Tempest cleric build bg3. The build at its core is a full-fledged cleric.
Tempest cleric build bg3 Some people value the constitution proficiency from Sorcerer way too high for this particular build. Going Storm Sorc 10/Tempest 2, with first level in Sorc for CON proficiency, and full on charisma with con secondary. You need to put your first level in Cleric in order for the damage to scale off of CHA when you take Sorcerer later but you sacrifice proficiency in CON saves you would have had if you started as a Sorcerer. You are just changing the order in which you took them. Without the wiz that was I don’t know if the juice is worth the squeeze but with wizard it’s a top tier build. I think if I wanted to do a mostly tempest cleric build again, I’d dip evocation wizard 2 so thunderwave feels better to use in melee range (not hitting other frontline allies) and then later I’d scribe chain lightning and use the 19 int hat, and expect people to usually fail the save since reverb nerfs dex saves. I wouldn’t bother with 1 level of wizard as while the scribing mechanic is neat it will require either that head piece or being mad to make use of the wizard spells. Ability scores in BG3 will give a modifier bonus to your dice rolls and you have a total of 27 to allocate into six skills I am now thinking of playing a gnome, as they have advantage on WIS, INT and CHA saving throws against magic. It's better on Frontline casters like Clerics but it's one o Best BG3 Cleric Build Guide. IMHO the best "Lightning Charge" build is 2 Tempest Cleric/2 Fiend Warlock/8 Blue or Brass Dragon Sorc. Inc Hello fellows, I don't have much experience with 5e or BG3, and I need some help. This does make for a somewhat more versatile build. The above was true pre-Hotfix#9. Tempest cleric channel divinity becomes a no brainer once we hit act 3. And you get some nice thunder/air spells to toss people around. The best Cleric build will use powerful spells and cantrips in Baldur’s Gate 3 that can knock down target enemies easily during battles. Mostly the Heavy Armor. As a tempest cleric you could through down the occasional max damage thunder wave of glyph of warding (lightning) when not raging or save your spells for post fight healing. Aug 15, 2023 · The best Cleric build in BG3. I'm in act 2 right now and I don't know how to build my tempest cleric. (Destructive Wrath maxes all damage dice rolled on critical hits as well, spells with attack rolls can crit and subject to autocrit conditions like paralyze and Luck of the Far Realms), it has access to both divine and arcane spells, and metamagic is very powerful (Twin Talos is the classic pick for a tempest cleric, but idk if I want to play w a Chaotic Evil patron. But both builds are really good With the right choice of race, background, and spells, you will be able to make the most powerful Tempest Cleric build in Baldur’s Gate 3. Tempest Cleric 6 will give you a couple of flavor spells, but will feel like a worse version of Thrower than EK11 since you are giving up an Extra Attack for a couple of Cleric Spells that you won't use that often on a Thrower anyway. Using the two Dex longswords combo buffing them up the the drakethroat glaive. Paladin/Cleric is also possible but messy because paladins want charisma. It is a true nature's incarnate of chaos representing the unpredictable nature of lightning strikes. 26 votes, 11 comments. Quite frankly, the domain doesn’t matter that much - i’m not using the light cleric’s spells or domain features too much at all for this build since channel divinity only applies stacks to one enemy, and i’m not really using warding flare much, as enemies already have disadv from my displacement cloak One of the strongest multiclasses in Baldur's Gate 3, the Lightning Draconic Sorcerer / Tempest Cleric is powerful. Wearing heavy, so less need for dex to get good AC. Alternatively, you could also take 8 4E Monk/4 Spore Druid for effectively the same build just with a weaker symbiotic entity HP boost trading for more ASI. OP suggested other bonuses to improve this one big hit, I'm not sure is it a really viable build or just a cool math theory. Making a heavy armor wearing Tank Gnome Tempest Cleric I feel will be hilarious. Here is how I did : Cleric 6, Tempest Domain = 6 levels of Cleric allows us to get 2 charges of conduit per short rest so we will get our max damage twice in battle. Cleric level first, then sorcerer. :D I am currently running a build this guy suggested in a similar post. I really like the Light Cleric, but I haven’t tried tempest. Those particularly go deeper into the radiating orb/reverb equipment than I will here. Going beyond 12 - Modded options The more traditional build is Tempest 2 / Sorceror 10, but that's really more of a Storm Sorcerer than a Cleric. Cleric/storm sorc with a dip into wizard for learning spells off scrolls. I'm trying a Thor type build right now. The Tempest Domain comes with additional lightning and Thunder-themed spells offering a solid start for a strong caster. The