Individual differences in second language learning introduction Dale, Nicole Harlaar, and Robert Plomin Determinants of Success in Native and Non-Native Listening Comprehension: An Individual Differences Jan 1, 2004 · Summary The prelims comprise: Introduction Methodology and Instrumentation Individual Difference Factors: A Review of the Research Conclusion Individual Differences in Second Language Learning - The Handbook of Applied Linguistics - Wiley Online Library Jan 1, 2003 · Second language learners differ in how successfully they adapt to, and profit from instruction. Feb 14, 2019 · Starting Age Overshadowed: The Primacy of Differential Environmental and Family Support Effects on Second Language Attainment in an Instructional Context Simone E. The psychology of the language learner: Individual differences in second language acquisition. g. Many excellent teachers have learned to do some of this intuitively, but explicit understanding of individual-difference dimensions can enhance the work of all teachers. This wide lens allows readers to holistically visualize the road ahead of IDs research in language learning. C. Davies & C. The book provides a thorough discussion of the theory, research, and pedagogy pertaining to the role ID factors play in second language acquisition Cognitive Individual Differences in Second Language Processing and Acquisition contains 14 chapters that focus on the role of cognitive IDs in L2 learning and processing. 213, author’s italics). It also outlines the theoretical and methodological issues at the heart of this research, presents empirical findings and charts future directions of this research. Language and languages--Study and teaching. Keywords: Individual differences; Learning style; Cognitive Jul 29, 2021 · Introduction. Jun 1, 1991 · In terms of particular content areas of Individual Differences (ID) research, it surveys developments in foreign language aptitude, motivation, learner strategies, and learner styles. Individual Differences in Second Language Learning. Teaching a target Individual Differences in Second Language Learning. language-learning aptitude is a ‘‘specific talent for learning []languages which 26. Research into the role of individual difference (ID) factors in the process of second and foreign language (L2) learning and teaching has been one of the most robust lines of inquiry in the field of second language acquisition (SLA; Dörnyei & Ryan, 2015; Griffiths & Soruç, 2020; Pawlak & Kruk, 2022). Series. " This is that individual differences in second language learning, prin-cipally foreign The handbook of second language …, 2003. Hoffmann (Eds. Q. In: Macaro E (ed. 1016/S0346-251X(03)00045-9 Corpus ID: 142504674; A brief overview of individual differences in second language learning 1 1 The content of this artic @article{Ehrman2003ABO, title={A brief overview of individual differences in second language learning 1 1 The content of this artic}, author={Madeline Elizabeth Ehrman and Betty Lou Leaver and Rebecca L. This volume consists of a collection of empirical studies and research syntheses investigating the role of individual difference (ID) variables in task-based language teaching (TBLT)—a pedagogical approach that emphasizes the importance of the performance of meaning-oriented tasks in facilitating second language learning. Individual differences. Emrah EkmEkçi Ondokuz Mayıs University Feb 2, 2024 · There is a lack of consistency of research findings in the 114 area of second language reading processes, in contrast with the fast growth and the huge diversity of the English language learning Jun 7, 2005 · There are good theoretical and educational reasons to place matters of implicit and explicit learning high on the agenda for SLA research. When ignored, variability in RH language contributions can lead to failures to replicate, especially in studies of small, heterogeneous patient populations (see Brownell et al. In the paper we first define and look at the different studies conducted to examine the relationship between the two factors and second language acquisition (SLA). May 31, 2021 · This article begins by outlining the development of the individual difference concept, considering what should be included as an individual difference, and suggesting a definition. 2. of strategy use) in language learning: Self-Regulatory Control Scale for Language Learning (SRlang). ). This article is broadly concerned with the differences between individual language learners. Individual Differences in First and Second Language Ultimate Attainment and Their Causes - Andringa - 2019 - Language Learning - Wiley Online Library Jan 18, 2018 · Individual learner differences (IDs) are shown to affect the degree of success in second language (L2) acquisition. Nov 19, 2008 · To provide the most effective instruction possible, teachers of a second language (L2) should learn to identify and comprehend significant individual differences in their students. Feb 1, 2015 · 1. thisissue,therefore,IndividualDifferencesinSecond-Language. p. Robinson (Ed. Sep 1, 2003 · This special issue addresses the subject of individual differences in language learning, a topic whose complexity has meant little conclusive knowledge and thus need for continuing investigation. 