Scared of my parents getting old reddit. The oldest pet in my house is my 17 year old cat, Dante.
Scared of my parents getting old reddit He used to do this more frequently when me and my sister (who’s 3 years younger) were kids and pre-teens. Thankfully, they do not share any symptoms of any cognitive impairment. My mom, on the hand, gets mad a lot. I know that sounds stupid, but they bring me so much joy when I've had a bad day and they make my life so much better. And he is doing great now - married, owns a home, lots of pets, a job he’s great at. My oldest refused to follow the rules and lost the privilege of living in my house after he became an adult. It got so bad that I got anxiety attacks whenever the garage door opened signaling she was home. Yes this is an honest question, and yes I’m too scared to ask people I know personally. She went from a healthy vibrant person of about 140 pounds to a 68 pound person who was ready to go when the time finally came. Does anyone else like get scared from just there parents having a regular convo with them like my dad can just say hi and the hair on the back of my neck will standup and I will get really anxious like if he wanted to fight im constantly stuck in fight mode and it makes me so tired that I have to drink today like 15 cans of coke to stay awake I have constant panic attacks and I'm going back in Not only am I not afraid of getting older, but I am truly looking forward to it! My dad has told me that he never thought he could love anything more than his kids until he had grandkids. Hey! Don’t worry it is normal. Loving your parents is Because they are my parents and they probably just have more experience in life. Parents get old. I never got married or had kids so it was particularly worrying for me. Here's my journey of watching my ageing parents. Both of my parents died last year from the effects of dementia and I’m absolutely terrified of getting it, too. So it’ll be 50/50 here and my house. 80s & 90s. I still get slightly afraid of him when he does, more rarely, get mad. alone. It’s heartbreaking for me because I think of all the sacrifices they made for me and my sister growing up. Purring all day and rubbing his head on my beard whenever he gets the chance. I honestly feel so bad and so alone. My daughter is an MD who helped guide her hospice care. Part of it is the natural cycle of life. I don't want to wake up one day and realize I was one of those people that just exist. He wasn't an invalid, he always seemed he could do stuff, he just didn't wan't to. I have to remind myself every time I go to do things, buy things, post things online, make a change, pursue a hobby, whatever that i am 31 years old. What I find strange is how middle aged and elderly people almost all have dead parents, yet they function as normal people on the outside. I live alone. I fear the same thing, I’m 21 but, like you I worry about those things too. But I'm aware of them getting older. And parents getting old evoke a ton of different emotions. Thankfully, my parents lived long lives. I did something that made my mother feel put up on /annoyed. She was very sharp to the day she died. I’ve been having a hard time with this recently as well. I hope one day to find another one in him I doubt it but he'll always be my tiny boo his name is Tiny and I love him with all of my heart he's cuddling with me now on the couch as we watch television so keep in mind he's Yes because 1. I couldn’t have been I'm about to be old enough to take driving courses but I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to due to my vision I'm always wanted to be a cop like my dad I've always wanted to have the greatest of ambitions but if I can't drive I can't do hardly anything and I'm afraid of that cuz then I'll let them down my parents and my grandparents are one of the only things that really matter and I'm afraid Yeah lately I'm noticing how my 62 & 69 year old parents are looking more like my grandparents back when they were alive. Here's a bit of background on my parents: Father: 63. The pain was around leaving them alone and watching them grow old, feeble, vulnerable. I struggled a lot with this about 2 years ago when I went to university for the first time and would worry about by parents a lot. I was 23 years old when my mom (52) died, her primary disease was colon cancer, but in the end she passed away from liver failure. I should not be afraid of my parents. And me separate from them. I understand your fear. More than likely, I'll continue on and only every so often realise I can't speak to them. They get a 9. They're really just great people. Noticing an extra limp when they walk, or the struggle to get back up after bending over. whenever i get the courage to actually go up to him i feel myself begin to panic and my forehead get cold with fear (???). Getting old is a privilege not a right. I’m careful about what I eat (my parents were high sugar high processed food eaters), I exercise (my parents never), and I get at least 8 hour sleep opportunity every night. Whenever I make a decision that’s the opposite of their opinion, I feel really bad and really guilty. I think about how my grandmother is getting old as well as my mother, and my father is already gone. I’m lost without them. I wasn’t aware that my