build I did is a mix of Cleric, Sorcerer and Wizard. Check out our guide for how to unlock the Tempest Domain subclass, its features, best races to use, as well as its best build. Overall, if you want your cleric to be melee range, tempest is better. Follow me on Twitch! https://www. Jan 10, 2024 · Best Ability Scores for Tempest & War Domain Cleric Builds in BG3. Want to know how to build cleric in bdg3? Than Spud The King will explain you t This is a paladin 2/tempest cleric 10 that looks pretty cool. If you want to lean into the Shar theme, you could try a War Cleric/ Gloomstalker Ranger multiclass. If you take Sorc first, you do get the proficiency, but then all spells cast from items and scrolls will be done off wisdom and not charisma. I almost always play a support class, and I love a support class that can also splash out some damage. All you need from Barb is 6 levels. Sorc is a non starter, go wizard or just pick life, or better yet light. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. best done at the end though when you have all the optimal gear so you So in this case of Sorc+Cleric, only spells that are on both lists will use Cleric if you start Sorc, which is usually 0 overlap, however Tempest Cleric will learn Thunderwave. Armour of Landfall [bg3. The Talos deity represents the destructive nature of this build by using storms and lightning. This will make you a slightly weaker than normal cleric that can do decent and with Tavern Brawler perk it does a lot of damage. If you can't get it, take the Staff of Spellpower. You can do DEX for any Cleric subclass. I don't want to use the headband of intellect on my sorcerer so I don't go with Wizard. Then Wavemother’s Robe and Cloak, Sparkswall, Watersparklers, Elemental Augmentation Necklace, Diadem of Arcane Synergy, and Gloves of Dex to help with this MAD build Dec 30, 2024 · Best Tempest Cleric Build - Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) In this post, we will go through Tempest Cleric Build for Baldurs Gate 3. Tempest Cleric+Paladin+Smite can get very absurd if you're willing to long rest more frequently than other builds. Played light domain during the EA and loved it and Tempest sounds cool as hell so want to do that. Tempest cleric 2/storm sorcerer X is a tried and true dnd combo. Due to some likely unintended interactions, if you use Thunderous Smite and use Tempest Cleric's channel divinity to maximize the damage of the thunder damage, you can then divine smite off of the thunderous smite, and then have the channel divinity maximization also apply to the What items in each act work well for a tempest cleric + storm sorcerer build? Planning on respecting my tempest cleric before heading into Act 2 (just hit lvl 8). There are a few different ways you can take Yes, i considered going tempest domain, but I wanted to save my reactions for shield. Tempest Cleric: Return damage when hit, improved melee damage (level 8), spells are blast / reposition (mainly knockbacks). Just grab a few qol spells from cleric and focus on sorcerer and cha. Finish with a level of Wizard for access to Haste. The reason people do a multi-class dip is basically because tempest cleric doesn't have access to lightning bolt. I believe once you finish act 1 this is the strongest cleric domain. Idea here is the Cleric / Sorcerer build with a one-point Wizard dip. com/playlist?list=PLDLBnN-W_m2n6nk1Y5-snG4PpOuj9b-7g&si=j1T4 level 2 - Tempest Cleric 1 level 3 - Tempest Cleric 3 Level 4 - Storm Sorcerer 2 All future levels Storm Sorcerer. I will take War Caster as a feat to help out my CON saving throws. For me, tempest cleric is more of a caster with access to heavy armor. which basically means we can use that max damage button to heart's content. In addition to using Markoheshkir for Twinned Chain Lightning with Destructive Wrath, you would also (i) scribe Chain Lightning using Wizard nerd stuff; and (ii) dual wield Staff of Spell Power. If you want your cleric to sit back and spam sacred flame/produce flame, light is better. With that in mind, here’s our guide on how to build the best Tempest Cleric you can in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3). If you abandon Cleric entirely, then Paladin/Warlock is always a fun choice. Are there non-evil patrons connected to storms in BG3? On a semi-related note, how much does your origin impact the game outside of skills and inspiration? This is exactly what I've been thinking about for my next build since I also like to save spell slots when possible. Find out the best race, class, cantrips, spells, feats, skills, and equipment for this build. Most of the time it plays like just a normal martial class with few spells and support stuff here and there. 