be from frustration, i know my baby went through periods of that. My husband was responsible for bedtime since the day we brought baby home, but around 2 or 3 months my baby would be inconsolable at bedtime unless with me. This can actually make it easier to tolerate the crying. I realized in the last week or so that my supply has regulated (I used to pump 4-5oz per breast in 15 minutes, now down to about 2-3oz on each) and I’m not experiencing engorgement or leakage anymore (even after sleeping through the night - last feed is at around 11pm, next feed around 7. This works out great for us too. 5 have been harder than the newborn phase. My husband hands me my son, I nurse him, and I text my husband I’m done, and he responds he’s in the shower. Then hard again. Your kid's pediatrician could have some tips or resources too. Crawling changed everything with my 3rd! My eldest two girls were never very active but my boy is so busy! He was later to crawl than the girls (didn’t really get the hang of it until 8 months), but he would get soooooo mad that he couldn’t move around himself! Lastly, try to remember that crying is your baby's only way to communicate. Unfortunately you two just have to bear with it for a while. Your baby WILL remember that she had a loving mom! I had my baby in December. Been trying to get him back down since 2am meanwhile my husband is sleeping soundly next to us. No, it’s not. Last night my son went to sleep at 10 and I went to sleep at 12. Learning to anticipate the needs can reduce the need for the baby to cry. My husband has been really supportive in a bunch of ways like making food, doing laundry and changing diapers but I’m having such a hard time with the difference in sleep between my husband and I, especially during the night when our baby is up almost every hour or two to eat (I exclusively breastfeed, our baby won’t take a There are also strategies other than extinction (cry it out) and graduated extinction (Ferber) if she refuses to do those. Also had to cap total day time sleep to under 2 hours. He just turned 6 months & everything flipped, he’s been teething in misery for days that also comes & goes. This ONLY happens at bedtime. Get a close relative or friend to watch the baby. Now, no, I don't think your husband is in the right in calling your baby a whiney bitch, but it's perfectly ok for him to express his frustration with words. 70 votes, 65 comments. It's hard to remember that in the moment. Since that ran out, she tries to work but she's so frustrated because the baby is so demanding. If you're stressed, they'll be stressed and harder to calm. My 2 month old baby girl is in a bad habit of becoming so angry at the breast during bedtime. He hasn’t slept through the night since turning 6months except when he got his shots. The noisy sleeping realllly can drive you crazy!! It does get better though. Posted by u/pugl1f3ch0s3m3 - 1 vote and 8 comments My wife swears by that taking Cara babies thing, admittedly I'm not a big social media user (save for reddit). Screen is dark and volume is on 4 so it will wake me up. My priorities in the last 7 weeks were my baby and my sleep and Secondly, I can’t explain the feeling I get when my baby cries but I feel it in my whole body and its difficult for me to not interfere when it goes for more than 2 minutes. TL:DR be kind to yourself so you can be kind to your baby. I just hadn't heard this before and its is really interesting Also, if they wake at night you only give them less and less milk and then just water so they know they won't get foot at night, and gradually they are less awake when they feed at night, until one magical morning when my wife and I asked each other if we feed the baby at night, and finding none of us did, we slept all night. If it weren't for student loans, she'd quit her job. She won’t latch on… My boyfriend has a tendency to sleep really late, usually around 6-7+ am (or not at all) sometimes. But I dilated to 6. Baby usually takes 3 naps but then took 2 one day and I had something planned for that 3rd nap, frustrated. She was getting frustrated with the snoo and slept better in her crib. 5 months. Skip to main content. Once baby can roll it’s ok for them to sleep on their stomachs. But every time we put him back down he screams. This sis something I had to transfer over from training horses to caring for my son. You just described my son to a T. Thing is the most of my frustration is during walks when she puts harmful things in her mouth and I get super stressed cause I worry about her and have to fetch it out :( we worked on the leave it command but she listens after three times of saying “leave it”. Gripe water and lots of tummy time helped for the gas. This sounds like me and my husband! I went to bed at 7 and he stayed up till 1-2 when he put baby down and then I’d get up at 2-3 when baby woke up (something around those times) and it worked FANTASTIC until my husband went back to work and I got anxiety about not being able to fall asleep because my son had colick and cried nonstop and napped for about 20 minutes before being awake again Scheduled date night, scheduled self nights: you get 1 night to leave and break yourself. He physically doesn't know how. Ask family to come over to help. So your baby needs to figure out how to use his self soothing skills at bedtime to help him fall asleep. What can I do? Am I overly sensitive? I'm worried he's going to get too frustrated with the baby. It will get better. My hubby got frustrated with my baby. One night she takes care of baby duty, the other night you take care of baby duty. 5-2 oz if I’m lucky (after pumping for 20-30 minutes). He can't. Once I've collected myself, I approach him calmly and tell him why I got upset and I apologize for getting mad at him. I was PISSED! I did 7a-7p for many years. Just going to drop in and say I had the same issue (more interrupted sleep) around that age while cosleeping and I realised once baby was asleep he slept way better in his cot (next to my bed) I think I was waking him up as he got a little older and it was causing issues :( could be worth trying for a few naps and nights to see if she starts sleeping a little My FIL had my husband’s help and still took over six hours to do the second coat. Then easier. If that’s what you need to be the most engaged parent for your child, then great! But if you’re okay with waking up 2-3+ times a night (and your baby seems well-rested), then that works too. My kid (15 months) is a shit sleeper and always has been. damn. So if you’ve got something at 8 that seems workable to me. On the easy baby scale, LO (8. I’ve told my husband from the beginning that we were very spoiled with a baby that slept so well. I was frustrated because baby changed. ctazj bks tfjzgbku ulzpjx tjznomg zmwaqbqf xiks jwktdjg swgizv vrufgx mal mkdrhhlg vzdxgoa cxbkgv jmiqk