parents were so much older than everyone else’s until elementary school, but after that I worried about losing them constantly (even though they weren’t frail or sickly at the time). Youth= beauty. My parents turn 69 this year and are still very active and doing well. And when I let thoughts of the inevitable creep in, I get so scared. crying in public is such a big fear of mine. My mom and dad are always angry always screaming. I can definitely trace this back to when my parents divorced when I was about 7 years old. My mother actually slipped once and said I was an accident. I am not just scared of them leaving this life which in itself is a topic i feel i shouldn't get into right now. My Mom just died this last July at 97. true. My parents are the beacon guiding me through this shitty life. I will give How much does this fear bother you because it's all I think about all day I have a lot of symptoms for it which makes it worse for example I can't think clearly and forget a lot of things although it might be I'm just hyper-aware this has happened to me a lot before it was a fear of getting a heart disease so I would be conscious of my breathing heart rate chest pain it would take me 1 year to Finally a response that is actually comforting. It wasn't until I was in my 20's I started to fear cancer. Anyway, there was this video on Youtube with babies getting scared of toys like Slinky, Elmo, Eeyore, and Jack in the Box, and then there were these (in my opinion) over-sensitive people calling it "torture" and the parents "evil". I'm also wondering about personality. Get busy making memories. I'm 30 and had this fear all my life, especially for my mother. I can’t ask them for anything. Im so afraid of losing one or both of my parents. Im scared of what can happen, my father just turned 60 this year and the past few years signs of old age have been becoming more apparent, he never moves how he used to and is surrounded in supplements and medicines, whether its a cream or a tablet he is never a few feet away from some in his house and I' have the opposite issue. In my case my mom was the angry one. My parents fought through my whole childhood and my mom still remembers me asking to get a "new" dad when I was about 5. I was able to be my Mom’s caretaker for her final five months. I'll list some memorable moments that might be reasons for this feeling. He's the first dog my husband and I have had together. All through school my parents were the oldest. Right afterwards was horrible; I'd been phoning him Look how much has changed, how much you've grown. I have a girlfriend I've been with for a while but there's always a fear that she will end up leaving me too. “It was kind of funny, but it was like, this is good. I know some of this is a little bit of my fault but I've kind of noticed a pattern. I now live in the US and they still live in Europe, I moved here about 10 years ago. I didn't think it could get worse then my late 20s and holy fuck. I cried often thinking about losing my parents - and having to leave them. After reading that I know I will be sad when the day comes but I have a coping mechanism that will work. The one regarding spiders, is a blue print, you can replace spider with anything, fear of driving, fear of using a phone, anything. If your anxiety is situational and not too extreme, you can try to address it through exposure therapy. Recently the fear of them dying and getting old just hits me at random times, for instance today when I was brushing my teeth. That is born, goes through school, through highschool in a pretty average way, does acareer in a pretty average way, then eventually gets a shitty job, finds someone, moves in starts a family and spends the next 30 years of their lives living the same boring routine of working at a job you hate 8 My parents taught me how NOT to treat my kids. Please, old people, (I wonder, do any of you find that term offensive?) share some optimism to stop my brain trying to create upsetting answers to questions that I shouldn’t even be having at this age! I get that I should have given her a time that I’ll be home, but I didn’t expect for us to hangout that long. I'm a middle aged, proper adult, with a good job and kids myself. The scariest thing about geting old for me is not being able to do all the things i want to by my self anymore, i love trying to fix stuff. But to me they're just absolute horrible human beings I don't want to be around. We got to my house and my boyfriend came with me because he gave me a desk that he wouldn’t be able to take with him. Women are greatly valued by their appearance. and i know it 100% has to do with my childhood. To say nothing of the fact in general BPD is a lovely cocktail consisting of a good chunk of major traits from various other disorders. 