1 lvl Tempest Domain Cleric the rest as a Storm Sorcerer Tempestous magic Wrath of the Storm Heart of the Storm Spellsparkler… There’s a lot flexibility to the build, but the core levels are 3 sorc / 2 cleric / 1-2 wizard. Manipulate the battlefield by creating pools of water that you turn into electrified death traps, pushing targets away while debuffing them. In my Prepared Cleric Spells (4 + Wisdom mod): Command (Wisdom DC/Wisdom Save) Bless (concentration) Sanctuary (free) Create or Destroy Water (free) Shield of Faith (concentration) Spiritual Weapon (free, weapon uses Wisdom as damage modifier) Tempest spells: Wrath of the Storm (Wisdom DC/Dex Save to half damage) After markoheshkir was bugfixed, and will let you cast chain lightning (or other spells for that matter) once per short rest, is it now better, in your opininon, to go sorc 9/tempest 2/cha caster 1 or pure Sorcerer? Multiclass build will give you 1 max dmg twinned chain lightning per short rest (+ one max dmg spell if using specific amulet). I am planning on rolling a tempest cleric, with a focus on lightning damage, and spellcasting over using weapons. Tempest Cleric/Storm Sorcerer or Tempest Cleric/Vengeance Paladin depending if you want a blaster cleric or a more magic knight type build. Thinking of Spell Sniper and Dual Wielder if going that route. so a 3 sorc, 9 cleric split should work. Best Tempest Cleric Build Detailed. Of course there are much more options, yet my favourite ones are: 1)Tempest cleric. tv/italianspartacusMore Class Guides https://youtube. Cleric doesn't get expertise so it wouldn't be the best anyway. Most builds, combat, and gameplay elements remained untouched, so if you are familiar with the class, almost all remain the same. Welcome to the best Tempest Domain Cleric Build for Baldur’s Gate 3. I think the reason people are tempted to go the weapon route with cleric is that they don't have a good damage melee cantrip like the druid. The goal for this character is going to be a ranged damage dealer with the ability to heal allies and provide powerful buffs. I'm trying to build a cleric build with a single dip into wizard. Whereas if you just go straight tempest cleric from level 1 to level 8 and then respec to storm sorc 6/tempest 2, you can play through act 1 with access to shatter at level 3, call lightning spam at level 5, thunderous strike at level 6 and ice storm at level 7. While I understand 5e doesnt NEED a healer, we're all veteran mmo and moba players so we'd like to stick to what we know. Heavy Armor, Martial Weapons, Reaction that blasts lighting at foes that dare hit you, Divine Strike, etc. Currently working on a melee thunder build and its so far 3 thief rogue 1 fighter 8 tempest cleric. One of the STRONGEST multiclasses in Baldur's Gate 3, the Storm Sorcerer and Tempest Cleric are a perfect match. I'm still not entirely sure what use that weapon has for the party. But for that you really just want either the Spellsparkler staff or, later, the Legendary Staff and choose the lightning option. You’ll be casting Spells most of the time to crank Wisdom. There's an amulet that gives an additional divinity charge. You can look up a tempest cleric build for 5e, most of it translates to bg3. In this order you will get proficiency in CON saving throws. I'm planning on running tempest cleric 10/Pala 2. I'm not sure what gear I should get and I sold most of my act 1 gear. That's really what you need with builds of any kind, especially multiclass builds. TL;DR. Aug 25, 2023 · Become the eye of the storm with this devastating Level 12 tempest cleric build, no multiclassing needed. 6 levels of Cleric gets a lot of utility spells. I've played my Knowledge Cleric/Wizard multiclass High Elf (usually Scribes after that came out for 5e) in about 5 campaigns IRL, and was a bit worried how it'd translate to the game, as I was really looking forward to playing the curious, bookish trope on a first playthrough then min/max on replays. With that out of the way, here's what you get with tempest cleric 2: Medium and heavy armor proficiency The domain spells you get with 2 levels are pretty decent for controlling the battlefield Wrath of the storm is nice if you are gonna be front lining and I would definitely recommend valor or swords with this build. The 6/6 build gets you Thunderbolt Strike, which will push back enemies affected by your Thunder or Lightning Damage, and this includes electrified water the turn after you do your water/lightning combo and until the electric effect With "sorcerer last", I mean play as a pure sorcerer until you are level 5, then multiclass into tempest cleric 2, then continue your sorcerer levels. Probably cleric, you want full spell progression for max damage with Destructive Wrath. I think go wisdom, con will be your primary attributes. Tempest Cleric Domain in BG3. You get everything you want in underdark and creche. These builds make 4E monk actually viable for use in bg3. Did it a little different though: Four Elements Monk 10, Tempest Cleric 2 The 2 in Cleric gets you all you really need from that class dip unless you really want more spell slots/better Cleric spells, while 10 in Monk gets you just about everything of value from that class. Nov 2, 2024 · For normal encounters, you can freely rely on base cleric powers imbued with radiant