247–267. Similarly, computer-based training studies of L2 sounds report that improvement after training can range greatly across individuals. Leah Roberts, Leah Roberts. (2005). , the AL) should prime the structure of a sentence in Research results over the past decades have consistently demonstrated that a key reason why many second language learners fail--while some learners do better with less effort--lies in various learner attributes such as personality traits, motivation, or language aptitude. Individual Differences: Conclusions Apr 5, 2024 · This book consists of a collection of empirical studies and research syntheses investigating the role of individual difference (ID) variables in task-based language teaching (TBLT)-a pedagogical May 10, 2022 · Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition: Theory, Research, and Practice The chapter ends with an introduction to the organization and features of the current volume, a Jan 1, 2004 · Summary The prelims comprise: Introduction Methodology and Instrumentation Individual Difference Factors: A Review of the Research Conclusion Individual Differences in Second Language Learning - The Handbook of Applied Linguistics - Wiley Online Library This paper offers a brief but broad overview of the field of individual differences in language learning, especially as they are reflected in learning styles, learning strategies, and affective variables, and touches on some areas for further research. A brief overview of these 11 factors is provided Dec 8, 2021 · Individual differences are considered one of the main factors in language learning. Individual Differences: Conclusions 18 Individual Differences in Second Language Learning ZOLTAN DORNYEI AND PETER SKEHAN 1 Introduction An appropriate starting point for a discussion of individual differences in second language learning is what might be termed "the correlational chal-lenge. , 2012) or the left hippocampus for vocabulary acquisition due to its role in episodic Language Learning ISSN 0023-8333 Individual Differences in Second Language Learning: Introduction Leah Roberts University of York and Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Antje Meyer Radboud University and Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen The topic of the workshop from which this volume comes, “Individual Differ- Sep 1, 2012 · Request PDF | On Sep 1, 2012, Leah Roberts and others published Individual Differences in Second Language Learning: Introduction | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Individual Differences in Second Language Learning: Introduction. Cognitive and Learning Style. , Prat, 2011, Sidtis et al. Motivation. It starts with an overview of the scope and taxonomy of IDs in second language learning, followed by a discussion of the theoretical models that provide insights into IDs’ roles in TBLT. , Blanche & Merino, Reference Blanche and Merino 1989; Li & Zhang, Reference Li and Zhang 2021), and how they can be used as a criterion measure to pinpoint individual differences of L2 learners (e. Summary The prelims comprise: Introduction Methodology and Instrumentation Individual Difference Factors: A Review of the Research Conclusion Individual Differences in Second Language Learning - The Handbook of Applied Linguistics - Wiley Online Library Language Learning ISSN 0023-8333 Individual Differences in Second Language Learning: Introduction Leah Roberts University of York and Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Antje Meyer Radboud University and Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen The topic of the workshop from which this volume comes, “Individual Differences in Second Language Learning,” is timely and One of the first to advocate the key role played by individual differences in language learning was Selinker [100] who declared: “a theory of language learning that does not provide a central place for individual differences among learners cannot be considered acceptable” (p. Although past research has shown the merits of well-developed self-reported scales in measuring L2 learners’ language proficiency (e. In this paradigm, the sharing of syntax is measured by means of structural priming: if structures are shared between two languages, a sentence in one language (e. , 1986, Tompkins et al. Internet: [email protected] Read the full text Oct 7, 2021 · The present Special Issue concludes with an updated critical review of the role of individual differences in language learning and teaching from a complex-dynamic and socio-ecological perspective. Jan 1, 2002 · Second language learners differ in how successfully they adapt to, and profit from, instruction. The motivational basis of language learning tasks. Language Learning is a journal devoted to theoretical issues in the learning of language, publishing papers from disciplines such as psychology, linguistics, and neuroscience. Second language acquisition. This introductory chapter provides a brief description about the book and its subsequent chapters. 1. Provides a comprehensive and current picture of the field of Applied Linguistics. For decades educational psychologists have bemoaned the black box approach of much research on learning, that is, the focus on product rather than process, and the Sep 4, 2023 · The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Individual Differences provides a thorough, in-depth discussion of the theory, research, and pedagogy pertaining to the role individual Introduction. Most of these empirical Nov 1, 2012 · An overview of the scholarship in the field of second language acquisition (SLA) reveals the substantial growth of the individual differences (IDs) research output over the past decade (Dörnyei Introduction. Although Allport (1937) proposed the term, cognitive style, to mean ways of living and adapting modulated by personality, we more commonly reserve that term for preferred forms of brain activity associated with information acquisition and processing and consider personality variables to Aug 23, 2021 · Introduction. SLA-Informed Aptitude Research. This title aims to show that adaptation to L2 instruction is a result of the interaction between learner characteristics and learning contexts. It then introduces an organizing framework Second Language Acquisition Nick C. In terms of particular content areas of Individual Differences (ID) research, it surveys developments in foreign language aptitude, motivation, learner strategies, and learner styles. