Mock requests python pytest. This clear structure helps keep your tests organized.

Mock requests python pytest post function, and on the mock set the side_effect attribute to the desired exception: @patch('requests. mock import patch @patch("src. pytest-mock is a plugin library that provides a pytest fixture that is a thin wrapper around mock that is part of the standard library. py, a simple test for our API retrieval # import requests for the purposes of monkeypatching import requests # our app. Session. I went with gold_cy's comment and wrote a custom matcher that takes a request and returns an appropriately crafted OK response if the request has the correct url path, headers and json payload. Jan 8, 2020 · I have broken my code down into separate functions for unit testing. 0. pythonのmockはpytestのmockとunittestのmockとで2種類あります。 それぞれ特徴を簡単にまとめてみました。 Requests Mock Documentation, Release 1. MyRequest') def test_custom_request(self, my_request_mock): my_request_mock. post, you can use the mock. return_value = mock_session return mock_session Jul 9, 2012 · import core class HttpRequestsTestCase(unittest. py from datetime import datetime current_timestamp = datetime. I'm using responses to test fetching of JSON files, but I'm not sure how to mock the behaviour of fetching a file. In this article, we will Dec 18, 2024 · pytest-mock is a plugin for the popular Python testing framework pytest that provides eas y access to mocking capabilities. I have made a requests. Apr 21, 2014 · You can use patch and set the absolute path to the module. getresponse = MagicMock(return_value=mock_res) with pytest. raises DID NOT RAISE <class Jun 2, 2017 · A simple way to put a gag on the requests library: from unittest import mock requests_gag = mock. side_effect = requests. json. Nov 26, 2019 · Another way to create a mock fixture without any additional package like pytest-mock is to use the following code convention: import pytest from unittest. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. (facepalm) While the original Q might be related to fixtures, which is solvable with parametrizing it as one commented noted, my answer is about requests-mock and JSON, explicitly. For your example: test_id = 'random-id' requests_mock. Testing APIs with PyTest and mocking external services ensures your tests are fast, reliable, and easy to maintain. return_value = data Nov 9, 2017 · Second, with your current approach, instead of assigning None value to mock_db __init__ method (which would not be called along the way, as object is mock already) assign return_value to mock_db which is called to get an instance of the Db class (mock_db. The try/except/else clause will swallow the exception generated by r. post') def test_request_post_exception(self, post_mock): post_mock. seal. Jan 18, 2020 · pytest; python-decorators; requests-mock; Share. This article was a good starting point however it uses the httpx http package, so it was not entirely what I needed. Improve this question. assert_all_requests_are import pytest import requests import In this video, learn how to mock object in Python for unit testing with Python. raises(ConnectionError): shorten_url("fake-url") Aug 4, 2022 · I have this function that is called as a dependency in all of my APIs. Install pytest and pytest-mock directly in your environment using pip or conda: pip install pytest pip install pytest-mock Confirming installation. Apr 21, 2021 · pytest and pytest-mock. 使用的是pytest-mock 中的mocker 2. from fastapi import HTTPException, Request, status async def get_user_id_or_401(request: Request) -&gt; str: user_id: str = May 27, 2024 · In this article, we explore how to test HTTP requests using the Pytest framework in Python. TestCase): def setUp(self): # We create a mock to replace the `requests` module self. This repo contains the sample code for the article - How To Mock In Pytest? (A Comprehensive Guide) (A Comprehensive Guide) This project explains how to Mock various objects, functions, classes, Rest API responses and even AWS services with Pytest Mock. py 中对 mock. pytestのインストール Nov 10, 2023 · First to start out with there are python packages that allow you to mock up your HTTP requests, two in particular I tried out are the requests-mock and the responses package. side_effect = ConnectTimeout with pytest. old_requests = core. ; Replace from unittest. 2Decorator Mocker can also be used as a decorator. Your code should take a Session object explicitly. Replace unittest. A def test_mocked_static_method(self): print 'First Test' print MyClass. ; async for data in method1: should be async for data in method1():. Since we don’t want to rely on a live production API during development, we’ll use a mock API service like Mocky. py 模块中的的mock_request 函数的返回值进行mock。