School management problems and solutions pdf. Jan 1, 2017 · PDF | On Jan 1, 2017, Dr.
School management problems and solutions pdf "In School Management, a school is not a physical structure. What are the classroom management problems that Information Technology Teachers faced? 2. Therefore, this study addressed this issue, notably in Jun 20, 1994 · Purpose – To study is one area of Human Resource Practices as mean of performance management system and the major problems of the identified issues related to the whole performance management There is widespread evidence of the demands facing school principals in many parts of the world, illustrated recently by the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the qualitative dimension, 10 school principals were interviewed. This problem is one that every teacher everywhere in the world is well aware of. Dec 31, 2020 · Classroom Management Challenges and Administrative Support in Elementary Schools: Experiences of Novice Public-School Teachers December 2020 UMT Education Review 3(2):29–46 Sep 1, 2014 · Analyses revealed that there is a significant difference between urban and rural schools in terms of the problems they encounter in the implementation of strategic plan (t= -. Classroom Management Problems And Solutions classroom management problems and solutions: The Classroom Management Book Harry K. Because the aforementioned problems, teacher and student relationship was shown to be unfriendly and not conducive for the realization of productive classroom management. his study is very signiicant since it provides diferent Schools: Problems and Solutions P icture yourself right out of graduate school with a degree in school counseling, eager to demonstrate your effectiveness counseling kids at a school that has just hired you as their school counselor. 689, df = 118, p<0. 1 One-Dimensional Functions 1. Jul 7, 2022 · Here are some frequently observed school management issues, and how solutions can be employed: Students Registration Manual registration of students is a waste of valuable time by standing in queues in order to pay fees and do other important work to function properly. The classroom management problem is pregnant with large classroom size and content delivery. Managing any institution is a challenging task because it involves several factors that influence the process in its own way. 1 Solved Problem Problem 1. , Keser and Yavuz (2018) investigated the problems and strategies of classroom management of Forty four Turkish EFL pre-service teachers based on a mixed method Research Paper Education in Pakistan: Problems and Their Solutions Paper written by: Bilal Yousaf Roll No: PS-10-21 PS B. Kro lak and Williams (1) provide a good summary of the basic approaches in this field. The distribution of the number of acres burned is normal. A year passes and the picture has dimmed. Specifically, the work focused at knowing the challenges as well as solutions to leadership styles of unity schools principals. School Management Committee (SMC) plays an important role in providing quality education. This article focuses on behavioral problems in schools. Keshni Bipath published CHALLENGES FACED BY THE SCHOOL MANAGEMENT TEAM (SMT) REGARDING SCHOOL SAFETY IN SOUTH AFRICA | Find, read and cite all the research you need on Dec 31, 2010 · Instructors are part of safety plans. and conduct cost/benefits analysis of SCM. Jan 25, 2021 · However, the issue of challenges and solutions to teaching English writing to junior high school students remains under-researched. Research Questions The following research questions were raised and answered: 1. This would particularly come in handy for instructors teaching a course on inventory management. In this article, we review these issues and discuss modern solutions that include the use of technology, increased funding, and enhanced communication between the school and parents. 5. Jun 1, 2021 · PDF | On Jun 1, 2021, Agogbua Victor and others published Effective School Management In Nigerian Secondary Schools: Issues, Challenges And Way Forward | Find, read and cite all the research you May 27, 2022 · In the first paper in this issue, Mireia Tintore and colleagues present the findings of a scoping review of the problems and challenges faced by school leaders. Attention Problems 31. Evidence is growing that successful school leaders influence achievement through the support and development of effective teachers and the implementation of effective organizational practice (Davis, Darling-Hammond, LaPointe, & Meyerson, 2005). The 56 school managers from four Eastern Cape districts addressed several It is acknowledged that the management problems in school sites taken in Kayseri city can also be seen throughout the country. 1. Sloan Forecasting Example Problems with Solutions 1. 4, October 2016 _____ Challenges of Principal Leadership Styles and School Management: A Solution Oriented Approach Olowoselu Abdulrasheed (PhD Cand. Student groups; 3. Awareness trainings for schools children & teachers; 4. Lack of Updated Technology Normal Probabilities Practice Problems Solution Courtney Sykes Normal Probabilites Practice Solution. College of Management 63. 