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Vol. In A. Although it is commonly accepted that L2 learners pass through largely predictable stages in the acquisition of a given structure (Brown, 1973; Dulay & Jul 6, 2022 · Individual differences in second language learning. Jun 15, 2024 · Keywords Second language acquisition, strategic planning, task-based language teaching and learning, within-task planning, working memory I Introduction In the methodology of task-based Dec 19, 2021 · Second language acquisition (SLA) researchers have long been engaged in investigating the effect of a range of learner individual differences (IDs, e. C. Individual difference (ID) variables are learner traits and characteristics that may have an impact on learning processes, behaviors, and outcomes. Individual Differences in Second Feb 24, 2021 · Dörnyei Z (2010) The relationship between language aptitude and language learning motivation: Individual differences from a dynamic systems perspective. Specifically, we investigated how individual differences among children affect the added value of social robots for teaching second language (L2) vocabulary to young children. second language; individual differences include some factors in physiological emotion, Introduction. For many researchers in the field of second language acquisition, there are two key questions: (1) which of the external conditions to which we expose learners promote learning (Norris and Ortega, 2000, Spada and Tomita, 2010) and (2) how do these conditions interact with individual variation in learners (Dornyei, 2003, Dornyei, 2005). Keywords: individual differences; longitudinal; cluster analysis; dynamicity; Spanish 1. John Benjamins. , 1981). 611. (2013). London: Edward Arnold, 1989. They are highly respected worldwide for making theory and research about language learning accessible and relevant to classroom teaching. 2022: xxiv). , offers a new perspective by reviewing a wide body of research on both oral and written corrective feedback and its This book follows the structure of the seminal book by Peter Skehan (1989), Individual Differences in Second Language Learning. , intelligence, memory; Ellis, 2004), which are rooted in brain Jan 1, 2003 · Introduction. Aug 16, 2012 · Leah Roberts, Centre for Language Learning Research, Department of Education, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK. Introduction. 2) Includes bibliographical references and index. The authors then suggest 11 individual differences which occur regularly in the literature and which they have found to be salient features in their own classrooms. in a self-access environment for second language learning through listening and viewing comprehension. ), Individual differences and instructed language learning (pp. Individual Differences: Conclusions Dec 21, 2023 · In order to investigate individual learner differences in second language acquisition (SLA) with a focus on language aptitude, this study employs literature review as the method of inquiry. 2. 3 Personality Studies have shown that personality influence second language acquisition. The topic of the workshop from which this volume comes, "Individual Differences in Second Language Learning," is timely and important for both practical and theoretical reasons. By Peter Skehan. 37, Issue. Unlike what Dörnyei [10] has hypothesized, a four-factor meas-urement model consisting of boredom controlawareness controlgoal control, , , and emotion control was procured. The concept of language anxiety is considered in many of the models of motivation and language learning. 137–158). INTRODUCTION Human beings are both similar and unique. Sparks Nature and Nurture in School-Based Second Language Achievement Philip S. Jul 5, 2021 · Patsy Lightbown and Nina Spada have worked for over four decades in second language research and education. Furthermore, individual difference variables are expected to provide guidance to teachers to teach the second language effectively and efficiently. Language Learning Strategies. The notion of language as a complex adaptive system has been conceived within an agent-based framework, which highlights the significance of individual-level variation in Individual Differences and Instructed Language Learning / Edited by Peter Robinson. Pawlak and Kruk provide an overview of the latest theoretical developments in 1 INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Theory, Research, and Practice Shaofeng Li, Phil Hiver, and Mostafa Papi Introduction Individual difference (ID) variables are learner traits and characteristics that may have an impact on learning processes, behaviors, and outcomes. (2002). 