5 years old, retired, owns a house, and receives a very small pension that is insufficient to support international trips. the only thing I ever hear is "yeah it sucks, you have to cherish it while you can" and never that I will be ok if it does happen. I don't see anything good happening. More like I have horrible anxiety/panic attacks when they're in the same room because they fight almost all the time. Feeling fear about a potential loss is totally normal. " Pretty much the worst message imaginable. To the point that I just end up doing what they want me to do. I reckon I'll cry a bit when they die but they won't make a massive difference to my life. My anxiety has been increasing because of my fear that my mom (62) or dad (68) will get dementia. Ever since law school, they rarely say no, but my point is that I HAVE to ask permission. It probably wasn't two years after my father died. I got my bachelor's degree and got rejected from every job and grad program right out of undergrad. This is my second biggest fear. I also have comfort in my christian faith that I will see them again. In other cultures the family stays in one home for life. I have been really impacted badly by them they are so strict parents. For context, they're now 49F and 56M. Same here, I'm an only child and my parents had me when my mom was 35 and my dad 40; they're growing old day by day and their health problems are increasing. I’m 18 and I need my parents more then anything in life. It’s funny I come across this. . Every generation becomes a bit more progressive than the last, and new attitudes are adopted by the youth, so things that didn’t previously get attention for being racist are now. I love my parents, but I absolutely adore my grandmother. But I'm terrified. I'm seeing that death is part of life and it will be ok when I get there. The oldest pet in my house is my 17 year old cat, Dante. His dad died of heart qttack when he was in his 40s. I am also scared that I will die alone and that all of my good memories are behind me. I honestly don't even see a future anymore. Don't smoke. I start a new job Monday though. My dad is 58 and mom is 60. My parents and my wife's parents disowned us at 18, basically for being independent. I have feared this most of my life. Another fear I have is my cat getting lonely. Here are two easy to follow guides on that. If she had a bad day a work or whatever else made her mad she would take it out on me. I'm 17 and mine kicked me out bc i didn't show her fear after i found out what she was, which is fine but i have a younger sibling stuck with her now. Two of my sisters in law (keturah & Sheridan) only made it to 30. If you are uncomfortable with saying it, just finish conversations with 'lots of love' when you are going out, it's a good halfway house. I have been talking to my parents alot recently about their wills and things of that nature. My role at my company is litterly to fix stuff that brakes or needs replacement or figuring out a solution to make something easier, real "hands on" work. I feel like all of the things I used to want, I will never have. Yeah my parents had me at 20 and my brother at 22 and while they weren’t awful parents like some people have to deal with they certainly weren’t good parents. I remember having a breakdown when I was 18 cause I needed a new laptop and idk why I couldn’t ask them. I'm so scared that when I go off to college I won't be around to spend time with them and eventually I won't be around when it happens I actually cry myself to sleep with this thought. I probably had kids too young in part because of that, but I never had a close relationship with my grandparents. Being trapped with my parents for 48 hours would just be too much unpleasantness. I was a surprise baby after 4 grown kids. My first fear is not having enough for retirement. It is an American norm that our society follows to leave and be independent. I’m petrified of loosing them. I've been planning to go to a convention for some weeks now with my friends and i've been to afraid to tell my dad as his reactions are often very passive aggressive/borderline violent. 76 votes, 18 comments. But your parents have given you SO much, and you'll want to make them proud. He only really slowed down in his 60's and 70's because of a heart attack, stroke, alcohol, and depression. Keep learning new things, learn to play a musical instrument. Im still terrified of everything I do. I’m in the same boat as you. My niece (Sheridans daughter) died at 25. Health issues creeping up. I totally get where you're coming from. Doing less of what they used to do. A 29 year old is basically a child to me at this point in MY life. I can't take the time off to address medical issues that are a result of work 3. My advice would be to save money and avoid frivolous purchases. You slowly expose yourself to situations that you know gives you fear. Take care of your teeth. No issues him eating/drinking using the litter box. I want particularly afraid of losing my parents. The body eventually wears out, unfortunately. I guess I started to believe Psalms 27:1 The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear. I can't see how that is. I think it was "children are permanently subordinate to parents. I live close to them because I wanted my kids to have a close relationship with them. Funny how I see my mum & my dad. Recently the fear… Really good point in here. I grew up in a farm town with an opioid problem. How my parents are aging and my dog and my friends and all of the things in my life that have already come and gone. I'm still afraid of dying, because I don't really know what will happen, but that helps. I have a lot of half siblings though, but they are definitely not the same as my parents. We need to have those Hey my dad is 65 and my mom is 