10 Part II: Solving Specific Homework Problems 11 Step 1 and 2: Describe the problem behaviors and set a goal 11 Step 3: Brainstorm possible solutions 11 Step 4: Select the solution(s) you want to try 11 Step 5: Establish who will do what in order to implement the plan 11 Step 6: Decide when the plan will be reviewed However, solutions to these emerged problems were not frequently spelled out. Counselor education programs typically emphasize theoretical models of counseling that require longer-term therapy than school counselors have time to offer or that school districts want for their students. In relation to school-management, the findings 37909668 Financial Management Solved Problems - Free download as Word Doc (. 371 T. Consider the analytic function f: R !R f(x) = 4x(1 x): (i) The xed points of the function fare the solutions of the equation f(x) = x. Studies of the school bus routing problem are numerous. Wong, Rosemary Tripi Wong, Sarah F. | Find, read and cite all the research This study explored principals' leadership styles in the management of unity schools in Nigeria. After unsuccessful attempts to identify the issues internally, the school management has reached out to OD & Management for help in analyzing the problems, uncovering underlying causes, and suggesting measures for successful implementation. Maira Asif University of Management and Technology, Lahore 1 EDUCATION SYSTEM OF PAKISTAN: ISSUES & CHALLENGES 2 Abstract This paper reviews the current key issues and problems in the education system of Pakistan that pose a challenge for the future growth 3 days ago · Despite good intentions, the school's eForts have encountered obstacles. This document summarizes solutions to three common project management problems in IT projects: poor or no project plan, unclear project requirements and expectations, and poor communication between IT and business. [30] assert that schools prioritizing teamwork enjoy advantages such as swift decision-making, increased flexibility, shared responsibilities, and organizational focus. Nowadays, it is not enough to overcome these challenges by creating one solution for all issues across the board. Types / Form of Indiscipline Acts in Schools Benin Journal of Educational Studies, Volume 27, Issue 1, 2021, 83-92 Dec 27, 2018 · An investigation on financial management practices and financial problems faced by University students revealed that students have good financial management practices but fail to meet their buses available is discussed in terms of the proposed solution. Pakistan Journal of Statistics 30(6): 1365–1378. Developing Systems at a School for Problem Identification, Triage, Referral, and Management of Care 27 D. The purpose of this chapter is to present common challenges faced by educators when attempting to integrate technology in the classroom, and offer potential solutions to those problems. He undertook a year’s research into the problems of school management, comparing them with those in industry, and published the results in another book, Developing Management in Schools. Navigating the maze of education comes with its own set of unique challenges. Ferguson, 2018 This is a solutions book that shows how to organize and structure a classroom to create a safe and positive Dec 22, 2021 · ‘ problems or challenges of school principals ’, ‘ issues in educational management and leadership ’, ‘ challenges of principal leadership and school management/administration Solid Waste Management Strategies 1. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. In relation to school-management related problems, school principals were shown to be indifferent to follow up the smooth conduct of the teaching learning process. 1, Abbottabad. Qureshi Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Government Postgraduate College No. This book has been divided into four parts with the first part dealing with basic inventory management concepts and terms, including relevant inventory costs and methods of computing those. Mar 16, 2024 · Some of the issues and problems include poor curriculum on educational management programmes, inadequate provision for students' admission and registration, lack of school facilities and May 11, 2021 · Important characteristics of effective school management are strong school-teacher-parent relationships, school climate, effective leadership, and a sense of trust that needs to prevail throughout Jun 15, 2023 · Background Disciplinary behaviour management strategies are implemented in schools to help manage pupil behaviour. The universal requirement for Apr 21, 2018 · Municipal solid waste (MSW) management is a severe problem in both emerging and developed countries, and the fast growth in urban population coupled with industrialization has serious Jan 1, 2020 · PDF | On Jan 1, 2020, Riswanti Rini and others published School-Based Management in Indonesia: Decision-Making, Problems, and Problem-Solving Strategy | Find, read and cite all the research you The tidings from the research revealed numerous limiting factors inhibiting the full use of ICT in school management. Oct 8, 2022 · PDF | On Oct 8, 2022, Peter Kimanthi published Secondary School Management: a Description of Challenges Facing implementation of Free Secondary Education in Kenya | Find, read and cite all the Nov 14, 2017 · PDF | On Nov 14, 2017, Lanie Joy Jalocon Sabaduquia and others published Classroom Issues and its Solution | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Oct 31, 2019 · In the university, the staff includes academic and non-academic as well as temporary, permanent and part-time staff. 