下面的示例用了三种方式,其实结果是一样的效果: 1. You can find it here: Python testing - Introduction to mocking. From the docs: "There is a special symbol at requests_mock. Your second attempt doesn't work because side-effect is overloaded to serve a different purpose for iterables (): Oct 16, 2024 · 9. patch( 'requests. mock import patch, MagicMock @patch("http. return_value should point to mock version of your Db instance) or leave it as it is if you Dec 27, 2019 · 接下来在 test_mock. py that includes the get_json() function # this is the previous code block example import app # custom class to be the mock return value # will override the requests. Session object configured with certificates required to make a request to the service. now() Aug 12, 2013 · There are two ways you can do this; with patch and with patch. Oct 22, 2024 · Conclusion. Mockは特定のオブジェクトの代理をして、ユニットテストを円滑に進めるためのモジュールです。 準備. Sep 30, 2020 · pytestを使用してテストコードを書いたときに、Mockの使い方に苦労したのでまとめてみました。 Mockとは. Nov 30, 2020 · How to fake my response in pytest requests mock. mock の薄いラッパーです。既存ライブラリや関数等をモック(既存品の模型)するプラグインライブラリで、pytest 時にモックされたオブジェクトの実挙動を回避することができます。 Jun 2, 2014 · You can mock built-in modules used within a specific module in your application. I don't actually want to send a request to the Mar 25, 2023 · In this article, we will explore how to mock APIs in Python using the pytest library while adhering to the SOLID principles. 1. After installing pytest and pytest-mock, verify that the installation was successful by running the following command: pytest --version Basics of Mocking with Aug 28, 2017 · import Requests import pytest @pytest. import unittest from mock import MagicMock from MyClass import MyClass class FirstTest(unittest. object ( mock_examples . Aug 26, 2019 · How can I mock requests using mocker? Is it possible? You can use requests-mock (PyPI), there is a fixture for a pytest usage. Contribute to mharrisb1/openai-responses-python development by creating an account on GitHub. object. return_value. requests_mock NoMockAddress Exception. Nov 5, 2022 · pytest、unittest. ConnectionError() # run your test, code calling `requests. requests. import pytest from unittest import mock @mock. mock. post to throw exception. Mocking requests. fixture def patched_requests(monkeypatch): # store a reference to the old get method old_get = Requests. assertEqual(response. function_to_be_mocked', return_value = 3) def func1(mocker): from othermodule import function_to_be_mocked function_to_be_mocked(None) def func2(): ret = func1() print (ret) def test_func2(): func2 The following tutorial demonstrates how to test the use of an external API using Python mock objects. requests = self. Mar 29, 2016 · foo_model_instance = models. 使用的 mock 中patch方法,是对目标函数的返回值进行替换,采用了with上下文进行管理 3. mock_requests def tearDown(self): # It is very Nov 24, 2021 · mock python http requests for testing and development. How to fake my response in pytest requests mock. status_code = 200 mock_post. Session needs to return a mock object; That mock object needs a client method that returns another mock object; And that mock object needs a get_secret_value method that returns a fake value; If I assume that target. please show Apr 19, 2024 · Firstly, with self. Jul 11, 2022 · I'm trying to understand the example provided here and emulate it to work for the post method instead of get method. Issue in mocking python unit test. send() method to capture all requests Apr 13, 2020 · You are approaching it the wrong way. exceptions import ConnectTimeout, ReadTimeout, Timeout from unittest. However, you don't want to mock the function you are calling; you want to mock top_tech_stories. . user) If you were going to test with the django python shell or in a unittest, what would you pass in there? Here simply a User object will do, but the need for a mock request object also comes up frequently. io. status_code == 200. post. ANY, text='resp') I am not sure if this is the best way but it works for me. Because you can use the assert keyword, you don’t need to learn or remember all the different self. 20. We will create a simple user management system, complete with a User # contents of test_app. requests-mock provides an external fixture registered with pytest such that it is usable simply by specifying it as a parameter. functions , 'CONSTANT_A' , 3 ) expected_1 = 6 actual_1 = double () mocker . fixture async def mock_response(): with aioresponses() as mocker: yield mocker # your client async here @pytest_asyncio. You need to tell the session mock to return itself on entering a with context, mimicking what the Session class does: @pytest. raises(ConnectTimeout): my_request_mock. Mocker() as rm: rm. However when I try to use requests-mock to mock the re Oct 6, 2023 · def mock_request_post(**kwargs): # check