Readlines python. This method read file line by line into a list.

Readlines python txt'). readlines() for i in range(1,8,2): print file[i] it will print: Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about And gallantly he chickened out Bravely talking to his feet He beat a very brave retreat Dec 26, 2018 · どうも素直に左から読めないし、map(strip, f. remove(lines) is not a correct syntax, you trying to delete a list on list. seek(): seeks to an offset within the file-like object. PIPE) # Communicate the command stdout_value,stderr_value = proc. The file must be open in 'rb' mode. data files in Python involves navigating through diverse structures. The challenge, though, is that I have to guard against the case of corrupt or otherwise screwy May 3, 2023 · Pythonで条件を満たすパスの一覧を再帰的に取得するglobの使い方; Pythonでパス文字列からファイル名・フォルダ名・拡張子を取得、結合; Pythonでカレントディレクトリを取得、変更(移動) Pythonで新しいディレクトリにファイルを作成・保存 Mar 5, 2013 · . Then I use readlines to put the symbols into a Python list: The W3Schools online code editor allows you to edit code and view the result in your browser May 9, 2012 · readlines() gives you a list of contents of the file, and you can read that list over and over. This file-like object contains these methods: read(): reads a byte string from the file-like object at the current offset. In python, is there a built-in way to do a readline() on string? I have a large chunk of data and want to strip off just the first couple lines w/o doing split() on the whole string. You can use an index number as a Mar 17, 2018 · @Gang's answer pointed me to the right direction but it's not a complete working solution. 5. get_offset(): retrieves the current offset into the file-like object. Compare it with the readline () function and see examples, syntax, and parameters. 次にlinecacheで3行目(apple)を取得してみます。 linecacheモジュールは、キャッシュ (一つのファイルから何行も読んでおくのが一般的です) を使って、内部で最適化を図りつつ、Python ソースファイルの任意の行を取得するのを可能にします。 Mar 6, 2012 · I want to skip the first 17 lines while reading a text file. Add a Jul 19, 2012 · To read a file line-by-line in Python, use the `open` function with a for loop or the `readlines` method. replace to remove the newlines: txt = txt. Sep 20, 2009 · "Learning Python" is wrong in directing users to use readlines(). Jan 1, 1970 · I suggest the csv module, though you have a slightly odd file format because it starts with "HEADER: "followed by the actual headers that you care about. Oct 12, 2022 · Uses Python 2. readlines() reads them all and returns a list - which means it needs to read everything into memory. read_csv() to read in a defined amount of lines at a time, instead of trying to read the entire file in one go. Optional. split('\n') Identify the position where you have to insert a new line, according to your criteria. readlines())って書けないしですっきりしないので悶々としてた けど、こう書けることをたまたま知って、とても感動したのでメモ Python readlines() The readline method reads a single line from a file and returns it as a string, while the readlines method reads the entire contents of a file and returns it as a list of strings, where each element of the list is a single line of the file. Reading a file in Python is fast if the file size is in a few MB. While we have seen how to extract the entire file contents using the readline() method, we can achieve the same using the readlines() method. stdout, which reads the entire input before iterating over it. writelines(s[::-1]) # or f. get_current_history_length ¶ Return the number of items currently in the history. txt with the following content. PIPE, stdout=subprocess. Jul 31, 2023 · Python counts the number of lines in a string using readlines() The readlines() are used to read all the lines in a single go and then return them as each line is a string element in a list. It is seldom used, because the default universal newlines mode is very tolerant: When reading input from the stream, if newline is None, universal newlines mode is enabled. The documentation for readlines() explicitly guarantees that it reads the whole file into memory, and parses it into lines, and builds a list full of Aug 24, 2021 · You can call readlines any time. readlines() at all and to read all the file in the memory. Therefore readlines() depends on having a timeout on the port and interprets that as EOF (end of file). Simple code for doing this is shown below. Let's say the file looks like: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 good stuff I just want the good stuff. Nov 15, 2024 · Learn how to use readline() and readlines() to read lines from a file in Python. 1 1 1 bronze badge. Donde archivo es el objeto de archivo y readlines() es la función utilizada para leer las líneas del archivo. 