05 Dec 26, 2018 · On the contrary to Habibi et al. Finance Theory I: Problem Sets 1–3 (PDF) Contents. What are the underlying reasons of these classroom management and discipline problems? 4. The document Feb 11, 2021 · PDF | On Feb 11, 2021, Garieth Omorobi published SCHOOL SUPERVISION AND EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT IN NIGERIA | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Jan 1, 2021 · Management of Disciplinary Problems in Prim ary and Secondary Schools. Joshi AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF SCHOOL MANAGEMENT: School Management is • To reflect and preserve fundamental values. Three specific objectives were formulated to guide the study. Chapter 1 General 1. Managing the budget, investments, fees, operational costs, salaries, recreational activities, alumni meet-ups Classroom is a community of learners where formal interaction takes place between the teacher and the taught. Nov 2, 2021 · Classroom Management Significance in Inclusive Education, Current Problems and Proposed Solutions. | Find, read and cite all the research Solutions to Project Management Problems - Free download as Word Doc (. May 27, 2022 · In the first paper in this issue, Mireia Tintore and colleagues present the findings of a scoping review of the problems and challenges faced by school leaders. 1177/17411432221096238) There is widespread evidence of the demands facing school principals in many parts of the world, illustrated recently by the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. There is limited evidence of their intended impact on behaviour and academic governance and operation (Alkaabi, 2018). Despite the normative preference for shared and distributed leadership in many contexts, principals retain Jun 9, 2022 · School management, in the simplest of terms, refers to the management of the activities of a school, whether it is for the long-term or short-term success of the school. Digital leadership The change in school management system from manual to digital depends considerably on the leader. These materials were added in December 2019. This study aimed to answer the following questions: 1. Jun 30, 2023 · This study aimed to identify the problems experienced by middle and high school administrators and to compare the solution methods they applied for these problems. The purpose of this study was to investigate secondary school teachers’ perception of classroom management its problem and solutions Counseling in Schools and Other Settings: Problems and Solutions 3 that can actually be applied given the realities of a school setting. pdf Content available from CC BY-NC 4. Mar 12, 2020 · The main problems encountered in high schools are indicated as student absenteeism and discipline, modification or renewal of the curriculum, implementation of new learning strategies The paper explores the various problems faced by school administrators in high schools and suggests solutions for effective management. Awareness campaigns in the neighbourhood; and 6. This becomes Among the results, it should be noted that students show greater communication skills, are more collaborative in teamwork, and more resistant to challenges and difficulties [36]. Most of these studies have considered standards for quality of service, such as a student's maximum in-bus travel time. What are the possible solutions suggested by teachers, administra- A qualitative study of the novice principals’ problems in the school management process and solutions Feb 18, 2022 · Educational Management: Principles, Problems, and Solutions 1. Jan 1, 2017 · PDF | On Jan 1, 2017, Dr. 0 Introduction Supply chain management (SCM (DOI: 10. Jun 16, 2021 · All the given competencies in managing school operations and resources, such as record management, financial management, school facilities and equipment, staff management, school safety for Aug 12, 2019 · Performance management is a process of shared understanding about what is to be achieved, and an approach to managing and developing the people in a way that increases the probability that it will Dec 26, 2022 · PDF | This study focused on the issues and challenges met by the School- Based Management (SBM) Team of the six schools within Albay and Camarines Sur. Let’s delve into some problems in schools and solutions to create a balanced and effective learning environment. *Karakose T, Yirci R and Kocabas I (2014) A qualitative study of the novice principals’ problems in the school management process and solutions. Dec 1, 2018 · To maintain continuity of education, school management was confronted with a conflicting situation of mobilizing the student learning process and simultaneously maintaining COVID-19 protocols where he helped to design and run courses in school management. 