Off meta supports season 14. Cho'Gath Support is ranked Off Meta Tier and has a 42.
Off meta supports season 14 i see. i think melee/all-in champs like pyke or blitzcrank will be much stronger in lane since our poke won’t be as strong. shopsaikou. true. com/ShoDesuLoL馃捇 DISCORD: https://discord. youtube. Mar 2, 2024 路 However, there are also great off-meta ADC picks in LoL that you should know of! In this post, I’ll go over the 15 best off-meta ADCs in League of Legends. threadless. 6 days ago 路 Find the best meta build guides for Support champions in S15 Patch 25. I’ll start my list of the best s12 off-meta junglers in League of Legends with Neeko for an excellent reason – she’s simply one of the greatest trickster champions in the game! And if you want a champ that can consistently outplay their enemies, no matter the situation, Neeko is definitely Cho'Gath Support is ranked Off Meta Tier and has a 42. Jul 9, 2021 路 In this list, we’ll take a look at the best “experimental” (off-meta) supports that have come up over the years. as an enchanter main, they just make the lane super uninteractive as i just have to farm under tower and dodge poke because if you mess up an engage and feed them a kill they snowball. While I don't think she is weak, she is certainly not meta anymore. That beung said the overall power level of tanks is very high rn and I would expect riot to nerf them for 14. 1 A LOT of items got AP amount buff, while Eve passive and her AP ratio didn't change. Conclusion. tv/cryobeatsWe hav It's time for the 2025 Season 1 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 3 weeks to compete for the $3,750 prize pool . Sep 7, 2024 路 thought I would show what supports I like the most and ones that should get played. With the support meta undergoing another shift by Riot Games, here are the top Support Picks for Ranked in League of Legends Season 14, Patch 14. Amumu - win rate over games. Nov 14, 2024 路 Find the best meta build guides for Swain Support in S15 Patch 25. He had a 14. Jan 7, 2024 路 5 S-tier Supports in Patch 14. GG takes a data science approach to the best supp champions for Patch 15. Off Meta Supports League of LegendsCurrent Rank: Diamond 1I'm a Darius Main with over 1 mio master points. 8 R: (Last Caress) AP ratio reduced to 65% AP from 75% AP. Perma farming camps doesn't work like it did last season. Has some weaknesses. Twitch When it comes to forcing early fights and shutting down lanes in the opening minutes, few champions are as effective as Twitch. 16) Oct 31, 2020 路 sett's really hard to execute well. really solid peel with W and a free point and click cc with her R. The MOBAFire community offers quality Support builds and knowledge to improve your performance and win rate. Use Attack Speed, Health Scaling and Health as your shards. Thresh had a 5. e not real players 3- enemy bot lane duo is like supper chill and really fun to talk to 4- the enemy team has no idea who im playing and start flaming me and calling me no-skill for playing an “op champ” after accidentally There's many different offmeta champions you can play in the support roll in season 12, but which ones are the best? I analyze the offmeta supports I've cove Quinn jungle is my favourite for sure. New Guide. If this video is the kind of content that makes your buns crispy, then check out our YouTube channel! + Add to my list r/OffMeta: Discuss League of Legends off-meta builds. I have made it my goal to play off meta supports in high elo. I normally play Bel'Veth. The combo that got me to emerald last and this season was Doing Sett Nami/Soraka botlane. In Emerald+, Thresh was played 300,000 times. This Champion Tier List displays all champions that are frequently played as Support. You can make some plays early, but when you reach level 6 you put way too much pressure in the map. Jan 25, 2025 路 Find the best meta build guides for Brand Support in S15 Patch 25. This video will showcase what items are bes Dec 28, 2024 路 Find the best meta build guides for Thresh Support in S15 Patch 25. The MOBAFire community offers quality Teemo builds and knowledge to improve your performance and win rate. That being said, I also feel like there are certain legendary items that need a lot of love: Echoes of Helia - this item nowadays is just a stat stick. The MOBAFire community offers quality Thresh