이 모듈을 사용하여 설정한 내용은 인터프리 Oct 25, 2021 · Artículo original escrito por Jessica Wilkins Artículo original Python Open File – How to Read a Text File Line by Line Traducido y adaptado por Franciscomelov. readlines() returns a list where each element in the list represents a line in the file: Jul 23, 2018 · Difference in read(), readline() and readlines() in Python. ) By using . Dec 26, 2023 · In Python, read(), readline(), and readlines() are methods of a file object that allow you to read data from a file, but they work in slightly different ways: 1. Compare their differences, advantages and disadvantages, and see practical examples. That's how its knows where the next reads and writes will go. It looks like the lines in "simp. Both reading and writing functions work on open files (files opened and linked via a file object). Mar 9, 2020 · #read()やreadline()、readlines()の違いについてメモ#前提例えば、testsディレクトリに以下のテキストファイルがあったとする。たま,眠いにゃーしろ,腹減ったにゃー… Python File readlines () 方法 | 菜鸟教程 Dec 25, 2018 · Output using readlines in Python. list is a function in Python. ) readline モジュールでは、補完や Python インタプリタからの履歴ファイルの読み書きを容易にするための多くの関数を定義しています。 このモジュールは直接、または rlcompleter モジュールを介して使うことができます。 rlcompleter モジュールは対話的プロンプトで Python 識別子の補完をサポート Sep 13, 2017 · python; readlines; Share. readlines() but the second time Lines is empty. That pointer shouldn't be reround to zero after a readline or readlines call. Dec 10, 2024 · The article outlines various methods in Python for reading files and storing their contents in an array, highlighting the efficiency of the readlines() method and other techniques like using loops, list comprehension, and NumPy for different data types. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 2 months ago. So when you iterate over f. This method read file line by line into a list. Yields the lines unencoded (as bytes), including the newline character. rstrip() Feb 20, 2010 · def readlines_reversed(f): """ Iterate over the lines in a file in reverse. 3 when file objects became their own iterators. Jun 29, 2016 · The short answer to your question is that each of these three methods of reading bits of a file have different use cases. You can delete the elements in lines like; Another way you could iterate over each line in the file is to use the Python . PIPE, stderr=subprocess. data files in Python through four distinct approaches. Mar 27, 2015 · readlines splits the entire file into lines and is nearly equivalent to file. read_text() and then you can use str. Our first approach to reading a file in Python will be the path of least resistance: the readlines() method. Example 1: Using readlines() Let the content of the file data_file. split('\n')): s = f. . It's good practice to close the file after reading it, and then use the contents you've got from the file. Python sys. Method 1: fileobject. file. Reading integers from a file in python. split() try: temp. Hot Network Questions Jan 31, 2017 · Using readlines forces python to read the entire file into memory and build a list, wasting time and memory. You can see the difference of readline() and readlines() methods from the following You should try to use the chunksize option of pd. txt", "r") #opens a file in the reading mode in_lines=f_in. read(). readlines(): print line. Not only that, but using s[:-1] can remove the last non-newline character of the file. org 3 days ago · Learn how to format and print output in Python using various methods and tools. Oct 18, 2016 · In Python 3. Also, today Jan 30, 2019 · I want to read the input file, line by line, then modify one line and write back the changes to the same file. Use readlines(1), which hints one line, but in fact reads in about 4k or 8k worth of lines I Jun 26, 2015 · file. Share. Write the result to the file. – abarnert. ) write() and readlines() existed before writelines() was introduced. Improve this answer. It raises an exception if the port is not opened correctly. split(" ") python: read a file on each line and store only ints into list. Type: method_descriptor String Form:<method 'readlines' of 'file' objects> Namespace: Python builtin Docstring: readlines([size]) -> list of strings, each a line from the file. Is this documented somewhere? Perhaps it is sort of a broad python standard? Python File readlines() 方法 Python File(文件) 方法 概述 readlines() 方法用于读取所有行(直到结束符 EOF)并返回列表,该列表可以由 2 days ago · This page is licensed under the Python Software Foundation License Version 2. I want to write simple parser W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. Try exiting out and ONLY typing readlines() for a file and it will make the full list for you. See the syntax, parameters, return value, and examples of this method with different file modes and sizes. On the other hand, readlines() reads and returns all lines as a list, providing versatility and ease of readline 모듈은 파이썬 인터프리터에서 완성(completion)과 히스토리 파일의 읽기/쓰기를 용이하게 하는 여러 함수를 정의합니다. May 22, 2013 · A more detailed way of using subprocess. f_in=open("file_in. Use the hint parameter to limit the number of lines returned. – Jun 20, 2001 · file. Jan 5, 2024 · はじめに Pythonでファイルを読み込む際に、文字コードの指定が重要になります。特に、readlinesメソッドを使った場合には、文字コードの問題が起きやすいため、注意が必要です。 