57 I am 21. I previously agreed to go to a wedding because our family was invited, but have since decided that I don’t want to go. Both cancers have had no family history and both hit at crazy young ages. My mom had my youngest brother when she was 39 going on 40 back in 2002, and my aunt had my youngest cousin when she was between 45-46 years old almost eight years ago, so the odds of successful conception of a child should probably be in my favor for close to another 20 years. My worst fear actually happened to me a year ago when my dad passed. I am 32 with no wife or kids. The world changes into something you don't recognize any more. I am 33 years old and still scared of standing up to my parents. What stood out was “my mom would never want me to be sad about her passing but instead celebrate her life”. And it seemed just horrible. I haven’t yelled although there were a few times I had to walk away to take a breath and compose myself. They are monsters. I knew even then they were older than other parents and I might lose them early in my life. no one turned her heads So I’m a 20 year old woman yet I’m absolutely terrified of my parents. This was a battle that lasted for 3+ years for my mom. I’ve lived at home throughout college and the start of my career and am really close to my parents. Best answer. He could be sitting in his recliner, watching YouTube on his phone, but my heart speeds up, and my back goes clammy just by being there eating dinner. But my father died suddenly at age 66 and it was shocking and upsetting. 5/10 on every box you could imaginably check. Nature vs nurture. I told my partner that I’m scared of forgetting him, his voice, his smell and his hugs. For example: if you’re scared of health related issues, start living a healthy lifestyle, if you aren’t already. I love my parents too much and even the thought of any of them getting dementia or Alzheimer's scares me, let alone the idea that they will die one day. Now they are pushing 70, and strangely I sometimes feel angry for them getting old. I remember my parents as 29 year olds, that's my earliest memory of them. I’ve grown up terrified of both my mom and dad. I love them infinitely, I dont know if I could deal with that situation. She wants me to be independent which I 100% agree with. Everything that I call "mine" I have wrenched out of the unforgiving ground with my own two hands. I didn’t want to say something I didn’t mean or would regret. Dec 8, 2024 · My mother's getting to the age where she's very aware of her own mortality. Genetics are fascinating. But, I am not the heir to a fortune 500 company. I remember he felt so lost specifically in regards to a career and relationships - our family was horrible at preparing us for relationships and dating - actually worse I am 16 years old, and it's just terrible seeing my mom and my grandparents get old (my father already died last year). I feel lonely. My identical twin got diagnosed at 22 and my older sister at 36. Don't be afraid to be a 14 year old and disagree and make mistakes, but always make sure that you hug them now and then, etc. It is one of my guiding principals to be a better parent to my kids, it gives me so much anxiety worrying that I will end up like my parents. My dad will celebrate his 62nd birthday in September. Mother: 53. I can’t go a day without feeling sick from being so anxious. I wrote poems and short stories about it to get all that fear out of my body. I was seven or eight years old. When I spent time with my mom, the conversation was often about how my dad was not a great guy. They act so good outside but inside the house. I have the same fear about my parents and I'm also afraid of the same thing that if I lose anyone else I won't last long after. My best friend of over 20 years died suddenly and unexpectedly 3 years ago. To be honest, I find it pretty easy now. Im in the middle of doing my resits for my foundation course because I had a lot of issues with friendship/depression and I couldn’t attend all of my classes. Doesnt help that they are both 60+, COVID, the flu, pneumonia exists. I live literally 5 minutes from my parents, but I cannot stop crying. His mom is in her 72 now and has heart problems like low blood pressure. He's my buddy and does everything in my house with me (he no longer travels with us as he has cataracts and is afraid of other dogs except his friends, Reggie and Jaz. Truly made my day. Posted by u/AmirHKhan - 8 votes and 11 comments Often anxiety causes me to get angry. My father first, at 91, back in 2001 - he was healthy and spry well into his mid 80s, but time inevitably caught up with him eventually, and in the end he just wore out - and it wasn't easy watching him really get frail, and eventually die. Can't recall what. It was way too comfy. Then I lost my parents. Travel is a rewarding experience. I was thinking about this the other day, my parents are clearly getting old. I lost my Daddy just 4 days ago and these were exact thoughts after his cremation. My friend Niamh was 21 & my step cousin was 21 (her baby was 6 months old when sge died). He's very sweet and affectionate to me. As for death every living thing on this planet will face it there's no escape. My parents were verbally But my main fear isn't about adjusting, as hard as it will be. I sent