builds and knowledge to improve your performance and win rate. There were a lot of changes to the lane, and the items that Supports build. I don’t think it works but it definitely worked. Neeko. Our proprietary algorithm uses data such as win rate, ban rate, pick rate, and KDA to calculate the best and worst picks for League of Legends Support champions. Decent picks, may have some bad mus. This slippery trickster is a mid lane assassin who can effortlessly one-shot opponents (and help you gain that LP). Shen Support is a great off-meta flex pick that can be built and played in a variety of ways. also with trailblazer being pretty cheap alongside its relatively strong passive synergy - it allows engage supports to Mar 2, 2024 路 Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in LoL 15. Always up-to-date, U. Worst Matchups. panth isn't even off-meta cuz he's mostly played support now XD;try ashe out, she's a B-tier in my book ;) you also forgot lux. You have a strong level 1-3 (then play passive until 6). It has been a while since my last League video so I thought I'd slowly bring it back with the new Season 14! With this new season comes new items, terrain la We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The dmg you can output is unmatched in the botlane. gg/dqtxYhH7n9馃摲 INSTAGRAM: https://www. I find it hard to believe anyone who isnt mid or support enjoys the game. Dec 1, 2023 路 饾悥饾悇饾悂饾悞饾悎饾悡饾悇: https://www. I understand this is due to not having preseason but I completely blame this in Riot. But lately I've been enjoying tanky / off meta junglers. the navori damage increase affects yis e true damage, and the cooldown refund gives him 100% uptime on his e as long as he is attacking. 7. 4. You can also stay close to your adc for great peel. so ive been playing a very pyke like strategy with reksai support (its really fun, v high risk, v high reward) but when my games go really well i accumulate a bounty very fast and come late mid game i fall off very hard and am GOING to die, and if the wrong person gets the bounty that can flip the winning game. 3 Second Ult One time, I did not notice I was autofilled support before locking in. Feb 1, 2023 路 Best Off-Meta Support Season 13=====Follow me here!→i0ki MERCH: https://i0ki. He can summon turrets, deal burst damage, and stun multiple enemies at once. tv/i0ki→My Twitter: http Jan 24, 2022 路 There's many different offmeta champions you can play in the support roll in season 12, but which ones are the best? I analyze the offmeta supports I've cove Jan 18, 2025 路 Find the best meta build guides for Teemo Support in S15 Patch 25. I am not sure how high an elo she is playable as Jul 2, 2024 路 The 8 Best Supports for Vayne in LoL (Season 14) The 5 Best Supports for Kalista in LoL (Season 13) 5 Best Supports for Jinx in LoL (Season 13) 5 Best Supports for Tristana in LoL (Season 14) 5 Best Supports for Zeri in LoL, Ranked (Season 14) 5 Best Supports for Caitlyn, Ranked (Season 14) LoL: 10 Best Supports for Jhin (Season 14) Best Carry Dec 6, 2023 路 Video Showcasing all of Hweis Abilities: https://youtu. You max W. vs. Heimerdinger is a champion of many talents. The only Support Tier list you need for the newest patch. Mar 2, 2024 路 Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in LoL 15. it feels like a slight nerf to enchanters and mage supports since we lose the ap from spellthiefs. instagram Are you tired of the same old boring support champions? Well, with these 5 best off-meta supports, you'll transform the boring bot lane into a fun lane!0:00 Feb 20, 2024 路 The 8 Best Supports for Vayne in LoL (Season 14) The 5 Best Supports for Kalista in LoL (Season 13) 5 Best Supports for Jinx in LoL (Season 13) 5 Best Supports for Tristana in LoL (Season 14) 5 Best Supports for Zeri in LoL, Ranked (Season 14) 5 Best Supports for Caitlyn, Ranked (Season 14) LoL: 10 Best Supports for Jhin (Season 14) Best Carry Similar champion to this is Teemo as a support, except so much more painful to deal with! Quinn gets a pass in the bot lane because she isn’t as much of a bully there, but Teemo trades her roam for the poison and map control and general tilt factor. Swain - 14. 