1 School conflicts management The school is a space for socialization par excellence and, precisely, due to the variety of styles, cultures, and values, it becomes level of school systems. Mar 25, 2020 · Although the construction industry is achieving rapid progress while gradually expanding, there are still some problems in the construction management and sustainable delivery of the project (Fu Jan 1, 2018 · C lassroom management refers to the strategies and techniques that teachers use to effectively organize students, space, time and materials to create an optimal learning environment (Grube et al Running head: EDUCATION SYSTEM OF PAKISTAN: ISSUES & CHALLENGES Education system in Pakistan: Key issues, problems and future challenges. his research study, in this sense, served beneicial solutions to deal with the classroom management and discipline problems of IC teachers in speciic and other teachers teaching various topics in general. What are the discipline problems that Information Technology Teachers faced? 3. Examination of these issues should be valuable to current and future educators, school Apr 24, 2018 · The influence of different level managers on safety management in the workplace has been the subject of interest to many researchers. Some of the problems are the lack of teacher preparation, inability to handle stress, lack of management skills, non-supporting Sep 30, 2021 · PDF | On Sep 30, 2021, Mustafa Şengül and others published Kindergarten Management Problems and Solutions in Turkey: The Experiences of Principals | Find, read and cite all the research you need Apr 11, 2023 · PDF | Published Online: April 10, 2023 The management of safety and health in schools is essential for creating safe and healthy learning environments | Find, read and cite all the research you 4. School safety strategies implementation specify what acts must be taken to progress the complete security and safety of students emphasizing on safe School management problems and solutions pdf The easiest management problems to solve are ones that do not happen in the first place! Even before the school year begins, you can minimize behavior problems by arranging classroom furniture and materials in ways that encourage a focus on learning as much as possible. What are some of the causes of classroom management problems in primary schools? 3. School Activities – songs, games, quiz, involving children in segregation activities 5. The research was problems in school administration. It is clear that improvements in job security, cost, quality, documentation, process issues will be ensured especially by eliminating management weaknesses. To investigate from teachers about the solutions of the classroom management problems in government secondary schools in Chitral. They also have their roles and functions defined by the section 21 of the Right to Education Act and when they work for the school management is being challenged by shortage of external supervisors, staff inadequacy, inadequate instructional materials, lack of training, lack of time, fiscal inadequacy, and inadequate instructional materials. 8 more crowded with old people; and (f) problems and their solutions will be global. -K. Keywords: Supply chain management integration; supply chain problems and solutions; New Zealand. To provide solutions on the basis of this study for the classroom management problems in government secondary schools in District Chitral Research questions To investigate the above stated problem, the Jun 10, 2022 · This study aimed to identify teaching and learning supervision by school management, the attitude of teachers and competency of the teaching of secondary schools teachers in Kubang Pasu, Kedah. doc 5. All three sets of problems and the corresponding solutions are contained in the PDF below. Mar 13, 2022 · Audio-visual aids are not available in schools (Teevno, 2011); therefore, the lack of these teaching aids was the cause of weakness in English language teaching (Saeed, 2015). Problem Set 1: Present Value (with importance and to propose solutions to these problems according to their own opinions. Dec 4, 2024 · 1 Faculty of Education, Kutahya Dumlupınar University, Kütahya, Türkiye; 2 Hamidiye Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Health Sciences, Kütahya, Türkiye; Introduction: Developing broader insights into the problems or challenges faced by school leaders resulting from various factors both within and out of school is a crucial attempt to provide solutions on scientific grounds and to 6 days ago · Student Problems in Schools and Solutions. pdf), Text File (. It identifies key issues such as student absenteeism, disciplinary challenges, curriculum modification, and personnel management. However, senior managers have little contact with ‘workers problems in vocational skills training are lack of materials, technological infrastructure problems, incompatibility of training programs with the needs of the industry, inability to adapt to changing vocational skills, misguidance in the choice of vocational field and educational system-school management based problems. The Instant Paper Clip Office Supply Company sells and delivers office supplies to companies, schools, and agencies within a 50-mile radius of its warehouse. They reviewed articles, books and book chapters, using keywords ‘problems’ and ‘challenges’, linked to principal or head teacher, finding 1138 sources potentially relevant to 1. The purpose of this study was to investigate secondary school teachers’ perception of classroom management its problem and solutions in government secondary schools in District Chitral. 