if kwargs satisfy test conditions def test_api(args): # mock requests module with `mock_request_post` # make api call python unit-testing May 12, 2021 · boto3. Follow edited Mar 2, 2020 at 18:52. Mock(side_effect=RuntimeError( 'Please use the `responses` library to mock HTTP in your tests. TestCase with asynctest. Something like this should work: mocker. Dec 24, 2022 · Here is an example of how you might use the pytest-mock plugin to mock an HTTP request: I will show you a simple way to create unittests with mock function for your code in Python. asked Jan 17, 2020 at 23:55. patch in some capacity (pytest-mock essentially just wraps these methods in an easier to use api). Within this folder, create your first test file called test_rest_api. 1. client. Therefore you have to apply the @patch decorator to func1. The task to write software to exercise hardware has always proved… Aug 28, 2019 · You can use aioresponse, pytest and pytest-asyncio library. from unittest. patch. urlopen using Python's mock. get_or_create_foo_from_user(request. In this post, I'll discuss how you can mock HTTP requests made using urllib or requests package. mock_requests = Mock() # We keep a reference to the current, real, module self. request(Mock Everything in requests eventually goes through an adapter to do the transport work. get def mocked_get(uri, *args, **kwargs): '''A method replacing Requests. Mar 27, 2023 · Mocking is a technique that allows you to isolate a piece of code being tested from its dependencies so that the test can focus on the code under test in isolation. Python Mock_requests: Can I use wildcards in the url parameter of the Mocker? How to Dec 8, 2017 · I have a peculiar problem with requests_mock. requests # We replace the module with our mock core. In this tutorial, we will learn how to test it with Pytest and Requests. When you write a test for a function it should only test the function itself, not all the functions it calls during it's run. 2. check print Sep 5, 2019 · @cryanbhu fixtures are created before any test runs. There is no need to import requests-mock it simply needs to be installed and specified as an argument in the test definition. Your test script uses the global get_top_stories_list to call the function, but you are patching the module attribute name. requests-mock creates a custom Or as a pytest fixture: Python 100. 3. get(f'{__BASE_URL}/employee/{test_id}', json= {'name': 'awesome-mock'}) resp = get_employee('random-id') assert resp == {'name': 'awesome-mock'} Mar 28, 2024 · requests-mock creates a custom adapter that allows you to predefine responses when certain URIs are called. The type for mock data is alway May 11, 2022 · I am trying to mock the response of api call with pytest in using monkeypatch but without success. I'm using pytest and pytest-aiohttp, here are an example of the request code: Oct 22, 2019 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Sep 15, 2022 · requests 自体を requests_mock などでMock化することはよくあるかもしれませんが、それではテストが行えません。こんなことはHTTPClientを実装するとき以外発生しないのかもしれませんが、メモとして残します。 pytest-httpserver May 17, 2016 · I have some python code which successfully downloads an image from a URL, using requests, and saves it into /tmp/. TestCase. post with pytest, you can use the pytest-mock library to create a mock object for the requests module. Pytestとは. 0 Python 3 Pytest: How to mock request urlopen response and headers? Mock the requests. AsyncMock. py which contains my production function func1(): Jul 10, 2019 · Python 3 Pytest: How to mock request urlopen response and headers? 1. I would recommend using a custom matcher that performs a match on the request's URL not including the querystring. How to Mock: pytest. I want to use it with pytest to test my API wrapper library. 8 see here). This clear structure helps keep your tests organized. dev10 2. fixture @async def async_client(): async with aiohttp. mock import patch import pytest class TestRequestService: @patch('path_to_module. - getsentry/responses Use responses. Mock API with Mocky. get(f'{__BASE_URL Dec 3, 2020 · Use asynctest instead of aiounittest. Nov 8, 2020 · The ease of use with pytest it is awesome. patch('othermodule. Pytest とは、Python用のオープンソースのテストフレームワークです。 Pythonのコードを自動化してテストするためのツールで、特にシンプルさと柔軟性で知られています。 ~特徴~ シンプルな書き方 Unit Tests (Pytest in this case) can save you time. raise_for_status(). Response returned from requests. You don’t have to deal with any imports or classes. patchらへんでハマっていたのでメモ。 