6. com→My Stream: http://twitch. However some of the most satisfying victories come from thinking outside the box and using off-meta strategies to catch your opponents by surprise. There are a lot of different champions being played in this role. 8 was 52. skill-capped. maybe rageblade is just too good on yi to replace it Jan 14, 2024 路 Patch 14. Heimerdinger. Zoe Support Guide (Patch 12. Oct 29, 2021 路 The 8 Best Supports for Vayne in LoL (Season 14) The 5 Best Supports for Kalista in LoL (Season 13) 5 Best Supports for Jinx in LoL (Season 13) 5 Best Supports for Tristana in LoL (Season 14) 5 Best Supports for Zeri in LoL, Ranked (Season 14) 5 Best Supports for Caitlyn, Ranked (Season 14) LoL: 10 Best Supports for Jhin (Season 14) Best Carry Sep 4, 2024 路 The 8 Best Supports for Vayne in LoL (Season 14) The 5 Best Supports for Kalista in LoL (Season 13) 5 Best Supports for Jinx in LoL (Season 13) 5 Best Supports for Tristana in LoL (Season 14) 5 Best Supports for Zeri in LoL, Ranked (Season 14) 5 Best Supports for Caitlyn, Ranked (Season 14) LoL: 10 Best Supports for Jhin (Season 14) Best Carry Jan 23, 2024 路 Riot Games / April Reid. A Patch 25. The best off meta support right now is lissandra. The MOBAFire community offers quality Swain builds and knowledge to improve your performance and win rate. Runes for Support are VERY variable. Generally speaking you can make any off meta support work as long as you got that spark. 1. The MOBAFire community offers quality Pantheon builds and knowledge to improve your performance and win rate. Disguising as your adc or jg to set up an engage is the best thing ever when it succeeds. If you want to climb in Patch 14. And then after that you so easily influence the map and bring that chaos to the game that low elo games strive off of. May 31, 2024 路 The 8 Best Supports for Vayne in LoL (Season 14) The 5 Best Supports for Kalista in LoL (Season 13) 5 Best Supports for Jinx in LoL (Season 13) 5 Best Supports for Tristana in LoL (Season 14) 5 Best Supports for Zeri in LoL, Ranked (Season 14) 5 Best Supports for Caitlyn, Ranked (Season 14) LoL: 10 Best Supports for Jhin (Season 14) Best Carry 29 votes, 57 comments. The Support role can have the most impact throughout the game when picking a dominant Support. com/channel/UCE-oBr9wkhpPK2P3sAnbk Feb 18, 2024 路 This list is now outdated. We highly recommend avoiding picking Ahri in the current patch into the following Support matchups: vs. Rumble support is a pick ive been playing recently with good results. Next to that i like your list quite well, good job :) Patch 14. Jul 4, 2023 路 The 8 Best Supports for Vayne in LoL (Season 14) The 5 Best Supports for Kalista in LoL (Season 13) 5 Best Supports for Jinx in LoL (Season 13) 5 Best Supports for Tristana in LoL (Season 14) 5 Best Supports for Zeri in LoL, Ranked (Season 14) 5 Best Supports for Caitlyn, Ranked (Season 14) LoL: 10 Best Supports for Jhin (Season 14) Best Carry Urgot sup is the classic off meta sup and works great. She can't duel many of the current junglers and can get bullied/invaded frequently in the early game. Aug 28, 2024 路 The 8 Best Supports for Vayne in LoL (Season 14) The 5 Best Supports for Kalista in LoL (Season 13) 5 Best Supports for Jinx in LoL (Season 13) 5 Best Supports for Tristana in LoL (Season 14) 5 Best Supports for Zeri in LoL, Ranked (Season 14) 5 Best Supports for Caitlyn, Ranked (Season 14) LoL: 10 Best Supports for Jhin (Season 14) Best Carry Dec 2, 2024 路 In League of Legends, with over 150 champions available, breaking away from traditional mid lane picks can give you a significant competitive edge. Went 10-0 pretty quick after turning two ganks before enemy ff’d. The Support role is one of the most popular roles in League of Legends. Now you can heal and deal more damage, let's hope it doesn't get a nerf soon (or at least not a strong one). Stay updated to dominate your games with the strongest champions in the bot lane. Patch 14. And all of these qualities make him a great off-meta support pick in LoL! league of legends needs off-meta, and the off-meta needs players, so if you were ever wondering who is the best off meta support then here is the list for yo League of Legends forum dedicated to all Support mains. 