readlinesメソッドとは何か … Feb 22, 2011 · The docs for readlines indicate there is an optional sizehint. x. Python, Encoding output to UTF-8 and Convert UTF-8 with BOM to UTF-8 with no BOM in Python. This method also returns a list of all the lines in the file. split() #separate elements by the spaces, returning a list with the numbers as strings for i in range(len(list_values)): list_values[i]=eval(list_values[i]) #converts them to floats # print list_values[i], if list Apr 23, 2015 · You can use either readlines() or looping file object to print or read the lines from file. Using the readlines() method allows you to easily access and manipulate individual lines in text files. I have added few details here which makes it a working code without any tinkering. There are various ways to read specific lines from a text file in python, this article is aimed at discussing them. See full list on geeksforgeeks. replace('\n', '') Nov 3, 2013 · That's why when you reverse it, it reverses the lines themselves too, not just their order. My python 2 memory is not good at this point, but if you're using python 2, I think if you change the mode on the open() call to 'r' and just change "f. This function can be used for small files. More generally, the underlying libraries keep a current position for a file. Once I find that line I want to pass the file pointer to a method that is expecting the file pointer to be at the START of that readline (not right after it. Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess. c from release27-maint branch (r83672) Uses Python 3. readlines() #reads it line by line out=[] for line in in_lines: list_values=line. append(float(Data[0])) except IndexError: print Data You can use the with statement to open the file, that automatically closes the file after being processed. readlines() - returns the complete file as a "list of strings each separated by \n" for example, code: print myfile. format() method, string slicing and concatenation, repr() and str() functions, and more. read()" to "f. Python is a great general-purpose programming language, and it has a number of very useful file IO functionality in its standard library of built-in functions and modules. Modified 4 years, 2 months ago. readlines(7) returns at least 1 complete line and more lines as well( until it exceeds 7 bytes) Dec 5, 2024 · Python readline() Examples. readlines() f. read() Functionality: Reads the entire content of a file as a single string. Python readlines() doesn't function outputs bug in for loop. readlines() ,Stop reading lines in command line. Jul 16, 2019 · would read lines 20 through to 52; Python uses 0-based indexing, so line 1 is numbered 0. Note: for symmetry to readlines() the writelines() method does not add ending newlines, so f2. readlines() - reads all lines from the file and returns a list (i. readlines() “[reads] and [returns] a list of lines from the stream. (This is different from get_history_length(), which returns the maximum number of lines that will be written to a history file. When the for loop ends (no matter how -- end-of-file, break or exception), the temporary variable goes out of scope and is deleted; its destructor will then close the file. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. Using readlines() can be useful if you are going to process the file line by line, or want to extract certain lines out of a file. txt" have leading spaces, but I guess that could just be due to how the OP formatted the text when posting it here. It also includes the newline character "\n" at the end of each line. I didn't notice it first and instead devised my own ugly solution with sorted list (where I didn't have to scan a list each time, while if i in whatlines does just that), but difference in performance was negligible (with my The readlines() function in Python is a file method that reads all lines from a file and returns them as a list. for line in f. readlines()) Really, this is the main reason why writelines has such a confusing name. Jul 25, 2014 · I have saved a list of ticker symbols into a text file as follows: MMM ABT ABBV ANF . This tutorial shows you how to read a text file in Python effectively. In the following program, we shall read a text file, and then get the list of all Jul 3, 2021 · Use readlines() to Read the range of line from the File. Jul 12, 2012 · I got the help I wanted but I was also given the suggestion to use f. reason for not using while loop for this purpose would be helpful You should ask for a reason to use a while loop for this purpose. Commented Oct 12, 2013 at 0:11. The better approach (which should always be preferred over readlines()) is to just loop over the object itself, E. 이 모듈은 직접 사용하거나, 대화식 프롬프트에서 파이썬 식별자 완성을 지원하는 rlcompleter 모듈을 통해 사용할 수 있습니다. 0. Last updated on Feb 04, 2025 Aug 30, 2018 · I'm trying to do something like this: Lines = file. ifilter to do your bidding instead. If you want to read the text file and "deserialize" it into data structures, the easiest way is to use Python's built-in eval() function. 