365-378), G. individual differences in the perception and production of non-native sounds. The aim of this chapter is to bring together information about age-related differences from the fields of psychology and second language (L2) acquisition research that may allow the identification of relevant characteristics of L2 learning practice activities appropriate to various ages. ), Theories in second language acquisition: An introduction Individual differences in language learning: A Jun 6, 2024 · This chapter provides an in-depth discussion of the theory, research, and practice of individual difference (ID) factors in task-based language teaching (TBLT). Jan 1, 2019 · The area of individual differences (ID) in second language (L2) has been a point of interest for many researchers; however, the impact of ID on the writing performance of L2 learners has not been Jan 27, 2010 · Introduction. , age, sex, aptitude, motivation, cognitive style, learning strategies, and This interdisciplinary volume questions what it is that makes each of us good or bad at learning a second language. Various theories of learning styles aim to account for individual differences in the speed and amount of absorbed knowledge that are not explained by abilities (Zhang and Sternberg 2000:469). The objective of Dörnyei's book is to provide a single-authored monograph on language individual differences (ID) research. Dec 7, 2021 · The subject of individual learner differences (IDs) in English as a Second/Foreign (ESL/EFL) Language teaching and learning is an area which has been much debated and investigated. Oxford}, journal={System}, year Introduction: The role of oral and written corrective feedback in SLA Individual Differences and Second Language Learning, 39-51, Individual Differences and May 30, 2022 · The book is a must-read for any second language researcher or applied linguist interested in investigating the effects of IDs on language learning, and for any educator interested in taking account of learners’ individual differences to maximize the effects of second language instruction. cm. To achieve this, 86 empirical studies in L2 pragmatics published in SSCI (Social Science Citation Index) journals from 2000 to 2023 were systematically selected and coded for IDs, pragmatic features and modalities This book syntheses cutting-edge research on the role of individual differences (IDs) in the field of SLA and in computer assisted language learning. (Language Learning & Language Teaching, issn 1569-9471 ; v. Results show that extroverts seem to take full advantage of language-use fact, there is only one single-authored monograph on language learning IDs, Peter Skehan’s (1989) seminal title on Individual Differences in Second Language Learning. Oxford, 1990; Dörnyei Ellis, R. 168 pp. universality of language learning and the lack of individual differences within a homogeneous speech community. This widely acclaimed book remains essential reading for second language teachers. , 2000). University of York and Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. Aug 16, 2012 · Individual Differences in Second Language Learning: Introduction. Foreign Language Aptitude. Second-/foreign-language (L2) acquisition is an arduous process, and L2 learners should be proficient in self-regulated learning (SRL) to sustain their motivation to learn through proactive control and consistent use of efficient strategies (Teng & Zhang, Reference Teng and Zhang 2016a, Reference Teng and Zhang 2018). This is true for both first language (L1) and second language (L2) acquisition, although there is an important difference. these components, the intelligence, the Among attitude of language learning, motivation and language anxiety belong to scope of individual differences. Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the direct and indirect effects of domain-specific knowledge (vocabulary knowledge and topical knowledge) and domain-general History. Individua l differences in second Jan 1, 2015 · The paper makes an exploratory research among 400 university students to find out the influence of individual differences on the effect of second language acquisition between high achievers and A VIEW OF THE NEURAL REPRESENTATION OF SECOND LANGUAGE SYNTAX THROUGH ARTIFICIAL LANGUAGE LEARNING UNDER IMPLICIT CONTEXTS OF EXPOSURE. Importantly, the naming of the four factors was I. Apr 6, 2024 · For the purpose of creating efficient language learning plans and initiatives, researchers, instructors, and students must all have a thorough understanding of these differences. 2, p. Jan 20, 2012 · Two of the most examined dimensions of personality that have an affective influence on language learning are extroversion-introversion and risk-taking. Ellis University of Michigan [email protected] preprint Ellis, N. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Robinson, Peter, 1956- II. Apr 4, 2014 · Individual Differences in Second Language Learning . As for theoretical motivations, perhaps the most central issue in SLA theory construction in need of explanation is the differential success in one's first language (L1) and in one's second language (L2). Next, we present a definition of cognitive abilities and illustrate how differences in these abilities may have important implications for several strands of research, including those Aug 20, 2021 · Likewise, research on individual differences in second language learning has for a long time focused on observable differences in behaviour (see a recent summary in Kidd et al. # 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Personality Age Learner Strategies Learner Styles —w-OUTCOME ^linguistic-proficiency-errors *nonlinguistic Jul 1, 2012 · The level of second language acquisition depends on many factors controlled by nature or shaped by nurture. Jan 1, 2003 · Introduction. This follow-up research to the Bristol Language Project (which itself demonstrated wide individual differences in rate of first language development; Wells, 1986) indicates that for foreign language learning aptitude, one Whilst the main focus of this review would be how individual differences can affect the acquisition of a second language, a possible question to consider based on what has been discussed would be that: is acquiring a second language, and being proficient at it, really that important? memory on incidental second language learning: A replication and extension of Reber, Introduction The extent to which individual differences (IDs) in cognitive abilities differentially affect Sep 1, 2003 · DOI: 10. This book aims to show that adaptation to L2 instruction, and subsequent L2 learning, is a result John Benjamins. E MRAH KMEKÇI Individual Differences in Language Learning: A Complex Systems Theory 307 Individual Differences in Language Learning: A Complex Systems Theory Perspective. Sep 1, 2003 · This paper offers a brief but broad overview of the field of individual differences in language learning, especially as they are reflected in learning styles, learning strategies, and affective variables, and touches on some areas for further research. (2004). In psychology, these attributes have traditionally been called characteristics, language learning strategies, learning motivation and attitude on learning. The present paper studies the role of individual learner differences in second language acquisition (SLA). Individual differences (ID) in second language(L2) refer to the age of onset, learning Individual Differences 277 Aptitude Motivation l. Pfenninger , David Singleton , Pages: 207-234 Individual Differences in Second-Language Learning by Peter Skehan. London: Continuum, pp. First Published 1989. Aug 16, 2012 · Individual Differences in Second Language Learning: Introduction Leah Roberts and Antje Meyer Individual Differences in L2 Learning and Long-Term L1 L2 Relationships Richard L. g Dec 23, 2016 · In this introductory chapter, we first describe the rationale for this volume, linking cognitive individual differences (IDs) to previous research in second language acquisition (SLA), and other, related fields. Contains 32 newly commissioned articles that examine both the applications of linguistics to language data and the use of real world language This book follows the structure of the seminal book by Peter Skehan (1989), Individual Differences in Second Language Learning. Based on this objective, the author provides a consistent and comprehensive review of the Learning styles are not equivalent to abilities, but they are related to them in the sense that they explicate how people prefer to use their abilities. The present paper studies the role of individual learner differences in second language of individual differences (IDs) in second language (L2) prag-matics and offer recommendations for further research in this domain. Cognitive individual differences in second language learning and processing was published in Cognitive Individual Differences in Second Language Processing and Acquisition on page 1. P53. Younghee Sheen, an Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics at the American University in Washington D. Nov 4, 2018 · Language Learning is a journal devoted to theoretical issues in the learning of language, publishing papers from disciplines such as psychology, linguistics, and neuroscience. Key words: individual, differences, language acquisition INTRODUCTION This paper outlines the review of individual differences in second language learning and second Sep 1, 2003 · The actual term, learning style, did not appear until Thelen (1954) used it in discussing group dynamics. In P. Abstract—The level of second language acquisition depends on many factors controlled by nature or shaped by nurture. 147-173) Publisher: De Gruyter Nov 18, 2024 · A series of artificial language (AL) learning studies investigated the development of shared syntactic representations during early stages of second language (L2) acquisition. The book brings together theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of cognitive IDs, as well as empirical studies that investigate the mediating role of cognitive Individual Differences in Second Language Learning 525 21 Individual Differences in Second Language Learning ROD ELLIS 21. The foreign language need to take into account the individual learning differences in SLA (see e. Feb 16, 2023 · Introduction. The current study addresses the use of social robots in language education. Individual differences in language learning have also been confirmed at subcortical levels, for example, in the inferior colliculus for the encoding of non-native phonemes (Chandrasekaran et al. This article begins by presenting the definition of individual differences and identifying the possible This textbook takes a Complex Systems Theory approach to individual differences in language learning, arguing that learner variables cannot be treated in isolation, and instead that each variable depends on an interconnected, dynamic system of other factors which need to be considered holistically. Oct 12, 2023 · Introduction. , 2018), although it is clear that these differences are influenced by domain-general abilities (e. The research contributes to a deep understanding of the second language learning process and Sep 15, 2020 · Corrective feedback is a topic that is of relevance to both theories of second language learning and language pedagogy. In Oxford Handbook of Construction Grammar (pp. Palgrave Macmillan, 220 pages, ISBN 