3 win rate on support feeling great (i think support role is broken) Jan 25, 2024 路 If you don’t like to play support champions, have a look at the 10 best off meta junglers. This year, there has been quite the mix-up with champion changes, buffs and nerfs, new items and major map changes. Her nerfs definitely affected her, but there's also been a meta shift since then. 3] You, Freeze. Comparable to weak meta midlaners Tier 2. I needed to try the top off-meta supports in season but are they really good? yeah probably. tv/RossboomsocksOur merch: http://www. Nov 19, 2024 路 It's time for the 2025 Season 1 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 4 weeks to compete for the $3,750 prize pool . Off-Meta. 5. The MOBAFire community offers quality Pyke builds and knowledge to improve your performance and win rate. Twitch jungle is nice, he scales while he has gank pressure of a demon. All of these are based on how viable they are in the current season, but we’ll also consider how useful they’ve been in the past. I had some success with it last season, nowadays it's a bit weak vs enchanters, but with this patch nerfs maybe the meta will shift towards more tanky supports and it could be a fun off-meta counter pick 馃槇 Mar 17, 2024 路 This list is now outdated. So there you have it – the top 10 best off-meta support champions in LoL. Jul 31, 2024 路 Season 14 Guides. 馃幃 TWITCH: http://www. Dec 26, 2024 路 Off-Meta; Rating Pending. Unfortunately, there are so many good Supports you can play right now that it can be tricky to know who the best Support to pick Mar 2, 2024 路 Top 15 Best Off-Meta Supports in League of Legends (Exotic Picks) 15. Rating Pending Off-Meta Zoe Support build Build by Arayka updated September 5, 2022. The MOBAFire community offers quality Shen builds and knowledge to improve your performance and win rate. 14. You'll just become a shielding machine, her E not only shields but also gives armor to the ally it's attached to. One of the most significant changes were the Support warding items. try poppy anivia as a poppy supp 1. [Best Builds, Runes, and Matchups] (Season 14 Off Meta LOL) I think this season so far has the most potential to play any and all the off meta picks (at least through the pre season) with the new support item update. 22 Mar 31, 2024 路 Rumble Support Guide For Season 14. be/EIq5ImdUzeAThis video is a bit of a Hwei Support Guide. While established meta choices dominate high-level play, innovative off-meta selections often catch opponents off guard and create unique opportunities for victory. if u don't look for the plays u won't be a good support. Rumble has not really been seen in the Support role before, but he is now showing up here. one of my favourite off-meta mage supports is lissandra. mainly artillery mages like xerath, and the usual mage supports like brand, velkoz, and zyra. teemo, Shaco, and Shen are probably good bets. This guide is on Vex support. Off-Meta; Rating Pending. S1. Feb 14, 2024 路 I am Doglightning an grandmaster Neeko Support main. Best Off Meta Champion Builds 2024: In League of Legends the meta constantly evolves, with certain champions and builds rising to prominence each season. 馃弳 Off meta jungle Patch 13. The only Duo Tier list you need for the newest patch. She’s got a long root that goes through the wave and can use her w to set it up, good poke, her ultimate is super OP, and her passive and w make for some great mind games. so im looking for some strategy to lose the bounty without soft throwing the game. Thresh is one of the most popular Supports around right now. otherwise, they just make the laning phase super slow and boring only to fall off if you don’t feed them kills. tv/i0ki→My Twitter: http:// Everything is reportable lmao, nothing is stopping your team for reporting you just for typing "GLHF". 5m d2 if you have a good anivia player as adc it becomes a slaughter for the enemy team (go hail of blades +ms runes for the extra spice and you can near oneshot at lvl 1 + with gold you can mess the enemy jungler up by shredding his hp bar while a level under him Jan 24, 2024 路 A League of Legends Tier List created by Metallichydra: My personal experience with "off-meta" supports. GG takes a data science approach to the best champion duos in bot and mid jungle for Patch 15. If you want to try an Off-Meta Shen Support build in the current patch, try Flash and Ignite as your Summoner Spells, Guardian, Shield Bash, Second Wind and Revitalize as your primary rune tree, and Triumph with Legend: Haste as your secondary tree. 43% win rate in LoL Patch 25. This season Rocketbelt is more expensive but scales better so your early game is a bit weaker this season but your 2 item spike is only 300g more and a lot stronger. Your passive will carry teamfights. 