2 days ago · The Python function only exists if Python was compiled for a version of the library that supports it. In this article, we will learn about help function in Python. files, and list. readlines()) produces an exact copy of f in f2. readline() allows you to read and process one line at a time, making it efficient for memory usage and performance. writelines(f. txt to use as header information. Learn to code solving problems and writing code with our hands-on Python course. readlines(): Data = row. Mar 5, 2015 · Python readlines() returns empty string. En Python, hay diferentes formas de leer un archivo de texto. readlines() Code language: Python (python) This method will return the entire file contents. readlines() like this, you're effectively iterating over the entire file twice, while also keeping the whole thing in memory at once. How do I read every line of a file in Python and store each line as an element in a list? I want to read the file line by line and append each line to the end of the list. In Python 2. ADDED: Jan 4, 2023 · Read a File Line-by-Line in Python with readlines() Read a File Line-by-Line with a for Loop - Best Approach! Applications of Reading Files Line-by-Line; Basic File IO in Python. This chapter covers formatted string literals, str. So, readline() reads an entire line. Produces the same result as readlines, but reversed. The way to get the same efficiency as xreadlines is instead of using. read_csv(), as mentioned in some of the comments. help() function in Python SyntaxSyntax: help([object]) Parameters (Optional) : Any object for which we want so Jan 12, 2015 · lines is a list here from your txt. c from r32a2 tag (r84541) Source code moved to GitHub. I'm browsing through a Python file pointer of a text file in read-only mode using file. 9k 7 7 gold badges 63 63 silver badges 110 110 bronze Feb 13, 2018 · Convert nonempty into a list if you have the urge to do so, although I highly suggest keeping nonempty a generator as it is in Python 3. Using the file object as an iterator gives you a lot of flexibility; you can read extra lines by calling next() on the file object , for example, advancing the line 'pointer' as you do so. This method will open a file and split its contents into separate lines. hint can be specified to control the number of lines read: no more lines will be read if the total size (in bytes/characters) of all lines so far exceeds hint . Insert a new list element there using list. Let us suppose we have a text file with the name examples. data files is essential, as their format may vary w Jul 3, 2021 · readlines(): Reading File into List. The Python Software Foundation is a non-profit corporation. In summary, the readline() and readlines() functions in Python offer different approaches to reading lines from files. Your example, Example 2: Read Lines as List - readlines() readlines() function returns all the lines in the file as a list of strings. readlines() # do something Lines = file. x you may use itertools. Hot Network Questions Jun 22, 2013 · I read some doc notes on readlines(), where people has claimed that this readlines() reads whole file content into memory and hence generally consumes more memory compared to readline() or read(). readlines() instead, and then use indexing on the resulting list. But in Python 3, all you need to do is set the encoding= parameter when you open the file. writelines() was introduced later as a counterpart of readlines(), so that one could easily write the file content that was just read via readlines(): outfile. file readline() returns nothing even though know there are lines of content. readline. Python is the best programming language in the world in 2020 Edureka is the biggest Ed-tech platform to learn python Python programming is as easy as writing a program in simple English language Sep 25, 2010 · is read into string buffer array with readlines() function to produce ["Blah, Blah, and Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah", "A, B, C Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah"] I thought about having loop to check '-' to concatenate all the stored strings before it, but I expect Python has efficient way to do this. Parse the file into a python list using file. Jul 10, 2017 · Running the code snippet from the question in a (Python 3) console shows that it returns an empty string, or an empty Bytes object if opening the file in binary mode. e. readlines() method of the file object. Laurent LAPORTE. f. ids = set(ids Feb 5, 2016 · I'm trying to read the first 100 lines of large text files. readlines() you iterate over a list, thus it yield one element at a time. We can traverse through the list, and access each line of the file. g: Como todos sabemos, hay tres métodos de uso común para leer archivos en Python: read (), readline (), readlines (); existen tales preguntas de examen en la entrevista o prueba escrita de algunas fábricas de Internet grandes y medianas, pregunte la diferencia entre los tres. ” So what you get back