978-3-030-52900-0 (eBook). This thesis explores possible sources of individual differences in Greek native speakers ˇ perception and Apr 1, 2023 · One challenge that complicates our ability to understand the role of the RH in language is inter-individual variability (e. The objective of Dörnyei’s book is to provide a single-authored monograph on language individual differences (ID) research. Foreign Language Aptitude and SLA. , motivation, anxiety and aptitude) on L2 Aug 22, 2022 · 1 online resource This thorough exploration of the conceptual framework behind both oral and written feedback in ESL classrooms provides a historical perspective on past research, synthesizes current work on the topic, and details an original study into the effects of feedback Jan 1, 2004 · The Handbook of Applied Linguistics is a collection of newly commissioned articles that provide a comprehensive and up-to-date picture of the field of Applied Linguistics. Introduction Second language (L2) development is characterized as an inherently dynamic process. I. regulation and the individual differences in the study of second language acquisition. 1 Introduction Learners vary enormously in how successful they are in learning a language. know about individual differences in second language learning and offer a wealth of ideas from researchers in different disciplines as to how to develop the field of individual differences in second language learning. 446 I53 2002 in learning a second language. Offers a broad overview of current theories, key findings, and methodological approaches in the field A potential role of subcortical structures for language learning. Carol Griffiths & Adem Soruç (2020). Rubin’s self-management concept is an extension to the traditional learning strategies, indicating a new direction for the research of second language acquisition. Edition 1st Edition. Nov 24, 2009 · Language Learning is a journal devoted to theoretical issues in the learning of language, publishing papers from disciplines such as psychology, linguistics, and neuroscience. This paper centers on the major individual differences that affect individuals in their learning of second language. Individual Differences: Conclusions Aug 9, 2021 · In multilingual learning in particular, it is evident that a multitude of variables interacts, so the role of individual differences in cognitive ability can be expected to interact with other learner-internal and learner-external factors, including a learner’s level of proficiency and language learning experience (Rodríguez Silva & Roehr Jan 12, 2023 · In book: Cognitive Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition: Theories, Assessment and Pedagogy (pp. Since the publication of that book a great deal of re search has been conducted in the field to explore the language learner, and an updated overview has been due for some time. This entry reviews the relationship between three influential ID factors, namely age, aptitude, and motivation, and L2 learning. The individual differences, viz. The goal of the study of individual differences is also to find the general rules behind the differences. , 2004, Lehman and Tompkins, 2000 This model consists of four main compothe social environment, individual differences, the nents: context of language acquisition and language output. For example, it is viewed as one of the classes of variables in the socio‐educational model of second language acquisition, and as a (negative) component of confidence in the language in the social context model. Feb 26, 2021 · The Cambridge Handbook of Corrective Feedback in Second Language Learning and Teaching - March 2021 Individual Differences, Tasks, and Other Language- and Learner Summary The prelims comprise: Introduction Methodology and Instrumentation Individual Difference Factors: A Review of the Research Conclusion Individual Differences in Second Language Learning - The Handbook of Applied Linguistics - Wiley Online Library Apr 25, 2023 · In second language acquisition (SLA), an understanding of individual differences (IDs) is the key to grasping both the variant and invariant aspects of it (Li et al. There is general agreement that second language (L2) listening proficiency is essential for successful communication, as it allows individuals to quickly understand the message of their interlocutor and respond appropriately in social, academic, and business contexts. Dörnyei, Z. Trousdale & T. Aptitude: Conclusion. Elder (Eds. Dec 6, 2018 · A large body studies into individual differences in second language learning has shown that success in second language learning is strongly affected by a set of relevant learner characteristics Jul 8, 2020 · Language Learning is a journal devoted to theoretical issues in the learning of language, publishing papers from disciplines such as psychology, linguistics, and neuroscience. ) The Bloomsbury Continuum Companion to Second Language Acquisition. At present, the scientific study of the role of these differences in second language learning may not be very sophisticated and advanced, but it can be hoped that the growing awareness of the need to focus on the individual student and his individuality in a language learning situation will fuel the need to study the phenomenon in a detailed Dec 1, 2012 · The role of foreign language aptitude in second language acquisition has been extensively researched; for a long time researchers were interested in the link between foreign language aptitude and global language learning outcomes (for reviews see: Ehrman and Oxford, 1995, Grigorenko et al.