my parents a message saying that I won’t be coming but my heart was Scared of parents getting old and dying I struggled a lot with this about 2 years ago when I went to university for the first time and would worry about by parents a lot. I think everyone’s parents are a bit racist. They were much older when I was born. I would watch a video of him greeting me on my birthday over and over because I don’t want to forget. My dad is no longer really the problem. Today, I am scared of getting old because my parents are also getting old. I was told at a young age that my dad probably will not live long enough to see my wedding or meet my future children. Educate yourself on preventing geriatric diseases and infirmity. I'm even noticing how much like my parents I look. What you can implement in your life is always telling your parents you love them. Just want to vent. I feel more frightened by their presence the older I get. I am a grown men who has not stopped crying for the past 48 hours. I love getting together with my siblings, nobody is demanding anything, or guilting anyone else, we just have fun. I have been worrying about aging and the uncertainty since I was 15 but I guess it does make sense that nobody really knows what they want to do or who they’ll be. Watching them get old and knowing my phone will stop dinging with their texts and calls is just soul I’m 19 and I was forced to study stuff I don’t want since I was born. I was the youngest and I was not planned. Then the unsettling feeling sets in. I had those panic attacks too. At that time, I had many worries for the future. I work in skill trade and my joints are falling apart. If you want to live, work and be in California it makes sense to stay with your parents and save up as much for a down payment or until you meet someone and become serious, or just become experienced in your field of work. She's become a friend really. I am 16M, and I constantly feel afraid whenever I'm alone with my father. Feb 13, 2018 · “My parents were joking with us that my sister would take their dog and I would take them,” Annunziato laughs. Jan 21, 2020 · Going from “my daddy strongest” to “dad, wear your knee cap” was way too difficult to cope with. I have this exact same fear. Imagine being a lawyer and 28 years old and still having to ask permission from your parents when you go out. I'm really scared. I don’t have any old people in my life to talk about this with, which is maybe why I’m so scared of getting old. I feel as if I'd never have another good day if she died. They partied all the time and while we weren’t dirt poor we certainly didn’t have a lot of money when we were younger. Your parents definitely sound like assholes. I miss their comfort, talking to them, having breakfast with them in the morning, just knowing that they are in the house. Im from Asian decent and my parents are pretty strict when it comes to studying and where I study. I'm scared of my parents but not like, afraid they'll hurt me. Routine. Go out and meet new people, get in good shape, go to places and do things that you will be physically unable to do when you’re old. I’m from my mom’s second marriage and my dad’s third. Also a large part of why I eventually left. I’m 26 years old I have hundreds of thousands of dollars that I got from an insurance settlement. So I understand having parents a lot older than your peers. deep down it’s because i automatically view people as being negative towards me. For me, I’m not afraid of getting old but it’s the fact that my parents and grandparents are getting old too. Be it my family or friends he runs up the stairs and hides under my bed :/ I’m getting married :) I didn’t mention it because when I’ve asked for advice in the past people assume I’m not excited for that. Sometimes, my dad may get a little bit confused while driving. By living on my own I no longer get bombarded with my mom's crazy shit everyday, I'd highly recommend it. I want that! I don't necessarily care that I wasn't there for them at the time, I'm more crushed that they're not here now, and around to hopefully help me in one of the toughest times in my life. My grandfather is almost 80 years old and has Parkinson and my grandma is pretty much the same age and is currently fighting cancer and can barely stand on her own feet. They’ve bailed me out and saved my dumb ass so many times. He’s 3 this January, and has always been around other cats and small dogs, and suddenly he’ll be taken away to a smaller home with just me and him. So the moment someone comes over. I’m really young and my parents are only in their early-mid 50s, but I’m terrified. Identify what exactly scares you about aging and take action to mitigate those things. My father died when I was six. I feel no love here. I can only reassure you that, hopefully, you will lose your parents to old age and you will be getting older yourself when it happens. It's ugly. Like crai3ig says, live with as few regrets as you can manage. I worry about doing something my way and fail because I didn’t follow my parents advices. The fear of ending up lonely sucks. When I was young, I was terrified and couldn’t sleep. I then had children and of course, fear of death changes. i went to walmart the other day and saw many babies/toddlers/children interacting with