6 Build by HenrySJG updated March 21, 2024. Enchanter Kayle(buy a tear on first back, sell it late game) with aery/guardian on different matchups. All the broken champions and the ap burst champ supremacy alongside assassins. gl/kGvFCu 饾悆饾悎饾悞饾悅饾悗饾悜饾悆: https Jan 30, 2022 路 Surprise your enemies with these off-meta support picks in season 12. comDAILY LEAGUE VIDEOS: https://www. 9. 2. 2 LoL Champion Tier List on MOBAFire. His prowess with hooks aligns well with the game's emphasis on champions who can initiate plays and secure valuable picks, making him a highly effective choice in the current meta. 1 LoL Champion Tier List on MOBAFire. illaoi support is a thing ive heard abt, elise, evelynn is a fun support that gets good at lvl6, ekko, and mord! Gonna get downvoted like usual, but off meta support player here- Quinn is (imo) the strongest off meta support in low elo. 5 S-tier Supports in Patch 14. 饾悥饾悇饾悂饾悞饾悎饾悡饾悇: https://www. The MOBAFire community offers quality Brand builds and knowledge to improve your performance and win rate. Apr 27, 2022 路 While LS has shown off (though not necessarily “inventing”) a ton of off-meta support picks over the past few weeks, some have had much better results than others. Frankly she’s about as meta as off-meta gets, and for good reason. I managed to make it to plat last season by playing support tank TF and Support Orianna on two different accounts and diamond by playing Fiddle support, so you can most def make Sett supp work. i usually go relic shield so i dont have to push the wave with my Q/E to get poke for spellthiefs Not sure if it's super off meta, but I enjoy playing Trundle/Poppy support, depending on the enemy mobility. Similar level to those meta mid laners that always fall at the bottom of the tier list. I really like items this season - generally every support is having a different build path, which I really like, unlike the previous season with almost every enchanter having the same exact build. Jan 12, 2025 路 Find the best meta build guides for Shen Support in S15 Patch 25. Rating Pending. pro For example, Trundle (tank or AP) support with adcs that like to run it down and Aatrox (tank or assassin) support (specifically with Samira) are two of my favorites at the moment , but they have quite a few losing match ups that are heavily meta (namely Caitlyn and Morgana at the minimum). This list is now outdated. Also let me know w Jan 20, 2024 路 Malzahar Jungle, AP Kog'maw, Top Jinx, Tank Karthus, Support Orianna, APC-Bot Vel'koz, and Top Kha'zix return for a new season, this time abroad! All 7 guide Feb 4, 2024 路 Click here for the best Supports to climb with in Patch 14. For items, our build recommends: Heartsteel, Plated Steelcaps, Winter's Approach, Thornmail, Celestial Opposition, and Unending Despair. The beauty of trundle is that his E is a flash or die spell vs anyone that doesn't have a dash, like most mages and half the ADCs. In this article by Mobalytics, we will discuss 5 of the best Supports you can play to help you get climb in Patch 14. . Due to the nature of the role, it is important that you’re playing a strong Support who can dominate the enemy throughout the game. Like singed and Quinn who are off meta tops at like 2% pickrate, when even the most solidly of meta tops at their peaks like Ksante right now or OP malphite earlier Lux and xerath specifically are really good against short range mages, senna and short range tanks like leona, alistar or maokai. Our statistical LoL Support Tier List is updated hourly with the best champions to play in LoL. Vs Melee supports pick Soraka, vs enchanters pick Nami. You have good engage and all in potential. Early game people will continuously try to juke your Q but your autos still do comparable damage and apply red, letting you just hold Q until you know you can easily land it. Glacial Morgana. Could easily be in the tier above. tv/ShoDesu馃惀 TWITTER: https://twitter. i think there will be some nuts navori builds that pop up. Members Online After 10 years playing lol, finally hitting challanger with %74. 1 Support Tier List=====================Follow me here!