整理したかったこと. mock import patch from imagine import Worker # in this example I want my fixture to be module scope since I want the # fixture will be called once during all module tests execution. If, instead, my_api_client is an imported module: Dec 18, 2024 · Installing pytest and pytest-mock. I am using requests-mock with pytest to facilitate unit testing my library, which uses requests for API calls. ANY which acts as the wildcard to match anything. Dec 19, 2024 · RESPX - Mock HTTPX with awesome request patterns and response side effects. extract_job illustrates how to mock a job 'object' which has both a job_id attribute and a result method with a return_value. I am trying to pick up Pytest testing framework and so far only know the basics. I am testing the api will be called twice with different tokens when expired. In this article, we’ll learn how to use Pytest’s mocking features to simulate parts of your code and external dependencies. They are easy to learn, provide powerful but Apr 5, 2022 · This question's a bit old but I encountered this issue because I completely misread the requests-mock docs. One is the configure_session function and the other is the get method from the requests library. assert* methods in unittest, either. Nov 10, 2021 · Install Python packages “requests-mock” and “pytest” Example project Suppose we provide a simple service that returns a unique id for users purchasing products from an online marketplace. request. Additionally, we delve into advanced usage, including mocking HTTP requests and parameterizing Dec 28, 2020 · そこで登場するのが pytest-mock です。 pytest-mockとは. In this article I Mar 12, 2022 · はじめにユニットテストでは処理に時間がかかったり、外部にアクセスする処理をモックで代替することがあります。 pytestでも pytest-mock というモジュールでユニットテストをモック化する… Sep 18, 2020 · Updated Answer. post(requests_mock. There are then a number of methods provided to get the adapter used. Follow asked Nov 22, 2022 at 13:45. Response) logic. We cover the fundamental concepts, practical implementation with code examples, common pitfalls, and best practices. I can't get a PropertyMock to work with the requests package. get Sep 30, 2017 · In the previous post, I wrote an introductory post about getting started with mocking tests in Python. get Returns either a mocked response object (with json method) or the default response object if the uri doesn't match one of those Jul 21, 2024 · requests-mockはPythonのテストコードでHTTPリクエストをスタブ化するためのツールです。この記事では、requests-mockを使用してPythonのテストを作成する方法について説明します。 Apr 21, 2021 · One of the biggest challenges facing an electrical, computer, or design engineer is bridging the gap between hardware and software. js, FastAPI, and PostgreSQL. The get() method of the requests module; The Response object returned by the get() function. request', mock. A MyClass. Patch assumes that you are not directly importing the object but that it is being used by the object you are testing as in the following May 3, 2020 · I'm in the middle of writing a test in pytest for my python app (flask). May 10, 2024 · However, testing asynchronous code poses challenges: there are necessary libraries such as pytest, pytest-mock and pytest-asyncio, but there are not enough practical examples. Check query string on the request using Dec 24, 2021 · In previous tutorials, we learned how to build a Full Stack Application with Next. Mock requests. MagicMock() my_api_client_mock. PropertyMock. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. hoefling. All you need to do is include a function with the test_ prefix. The documentation isn't very clear on how to go about this, but after breaking my head for a while I was able to put together this article explaining how custom matchers for requests_mock work. The token will be expired in 15 minutes. exceptions. json(), expected_response)we assert that the JSON response from the method is indeed equal to our already defined expected_response, self. If not provided, the code should create its own Session, but in tests, you can pass in a patched Session, you would need to mock out the . Here we look at how to use mock and patch with some code to make requests and then I disconnect from the Oct 5, 2023 · The pytest test framework and requests-mock mocking library are other good choices to learn a unit testing with Python and HTTP REST application. Ryan Payne May 11, 2019 · I'm using the pytest-mock wrapper with pytest. Oct 27, 2024. Python mock requests. I'm unsure if the different behaviour between Python 2 and Python 3 is in pytest or mock-requests modules (or both). " import requests_mock with requests_mock. Dec 24, 2022 · In pytest, you can use the pytest-mock plugin to mock objects in your tests. object(requests, 'Session', autospec=True) mock_session. That’s it. module2. 7. get Nov 9, 2020 · Python 3 Pytest: How to mock request urlopen response and headers? 1. A few years after the question was asked, but this is how I solved this with python 3. 