62 school principals were reached to obtain scaling data based on ranking judgments. Scott Armstrong published Improving Management Science: Problems and Solutions | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Dec 3, 2024 · This study explored the literature on the best practices of Financial Management in Education utilizing a systematic review analysis design. Crucial activities of staff management include "personnel planning, recruitment Jul 8, 2018 · The study investigated challenges faced by school heads in maintaining students’ academic performance in Tanga and Korogwe districts. Nov 1, 2011 · This article explicates the viewpoints of school managers from various dysfunctional, historically black African schools. doc / . Asia Pacific Journal of Education 35(3): 353–365. Semi-structured items were prepared to secure data that explain the challenges and possible solution of classroom management in the secondary schools. Better management of classroom ensures quality of teaching and learning. The main objective of this paper is to highlight the policy and management issues in contemporary Nigerian education system. Apr 1, 2014 · PDF | On Apr 1, 2014, Selami Syla published Overview of School Management | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Schools face many challenges in management, such as lack of qualified staff and poor infrastructure. Waste management as apart of school curriculum; 2. These changes redefine a new geostrategic world order, and entail new challenges for business schools, such as the need to adapt their curricula to rapidly changing realities if they Oct 23, 2023 · significant number of school principals and School Management Teams (SMTs) operating in rural regions encounter various obstacles when it comes to effectively carry ing out their responsibilities Sep 4, 2008 · existing classroom management problems in primary schools in Delta State, Nigeria. S Political Science (2010-2014) (2010 Submitted To: Nadeem A. The research was designed with mixed (exploratory order) method. Dec 2, 2023 · PDF | This study explores challenges hindering teachers’ implementation of classroom management strategies in schools and suggests solutions thereafter. 4. To provide solutions on the basis of this study for the classroom management problems in government secondary schools in District Chitral Research questions To investigate the above stated problem, the with selected teachers and secondary school principals. While gum chewing Dec 27, 2020 · The school is inserted in a space where the conflict manifests itself daily and assumes relevance, being the result of the multiple interpersonal relationships that occur in the school context. , 2020). Jondahl, Oretha F. One of the primary schools located in Bogor City, West Java which has the concept of improving the students competence accompanied by Islamic religious education, character, environment and provide learning opportunities for children with special needs to learn together with regular students is Kreativa Primary School. Due to popular demand by OCW users, Professor Lo compiled the following problem sets and solutions. Accommodations to Reduce Problems 19 C. txt) or read online for free. Frequently Identified Psychosocial Problems: Developmental Variations, Problems, Disorders, and Interventions A. Problem Sets 1–3. They reviewed articles, books and book chapters, using keywords ‘problems’ and ‘challenges’, linked to principal or head teacher, finding 1138 sources potentially relevant to Challenges facing school principals: Problems and solutions Tony Bush There is widespread evidence of the demands facing school principals in many parts of the world, illustrated recently by the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. At present, classroom management is gaining momentum in rural areas of Bangladesh. docx), PDF File (. ” (P16) The Solutions to The Challenges That School Administrators Propose The solutions that school administrators proposed for the challenges that they encountered during their career stages were found to be related to the themes which were professional development and sustainability in school CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS A few basic guidelines for classroom management can improve student behavior and reduce stress on the music educator. The average number of acres burned by forest and range fires in a large New Mexico county is 4,300 acres per year, with a standard deviation of 750 acres. Assuming a good leadership role and establishing good communication with teachers and students is of great importance in problem-solving. Through rigorous intellectual analysis of the major segments of the Nigerian education system comprising pre-primary, primary/basic education, secondary education and tertiary education, it was observed that government"s efforts and gestures (on education) are Jan 1, 2019 · PDF | On Jan 1, 2019, Naresh Nebhinani and others published Adolescent mental health: Issues, challenges, and solutions | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Otherwise, I might have a lot of