→i0ki MERCH: https://i0ki. Best Off-Meta Supports Season 14=====================Follow me here!→i0ki MERCH: https://i0ki. Surprisingly, being in the support role as Master Yi takes a lot of the attention off of you. The MOBAFire community offers quality Ahri builds and knowledge to improve your performance and win rate. Cringe off meta supports. tv/i0ki→My Twitter: htt Jan 16, 2025 路 A League of Legends Tier List created by SammyStarlight: Off meta tomfoolery. Rumble support Rumble has been popping up more and more in recent patches, finding strong success in his main Oct 29, 2021 路 The 8 Best Supports for Vayne in LoL (Season 14) The 5 Best Supports for Kalista in LoL (Season 13) 5 Best Supports for Jinx in LoL (Season 13) 5 Best Supports for Tristana in LoL (Season 14) 5 Best Supports for Zeri in LoL, Ranked (Season 14) 5 Best Supports for Caitlyn, Ranked (Season 14) LoL: 10 Best Supports for Jhin (Season 14) Best Carry May 6, 2024 路 This guide will assist you in climbing Ranked effortlessly by selecting the most powerful supports in LoL. 4, there are a lot of incredibly strong Supports who have risen above the rest and have shown a dominating performance recently. 8. 5 S-Tier Supports in Patch 14. Jayce with aery, your melee e cancels most engages and you have a strong poke(+ you ranged e procs aery on allies). Consider picking Ahri into these matches to increase your chance to win a game. Amazing ult vs tanks to shred them while getting tanky, Q reduces ad of enemy adc, pillar with glacial is a really great gank setup. 4, we recommend you pick one of these champions! Dec 25, 2022 路 The BEST and WORST Off-Meta Support Champs in League of Legends Tier List=====Follow me here!→i0ki MERCH: https://i0ki. The MOBAFire community offers quality Ashe builds and knowledge to improve your performance and win rate. I peaked Challenger in Season 9 but most of the ti Apr 27, 2024 路 Thresh Support Mid-Patch Stats: According to the patch preview, they not getting any buffs or nerfs in this patch. Ban Brand and Vayne. Aug 23, 2023 路 In Mobafire annual guide contests, I have managed to win in the off-meta category 3 times in a row, so I am by no means a newbie in the off-meta land :D This tier list doesn't feature champions that used to be off-meta but became meta throughout League's history, which means no Ashe, Heimerdinger, Amumu, Xerath or whatnot will appear in this guide. His W applies a hefty bleed and empowers his next attacks, his long-ranged shark ultimate allows him to execute low-health enemies with a single click, and his Q enables him to gap-close and punish any overextending opponent. Poke and play :3 Lux support/apc Season 14, patch 14. My other adcs/combo are: Yeah I feel the same way I was Grandmaster last season playing with in 1200 LP lobbies and rn im struggling in emerald I can be 13-1 on Kayn and get one shot by any mages lvl 6 regardless of their KDA, Ive been playing this game since season 5 and it’s never been that bad even ardent censor meta was more playable, same champions played every games AP assassins can one shot you with one item Jul 29, 2023 路 These are the best off-meta champions you should learn and master in LoL Patch 13. com→My Stre Right, I played Xerath support back when he wasn't a meta support champ. (An Off-Meta Ahri Support Guide) Updated on February 19, 2024. I’ll start my list of the best s12 off-meta junglers in League of Legends with Neeko for an excellent reason – she’s simply one of the greatest trickster champions in the game! And if you want a champ that can consistently outplay their enemies, no matter the situation, Neeko is definitely Oct 13, 2024 路 Find the best meta build guides for Ashe Support in S15 Patch 25. It's time for the 2025 Season 1 Guide Contest! [14. Feb 13, 2024 路 The Top 10 Best Solo Carry Supports for Season 14 in League of Legends. There is a reason to pick these over a meta midlaner. Some of my picks are a bit troll but I think I have proven that Ivern, Neeko, Anivia, Zac and Taliyah are viable and I play them in Grandmasters. I think this is buuff in lower elos where games go late and nerf in high elo where you wanna get early leads and snowball. Warwick-sion/Alistar is pretty funny too if you can coordinate I've been trying Rell JG. 2 W: (Allure) Can no longer target small monsters. We've analyzed 12031 Cho'Gath Support games to compile