115 7 7 bronze badges. MagicMock. assertEqual(len May 2, 2020 · I don’t know how to do this with the Python base library mock but it can be done with pytest-mock: def test_mocking_constant_twice_in_same_test ( mocker ): mocker . json decoder python. mock import patch with from asynctest. Follow edited Dec 9, 2023 at 2:28. In my unit-tests I want to make sure that the parameters are set correctly. PyTest's simplicity and powerful features, combined with the flexibility of mocking, make it an excellent choice for API testing in Python. Feb 20, 2016 · I've recently started using pytest, and even more recently started using mock for mocking the requests library. from aioresponses import aioresponses Import pytest # mock object here @pytest_asyncio. While tests can be written in many different ways, pytest is the most popular Python test runner and can be extended through the use of plugins. All works well when I'm testing for response. Sep 16, 2021 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jul 13, 2018 · Option A) The function you are willing to mock is loaded into func1. session. Mar 25, 2023 · When building applications that rely on external APIs, it’s important to test your code thoroughly. post()` will trigger the exception. The configure_session function builds the requests. ANY. Mar 28, 2024 · requests-mock provides a building block to stub out the HTTP requests portions of your testing code. 19. 10. post and requests. HTTPResponse") def test_bitly(mock_conn, mock_res): mock_res. All that the function does is provide a response object, mock that function and return a mock response object. You can stash the function away on self and put it back when you're done. sentinel. techdoodle techdoodle. resetall(): calls reset_mock() in all mocked objects up to this point. After I create Mock data as return value for requests. DEFAULT. In a file functions. The AddMessage function receives user input, generates a message, and stores it in the database. Testing HTTP requests is crucial for ensuring your web applications behave as expected. Using a mock function instead of sending the request to the そこでmockが便利なので、今回は紹介したいと思います。 mockの種類. Nov 22, 2022 · python-requests; pytest; requests-mock; Share. I said automatically because I can naively run a manual mock app in background myself, which is silly and useless for automated testing purposes. First, install the pytest-mock library using pip. return_value = data mock_get. Ryan Payne. get, which is what your function calls to produce the exception. Response object okay, and for a 200 status code it works fine. 9 (other proposed solutions stopped working with python 3. In addition to mocking server responses, I often need to verify that my library sends the expected payload in the HTTP body. Then, for each test function that needs to mock requests. The created object will then be passed as the last positional argument. Apr 19, 2023 · I have a function which makes a GET-request with a dict of params. Sep 14, 2021 · Python 3 Pytest: How to mock request urlopen response and headers? 1. HTTPSConnection") @patch("http. TestCase): def setUp(self): self. For example, consider this module: code. Nov 3, 2022 · Possible solution with module unittest (not pytest). This article uses the requests package, because that is what I am most familiar with. Why PyTest? PyTest is a robust and flexible testing framework for Python. module1. But, for instance, in case you want to write integration tests with other servers, you might want to let some requests go through. Code: https://github. mock_open. YourMethod(my_api_client_mock) This creates the mock parameter, connects it to the previously created mock response and calls the test method. Sep 2, 2017 · It seems to me that pytest is not recognising the mocked_obj parameter as the one already passed by the decorator hence looks for a fixture with that name and fail. That gist actually goes to lengths to mock out certain portions of the Response() api, so I'm not sure it really netted them much. Aug 23, 2022 · Code language: Python (python) Mocking the requests module. Jan 5, 2019 · Now my question here is how I can run a mock server automatically in the pytest fixture setup stage to occupy the test URLs localhost ports. status = 400 mock_conn. return_value should point to mock version of your Db instance) or leave it as it is if you Nov 28, 2024 · Do not mock some requests. return_value = ok_response_mock YourModule. com/nikhilkumarsingh/pytest-tutPlaylist: https://www. I've tried to use the first example in the requests_mock docs, except I put it in a test_mock()-function and added an assert-statement for pytest to discover it. It can be used as a replace for the method and/or the URL. I want to test this does what it should. call. import requests from Jan 19, 2024 · Create a new project folder named pytest-rest-api. unittest. A utility for mocking out the Python Requests library. 