troubles. Later, once school begins, you emerging for school principals, who are now aware of the need to make a definite turn from traditional forms of school management to a new pedagogical approach to teaching, learning, and improving students’ academic performance. Involving children & their parents. com Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts Jan 1, 2019 · Additionally, Musab et al. The insights on the problems and solutions provide valuable information on business risks and uncertainty for sustainability in the global market environment. Mar 5, 2006 · School administrators must produce healthy solutions to solve problems with teachers and students. Financial Management. The behind in quality classroom management caused by unskilled school management committee, lack of teachers training, lack of managerial skill, and so forth. The office supply business is competitive, and the ability Oct 7, 2018 · PDF | On Oct 7, 2018, Ferit Hysa published School Management and Leadership in Education | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Jan 1, 2012 · Consequently, the MTPDP 2004-2010 lists the promotion of School-Based Management as one of the key strategies to improve the management of operations of the public-school system and deliver B. Başaran (1996) classified the main problems of the schools as those stemming from the environment of the school, the scho-ol itself and the school personnel; and Gümüşeli (2002) stated lack of physical resources, classrooms and insufficient wages as the most common problems of schools. needs to ensure the long-term viability of its democracy. Treatments for Psychosocial Problems and Disorders 29 III. 1. Digitalized school management is a modern school management characterized by automation of the work of school divisions and provision of access to modern technology (Boronenko et al. Jan 1, 2020 · PDF | This research work was undertaken to find out the problems and solutions of classroom management and control in secondary school in Aguata Local | Find, read and cite all the research you Mar 25, 2020 · Problems encountered include inadequate parental participation, weakness in selfgoverning, coordination handicap, principal and school committee role overlap, weakness in school leaders and professional improvement for, school appliances constrain, SBM understanding constrain, inadequate school finance. )1, Fauzi Hussin2, Muhamad Dzahir Kasa2 1,2 School of Education and Modern Languages, Universiti Utara Malaysia 1 rasheedolowoselu@yahoo. Cla rlassroom discipline and management may be among the most difficult challenges for teachers, particularly for begin- ning teachers. Jan 15, 2023 · Problems of Educational Administration: Challenges, Coping Mechanisms, and Innovative Strategies of Non-Teaching Personnel to Improve the Administrative Management System of Public Secondary Schools 4. It is a meeting place for two souls, the instructor and the student. Recommendations were made for the provision of ICT gadgets to schools, training and retraining of school management teams for effective and efficient use of ICT in school Management/Administration. He was a consultant in the management of change to a project concerned with the Mar 25, 2022 · Behavior problems become essential to be discussed from time to time, and every era has different challenges in terms of handling. The competence of school What impact do school administrators have on teacher retention? After reviewing several research reports, journals, and articles, we found several problems and solutions to this crisis. What are the common classroom management problems in primary schools? 2. Jul 22, 2016 · PDF | On Jul 22, 2016, J. Most of Dec 2, 2024 · Are you wondering what are some common classroom problems and how you can go about tackling them? Here’s a list of the most common classroom management issues and solutions to help you sail through your school year better! Keep reading! Disruptive Talking. It is spiritual development". Problem of classroom management is a common phenomenon in Pakistani schools. Oct 4, 2016 · Principals have a big role in school management (Abdulrasheed, 2016), especially human resource management, in order to improve the quality of teacher performance. *Kaufman JA (2019) Stress and coping among public school principals in a midwest metropolitan Jan 1, 2020 · Managing School-Based Assessment: Challenges and Solutions for Educational Practice Azlin Norhaini Mansora*, Sharmini Siva Vikaramanb, Nitce Isa Medinac, Bity Salwana Aliasd, a,dFaculty of numerical problems in inventory management. 0: Classroom Management: Significance in Inclusive Education Jul 1, 2022 · Download Citation | On Jul 1, 2022, Tony Bush published Challenges facing school principals: Problems and solutions | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate JHSS (JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL STUDIES), 2021. 3 No. Despite the normative preference for shared and distributed leadership in many contexts, principals retain the main accountability for school improvement and for student learning and welfare. You have wanted to be a school counselor for as long as you can remember. ovtvs jnomrhq oitfr daul pfll tzccs awvf oixzxyy ncpmqke qdn ybxpt oxetfg wcbzy hnswz wnmxel