their parents and being themselves and no one really cared. After my dad died, I got several signs that he was still with me. I'm afraid I'll fall and never heal, or get something like bad arthritis or God forbid dementia. Focus on the exciting things, like decorating your new space or having your parents over for game night! You can find tips or inspiration at r/malelivingspace. I’m excited for sure, but am already mourning my current comfortable and familiar life. My parents are old, and I suppress the thoughts of the future. He's 115 kgs, grossly overweight too. My childhood best friend recently bought a double wide and said I could stay with him if I wanted. He's my best friend. Life outside of my family it’s a living hell. My old boss at a taco shop offered me a job making decent money with benefits. My parents had me in highschool so my dad is only 17 years older than me. I got older and gave up one specific religion. My kids are teens now and are such good kids and I have never raised a hand to either of them. Even though you’ll be living close, you can probably still crash at your parents’ house on Christmas Eve and all wake up there under one roof on Christmas morning like every other holiday of your life. They were emotionally abusive to me when I was younger, evened out at 14-15, then started to Some background about me: I'm 31 years old, only child, and my parents had me in their 35's. My grandma lived to be 92, her brother was 95, my grandmother-in-law lived to be 91, and that isn't all that unheard of. So this is pretty much a venting post. I am very scared of my parents dying because they are getting older. My parents are absolute angels. Once I was about 15 he stopped. I adopted a 3 year old male cat a month and a half ago. Still in good health, but I'm scared. My parents have said I can stay living with them when we move back, but I am turning 22 later this year and I have this nagging feeling that I need to get on with my life, be an actual adult. Also my house, my rules, I don't care if you are 40 years old, if you don't like them, let's have a discussion, I may or may not adjust the rules, learn to live with them, or leave. He has never been in a hotel, tried any spa/massage and fine dining. However, it's been good in the sense I've taken some small steps now to avoid big changes and dangers later. Or If you’re scared of “getting old” then do things that keep you young. My kids adore them and it’s mutual. You shouldn’t fear getting old, you should fear not enjoying your youth. I have a great relationship with both of them, but can't be with both of them at the same time because they're so toxic towards each other. And I'm sure the one fear they had in their last moments was the fear that they wouldn't be here for my brother and I anymore when they passed. I think I’m at a point where I’m realizing that my parents are getting old. Each day is a gift, so many people don't get the change to grow old, if you do find the beauty in it. I'm just waiting for my sibling to get a new guardian and all the ties are getting cut. Live & breathe being in the It breaks my heart when they tell me and my brother that they are doing all that for us and their future grandkids, because they don't want us to see them get sick. that normally happens because he has his earbuds in and is listening to the news so he is a little distracted. Apr 5, 2024 · My deepest fears love to show up right as I’m trying to drift off to sleep—anxious brains are fun like that—and lately, a recurring theme in my after-dark intrusive thoughts is my mom dying. What I inherited from each. In the end I lost both of my parents to old age. Thanks to a few of my exs I'm fairly dead and emotionless inside. Maybe you can talk to a grandparent or a relative about it and get as far as you can from your parent’s house, and bringing your sister with you btw. My uncle just just passed about 8 months ago he was 55 and my grandmother passed 3 months before him at 80 (?). My parents are old (early 80s)and my kids are 17 and 14 and I think sometimes they look at me like I look at my folks! The first thing is tell them you love them every opportunity you get. However, it's hopefully something that doesn't ruin your day-to-day life or spoil the time you do have left with them. At 74, I know I am starting to look old - grey beard & what hair I have left, loss of muscle tone in some areas, starting to get a few facial & neck wrinkles, not as strong or stable in balance as before, but still capable of doing most things to keep living a normal life. But I’m not allowing myself to become freaky. It was a fear I had when I was younger. I never worried about getting old, just acted the way I felt at the time, & still do as much as possible. I didn't even cry at my dad's visitation, because I was so concerned with making sure that my friends who attended were comfortable. One doesn’t have much time left and due to capitalism and Covid, I wasn’t able to visit my grandparents for like 4 years. Hi. Yep, you read that right. Is supporting yourself a struggle? This depends, again on you. I’m just scared he’s gonna get depression, or that I’ll have to get a second job and won’t get to spend as much time with him. I know I’m old but I’m so attached to the house. If you're old enough to fear old age, do the shit you meant to do as much as you can as often as possible. I am afraid of losing everybody I grew up with, whether they be dying or moving across the world. Both my sister's have had cancer. So I grew up with older parents. I've always tried to figure out what my parents were trying to teach me through the fear (I was and still am afraid of them). 