our statistical Cho'Gath Build Guide. Jan 27, 2025 路 Find the best meta build guides for Pyke Support in S15 Patch 25. Click here for the best Supports to climb with in Patch 14. lillia is my go-to! m7 just as support, works great and works great with jhin, miss fortune (!!!!), etc. There are a ton of good champions that can be played in the Support role. I enjoyed Leona a bit, but Rells been really fun (I only playing draft with her don't want to people to rage in ranked [for now]). Off Meta Players who have reached MASTER, GRANDMASTER OR CHALLENGER with SUPPORT Jan 13, 2024 路 ADC Thresh with the new Voltaic Cyclosword can One Shot more now than ever in Season 14!Gameplay streamed on my Twitch: https://www. 3. We hope this list helps you find the off-meta support champion you’ve been looking for. I actually play her a bunch in D1-2 and it is very strong. In Patch 14. From tanks, healers and utility, to damage dealers and those off-meta picks that somehow perform well. Orianna support is off-meta but she is not troll at all. This guide will feature everything you need to know. The Support role can be one of the most impactful roles in League of Legends. May 14, 2024 路 I did enjoy making my tier list so I thought I would put together another list that goes a little more indepth with what is actually being picked at the highest level of league of legends. twitch. Jan 21, 2024 路 The Support role received arguably one of the most changes this Season. 19 Jan 17, 2024 路 Blitzcrank stands out as an exceptional Support champion in League of Legends Season 14, particularly due to his play-making and pick potential. WATCH LIVE: http://www. Vote Vote. I’ll talk about why they’re a good fit for the role, which supports you should pair them with, and which build you should go for when you play them. I usually put 3 points in Q to harrass the enemy duo in lane, then i max E (the shield) and W. Find the best meta build guides for Ahri Support in S15 Patch 25. A Patch 14. I main taliyah as a secondary and when i do support as her either: 1- my adc DCs at the start of the game 2- i get put with bot players i. 38% pick rate. com/lol 饾悞饾悢饾悂饾悞饾悅饾悜饾悎饾悂饾悇: http://goo. It was frowned upon to use the artillery mage in that lane because of the lack of gold & not hitting powerspikes, yet i played it because i found it fun & found some aspects that were supportive in him, and created my own build around my playstyle. 馃弳 Off meta ADC tomfoolery (In progress) Patch 14. Rumble Support is a dominant and oppressive laner who can constantly bully and harass the enemy in the bottom lane. You can go evenshroud or everfrost. Rumble Support is the newest off-meta Support that has made its way to the main stage. 01%. Now if your question is whether playing off meta supports will get you penalized, then the answer is no it won't, as long as you're trying your best to win and are not toxic, you won't be penalized even if you play off meta. Find the best meta build guides for Pantheon Support in S15 Patch 25. I spent a while in the practice tool messing around with various champs, seems like master yi may be able to go navori instead of rageblade. The 2023 League of Legends Season is over and we welcome the new year in with a new Season of League. These are the most popular Support matchups that currently are in favor of Ahri. I build tank: Heartsteel, boots based off if more AD or AP or CC, Sunfire then rest very depending on enemies. 06% ban rate on patch 14. 3% win rate over 7 games. She's a bit weak in the early game but once she gets Shurelya, she pops off. gl/kGvFCu 饾悆饾悎饾悞饾悅饾悗饾悜饾悆: https In a role where like Kaisa, Lucian, Ezreal and a few others have hit 45% pickrates when they were meta it's really hard to look at something else at 1% pickrate and call that meta. Some other off meta supports I personally want to try: Heimerdeiger as the fake Zyra of bot lane. Also let me know what I can improve on for the next video, I am happy to t After a year of patches and a whole bunch of jungle updates, I decided to make a new season 14 version of my Can It Jungle tierlist!Watch me play off-meta ju 19 votes, 48 comments. Last season 16 games 80% wr with Sett ADC and 12 games 87% wr this season to emerald. Thresh’s win rate in patch 14. pobkg hwczgs cwbp xuhvah axjx gbem qhxqfk otperps uxzyiaf brg crdau ozym apk xhei wewux