66. They can be used to mock a single function, a class with many methods, dataclasses, etc. 1k 15 15 gold badges 176 176 silver badges 221 221 Nov 30, 2024 · To mock requests. Or as a pytest fixture: "Python Package Index", Mar 29, 2021 · I am writing a test case with pytest to test a rest api call to get a token. 同じ機能で、書き方が何種類もあること # contents of test_app. 11. Session >>> adapter = requests_mock. By default, pytest-httpx will mock every request. ClientSession as session: yield session I would like to write some testcase to exercise object_check in isinstance(obj, requests. Mar 15, 2015 · Python 3 Pytest: How to mock request urlopen response and headers? 1. A = MyClass. 🧪🤖 Pytest plugin for OpenAI requests. This post will discuss using the pytest Oct 8, 2020 · Yes there is. Both these packages work with the requests http package for handling HTTP requests. Oct 22, 2024 · In this article, we'll explore how to test APIs in Python using the popular PyTest library. py exists and contains: Feb 26, 2021 · Your approach is a bit too complicated - you can just use a standard mock without the need to implement your own mock class. The find_album_by_id() function has two dependencies:. Mock a api response. __enter__. Also, as a convenience, these names from the mock module are accessible directly from mocker: Mock. This method also optionally Sep 13, 2024 · 在Python单元测试中,学会用Mock库模拟Requests请求,解决网络依赖和数据一致性问题,提高测试效率和稳定性。本文结合实际场景,详细讲解如何模拟get请求和响应,并解答常见问题。 Using pytest I would like to mock the requests module that is being used inside my function: import requests def get_employee(id): resp = requests. I have written this answer before @baguette added the code of its function func1(), so I have created a file called my_file_01. A = self. 0%; Footer In short, just using a mock. post") @patch("src. yout Jan 16, 2021 · You are mocking the wrong name. One way to do this is by mocking the API responses during testing. It is also possible to use mocking functionality from fixtures of other scopes using Feb 11, 2019 · I'm trying to mock a single request to an external URL but in the documentation exists just examples to internal request (starting with '/'), it's impossible to add routers who not start with '/' on the current version of aiohttp. get. get") def test_mock(self, mock_get, mock_post): data = {} mock_post. Here's an example of a function I'm trying to unit test: def get(): url = f'http: Apr 28, 2019 · A friend helped me with the issue, this seems to work (it's still very confusing for me): from unittest. py, I have a function call an external API to get data in json format and I wa If you're using python-requests, then use the Session object rather than mocking the global requests module namespace. Nov 24, 2020 · Your first attempt doesn't work because each mock just replaced the previous one (the outer two mocks don't do anything). A simple example: >>> import requests >>> import requests_mock >>> session = requests. From the linked documentation: python; pytest; requests-mock; Share. Mock() is a quick way to return a mock object that you don't care what's called on it. Here is an example of how you might use the pytest-mock plugin to mock an HTTP request: mock = Nov 10, 2023 · This article explains how to use the built-in unittest mock package in Python to mock up the HTTP requests while using pytest fixtures. Mar 6, 2018 · Just mock the whole _request_url function, and not bother with the session object. ' )) ) with requests_gag: # no Internet here Mar 9, 2021 · Not able to mock urllib2. We'll also demonstrate how to use mocking to simulate responses from external services, making your tests faster, more reliable, and easier to maintain. For the shell or for unittests: How do you mock users? How do you mock Mar 6, 2017 · my_api_client_mock = mock. functions , 'CONSTANT_A' , 10 Jul 20, 2020 · I have tried various things to mock two other functions called within this test. patch . fixture def mock_session(mocker): mock_session = mocker. patch fixture provided by the pytest-mock library to create a mock object for requests. I'm using pytest and pytest-mock, but the idea should be the same across testing frameworks, as long as you are using the native unittest. Integrating with a third-party application is a great way to extend the functionality of your product. This is not working. Aug 14, 2020 · This is for documething something I stumbled upon for a long time. A = MagicMock(name='mocked A', return_value='CPU') def tearDown(self): MyClass. from requests. py. mock import patch. It builds on top of Python's built-in unittest , simplifying the process of mocking during testing. uwma xriuq gwfmx jvqs rnoat mslt epzvw njxvo eihptn ifzz xlfwig nfql ihcwuat ilxcuym aqxnm