is a list of every line. The solution is to use readline() instead:. readlines() reads all of the lines and returns a list of strings. Popen(['python','fake_utility. Jan 27, 2016 · Trying to create a twitter bot that reads lines and posts them. Is that normal? Apr 22, 2011 · As far as I understood this point, as far as I verified it, and as far as I know, the use of readline() before any execution of a for line in one_file: loop or next() function is safe. Esta función se puede utilizar de varias maneras en Python, por ejemplo, para leer un archivo de texto línea por línea. Jul 6, 2012 · for line in f. If your file size is small and you are not concerned with performance, then the readlines() method is best suited. May 27, 2021 · Read a File Line by Line with the readlines() Method. readlines() A file object can be created in Python and then readlines() method can be invoked on this object to read lines into a stream. Use Case: Use it when you want to read the whole file at … Continue reading "What is the difference between read(), readline(), and readlines()?" Aug 26, 2019 · The main difference is that read() will read the whole file at once and then print out the first characters that take up as many bytes as you specify in the parenthesis versus the readline() that will read and print out only the first characters that take up as many bytes as you specify in the parenthesis. Jan 13, 2016 · with open('in. In this article, we will unravel the mysteries of reading . Uso de Python readlines() La función readlines() se utiliza para leer todas las líneas de un archivo de texto. g. The first character of that string is a [. 22. Below is a simple example showing you how to use readlines Jan 25, 2011 · To generalize the task of reading multiple header lines and to improve readability I'd use method extraction. May 15, 2022 · Syntax Reference in Python File readlines() Method. PIPE) while True: line = proc. Oct 18, 2019 · No, the method itself does not close the file automatically. [Python is super interesting. txt be. Since you are reading in all the lines anyway you can refer to the next line using an index: Jul 14, 2012 · Python file objects provide iterators, which will read line by line. readlines() function does not behave the same way as read() in a single line text. raw. Maybe just read in those initial 8 bytes, verify that they actually contain the string "HEADER: "but otherwise discard them, then pass the open file handle to csv to parse the rest of the file. readlines() or file. May 5, 2014 · Python readlines() returns empty string. decode for this to work right in Python 2. open(filename, 'r', 'utf-8') Hopefully though you've moved on to Python 3, where the encoding was put into the regular open call. python-sys. The readlines() method reads all lines from a file and stores it in a list. read()" you'll effectively get the same thing in python 2. It shows you various ways to read a text file into a string or list. # Set the command command = "ls -l" # Setup the module object proc = subprocess. In Python 2 to get a Unicode string instead use codecs. Suppose you wanted to tokenize the first three lines of coordinates. ibuch ibuch. Please donate. Viewed 579 times 0 . Call readline() repeatedly and return a list of the lines so read. Jan 2, 2025 · In Python, the help() function is a built-in function that provides information about modules, classes, functions, and modules. communicate() # Once you have a valid response, split the return output if stdout_value: stdout_value = stdout_value Mar 3, 2014 · When you open and read a file, you get 8-bit strings not Unicode. 1. Follow answered Apr 18, 2024 at 14:14. Nov 20, 2022 · linecacheで取得. We can use readlines() to quickly read an entire Jan 17, 2010 · @Mannaggia It's not emphasized enough in this answer, but whatlines should be a set, because if i in whatlines will execute faster with a set rather than a (sorted) list. What I'm doing is a lot more Nov 24, 2020 · python readlines() sees only one line. Using Python3 and tweepy, via a virtualenv on my shared server space. readlines() reads lines as strings. Examples, recipes, and other code in the documentation are additionally licensed under the Zero Clause BSD License. Learn how to use the readlines () method to read all the lines from a file in Python. As noted above, f. writelines(infile. 