5 years old, housewife with no savings. My parents have called CPS on me before because my kid has autism. My father and grandfather have never been very healthy, so I worry about them, and I get nervous for myself. I miss my parents. And right now my mom seems to be getting ill, she already has a slight fever and feels weak Until yesterday, I was scared to get old and not get the success that I want. At 14 I left home and lived with my dad and have slowly stopped being afraid of yelling and my mom. I am scared of her and my dad My dog is getting old as well I'm so afraid of losing him but he's going to go to doggie Heaven, he has been here for me. They hold me back from harming myself. I feel like I’m gonna have a panic attack, I’m so scared of my parents dying. I see them many times a week. Anyways, I text back, “I’m driving rn”, because I was on my way back. I am terrified of pissing them off or doing something they won’t approve of. I'm afraid of leaving my personal trainer because she truly keeps me going when I feel like I can't (fitness and food wise). They just got back from a trip and my mom got to swim with dolphins. My brother came back from college and lived with my parents until he was 24 or 25 I think. But now I'm more afraid for my dad because his side of family have a history of bad heart. I’m 18 now, turning 19. My mom said I’m not getting kicked out when I asked her. I am a 14 year old M living with my parents with my father being 60 and my mother being 57. Edit 1: I booked a suite in Shangri-La for my parents. As a teen, I remember my dad still being fitter than my 20 and 30 year old brothers. I'm afraid of leaving my parents' dogs. The older you get the more you realize 30 isn't old, 40 isn't old, what is 'old' keeps getting pushed back and then you realize age doesn't matter. I no longer dream. I had chronic migraines and heart issues as a teen so I didn't have much of an adolescence. Really scared. How do I get over the fear of disappointing my parents? I’m in my 30s and this still gets to me. They're getting older and getting close to 70. I don't have any quick fix but maybe talking to people about their experiences with aging or passed parents could help. When I spent time with my dad, it was always about how my mother is a shitty, irresponsible and flaky person. It's about future regret, guilt. My 7 years younger sister also thinks the same about them. Hi guys, so I need some advice, I've been losing hours of sleep cause my mind keeps waking me up with the thought "when will your parents die" Im not scared of dying myself, but I'm scared for them, I'm scared of one day waking up without them and not being able to see them everyday I love them so much and I just need some advice on what I should do. 2. Anxiety is okay. I can't seem to explain this and I've tried talking about this multiple times but my lack of words or idk lack of communication skills get the better of me. But keep in mind that 63 isn't all that old. They had only gotten married at 20 (my mom) and 23 (dad) because of my conception. And that's exactly what my dad would have wanted! I'm very close to my parents and always have been. My mother always tend to hit me kick me. It took me 28 years to get him. I don’t really have an answer but I think it’s probably important to follow your own path and not what y Narc's and emotionally withholding parents on both sides. We’re working on getting my 2 year old niece into a therapist because of reoccurring nightmares and a “one eyed monster” that apparently likes to hang out in her window (I promise there’s no one there we’re in mud season rn and we woulda seen footprints leading away from her window) my parents were so unpredictable i never knew what would get me in trouble, now days i’m so scared of people because i don’t know if their bound to lash out at me like my parents did, i’ve got a very strong “don’t rock the boat” mentality that i’m constantly scared to do something of the disapproval of others because i’m scared I had been afraid of losing my parents since I was a young child. As someone who is 32, my 30s have been the absolute worst years of my life. I love my parents a lot and don’t know where I would be without them! I’m also like you where I think about what would happen if I didn’t get to tell them I loved them before they passed away. I’m terrified of disturbing them when they are busy. I want to understand why I'm so afraid of them, and were they consciously aware of what they did to me? Background: My parents are considered angels of the society due to their charitable works. Yes, especially because my parents had me older. Imo. Thank you very much for typing this out today. So I just passed the bar exam last year and I thought that, upon passing and getting my own job, my parents would slowly let me go. I don't have to move out, technically. rkph zmmse ckw aaelyb ziybhbd ksde bmqrma edytdrx zsjq lvqfiqjk slxor byr xhzwpva zpudj qcwnxry