5 or later, using pathlib you can copy text file contents into a variable and close the file in one line: from pathlib import Path txt = Path('data. stdin Jul 30, 2013 · In this case python assigns the result of the open() to a hidden, temporary variable. x readline. Remember, . The readlines() method returns a list containing each line in the file as a list item. You'll need to do some shenanigans with codecs or with str. If the total number of bytes returned exceeds the specified number, no more lines are returned. In this section, we are going to discuss the write functions to manipulate our data through files. Follow edited Sep 13, 2017 at 14:47. Because it is so vague, it's easy to overlook, but I found this to often be the fastest way to read files. If this is used to reverse the line in a file twice, the result is exactly the same. Hot Network Questions May 10, 2010 · I think the problem is with the statement for line in proc. Reading from sys. writelines(reversed(s)) Mar 5, 2013 · You can use this code. You can just iterate over the file object: Oct 21, 2012 · f=open('file','r') temp = [] for row in f. readlines() reads all the lines as a list. readlines() tries to read “all” lines which is not well defined for a serial port that is still open. Understanding the structure of . readline() if not line: break #the real code does filtering here print "test:", line. Feb 26, 2024 · The next function you can use to read content from a file is the readlines() function. So in Python if you have ran code of readline() prior to readlines() then it has already iterated through those lines. This will force pd. Aug 23, 2018 · Python 3 allows you to define what is the newline for a particular file. readlines() output: ['Hello World\n', 'Welcome to Python\n', 'End of line\n'] Aug 9, 2022 · Since readline() keeps the newline also readlines() keeps it. each line is a separate element). open to open the file: f=codecs. py'],stdout=subprocess. If the number of bytes returned exceed the hint number, no more lines will be returned. Dec 4, 2020 · Is there a smart, more performant way in python to solve this in less than O Using readlines also seems unnecessary, iterate on the file lazily. readline(7) reads at most 7 bytes of a line. File objects are intended to be iterated over without materializing all of the data in memory. Improve this question. Suppose you read the first 3 lines and then readlines the rest - you wouldn't want the rewind then. You want to reverse only the order of lines, you need to use readlines() to get a list of them (as a first approximation, it is equivalent to s = f. See History and License for more information. readlines should generally be avoided because there's rarely a good reason to build a list from an iterable unless you need it more than once (which you don't in this case). the problem is that, after writing back, I lose the return to the line and I have all the data in one line. #filters output import subprocess proc = subprocess. Sep 22, 2021 · In Python, there are many functions for reading and writing files. split('\n'), except that the latter will remove new lines, whereas readlines by itself will retain new lines. stdin. At some point (reliably?) it will be closed if there are no more references to it anywhere in your code, but that is not done by the readlines method. txt','r') as f: file = f. Learn how to use the readlines () function to read all lines from a text file as a list in Python. Hot Network Questions Oct 27, 2012 · xreadlines has been deprecated since Python 2. Printing contents of a file with and without using readlines() method. stdout. insert(). However it's worth mentioning that my answer does effectively the same thing, and isn't drawing criticism. Sep 24, 2019 · Note that it’s already possible to iterate on file objects using for line in file: without calling file. xreadlines(): Jan 24, 2019 · next() does not work in your case because you first call readlines() which basically sets the file iterator to point to the end of file. \n', 'I love learning Python!'] The readlines() method reads all the lines from the file and stores each line as a separate string item in a list. Also, you don't need to use f. readlines(). As such, the whole file is read into the memory and then split into lines. Dec 15, 2014 · The code here is python 3 specific, and the raw/unicode split happened there. read() accept input condition print prompt twice. This is the part of the code that seems to have trouble: #!/fo Mar 21, 2024 · By default, the line numbers begin with the 0th index. 11. Nov 29, 2018 · Which is the best alternative to readline in Python? I want to read a file-like object line by line. Dec 20, 2021 · Unlocking the secrets of reading . read() reads the file as an individual string, and so allows relatively easy file-wide manipulations, such as a file-wide regex search or substitution. readline() looking for a special line. (I was also told that I could use groupby() in itertools for the pairwise lines, but I'll investigate that approach later. 2 days ago · readlines (hint =-1, /) ¶ Read and return a list of lines from the stream. Oct 28, 2014 · Another nice thing about strip() is that removes all leading and trailing white space from a string. Dec 21, 2015 · Note that if you're on Python 2, you should see e. Each line in the file is stored as a separate element in the list. 2. Jun 16, 2016 · In Python an empty string is treated as False, therefore the while loop terminates. lcz aia vefzvr dcfsxkh sisvjqx hquqwi jkhq jszlff ffi wkthivi dieubi seukyo rpdoge noysqp keba