damage. Use lorooakans staff offhand and a warhammer mainhand. Mar 14, 2024 · Underrated class. Dec 12, 2024 · The build is reliant on Wet status and sadly requires to multiclass into Cleric to get this early on. Jan 13, 2025 · Tempest Cleric and Draconic Sorcerer Build - The Talos Dragonling. Tempest Cleric 6 is the core of the build. The trick here is that Wizard, Bard, and Cleric are all full casters, so you will get full spell slots no matter how you spread your levels in these three classes. You also get to access level 5 spells like Cone of Cold, Ice Storm, and Confusion, which can be equally important. you can go straight 5 lvls in Tempest Cleric but later on at lvl6 you can repspec and start with Storm Sorcerer 1 and 5 lvl Cleric. You can either create the extremely powerful Tempest Cleric Sorcerer build with your custom character, or respec another character with this build. People ITT being all: "You only need to hoard water bottles and go into your inventory to drop them and have mage hand active and have the Alert feat on at least two characters and use elixirs and haste with twin-spell" is exactly what turned me off of tempest cleric in the first place. So these two classes don't mix well with what BG3 has. *Using Charisma as attack stat (Pact of Blade) + Extra Blade attack (Which still stacks as of Patch 2) *1 use of Destructive wrath per short rest. You basically want/need every stat except Charisma, the EK and Cleric spell sets are complete opposites, and going 6/6 will only get you level 1 EK spells, level 3 Cleric spells and level 4 spell slots. Ive only played one campaign of tabletop dnd but I've looked at a few builds of various classes and my bg3 group needs a dedicated healer. Not only do you get all of the damage dealing potential, but also the extreme utility of being a cleric. I initially opted for a light cleric, with 8 STR, 16 DEX, 15 CON, 8 INT, 17 WIS, 8 CHA (first feat would be a +1 to CON and +1 to WIS), and pump his intelligence with the amulet of that troll (can't remember his name, nor the amulet's one) that put it to 17. If you don't, use the offhand crossbow. Tempest 11 / Wizard 1 gives you all the cleric spells up to level 6, and you can learn any wizard spells in the game from scrolls. Nov 7, 2024 · 2 Evocation Wizard/8 Storm Sorcerer/2 Tempest Cleric This is definitely the most complex build on here, but it turns Gale into a badass storm wizard worthy of his name. Tempest Cleric / Lightning Draconic Bloodline Sorc (6/6) is an absolute beast and can oneshot bosses with Witch Bolt crits. Some other informative threads are linked below. You do Paladin 5/Warlock 5. If Tempest cleric had easy access to lightning bolt, IMO it'd be a no-brainer to take pure tempest cleric. Here is an OP Tempest Cleric Build Guide for in Baldur's Gate 3. For this Cleric build we’ll be using the Tempest Domain subclass of the Cleric. wiki] instead. Most of the builds I see on youtube are for cleric/sorc. Multi-classing three different classes that each use a different primary stat is tricky. Oct 17, 2023 · With just a tiny multiclass dip into Wizard, this build really comes alive. 2 Tempest Cleric 10 Storm Sorcerer. I've run Gale as a Tempest Cleric of Mystra. The Best Cleric Domain for Shadowheart is the Tempest Domain. This guide walks you through this powerful build. if you'e looking to have the capability to burst while giving up level 5 cleric spells (and level 6 slot), then 2 fighter can be squeezed with a 4 sorc, 6 cleric, fighter 2 split. So for this specific build, taking Sorc level 1 means your Thunderwave will ultimately use WIS once you take your Cleric levels. Bonus Actions and Dashes are required in the build, so Thief is a no-brainer. Wizard is the base as you'll be attacking with Wizard spells, let's you learn a bunch of spells that you would lose by dipping into all these classes, and Portent is broken and can force failed saving throws or high atk rolls. With GWM, you often get a 2nd attack as a bonus action. twitch. Consider water sparklers over speedy light feet as the thunderbolt strike pushback applies to the electrified water damage, so an upcast create water allows you to create a huge area-of-denial I came up with a build that was 2 tempest cleric, 6 sorcerer, and 4 lore bard. I regretfully have never played DnD but I love DnD style games. This means that you won’t pay attention to Strength or Dexterity too much. It definitely has a clear identity -- it knows what it is and what it wants to do. I personally like 4 storm sorc / 2 tempest cleric / 6 divination wizard. wiki] is your best armor, for advantage on CON saving throws. Leveling order is important because our main casting stat is taken from last class you took. Cleric Tempest 2 give you heavy armor proficiency and the ability to max your dice on a lightining/thunder spell once per short rest. Learn how to create a powerful Tempest Cleric in Baldur's Gate 3, a support class that can heal and damage enemies with spells. I run tempest with GWM and hand crossbows. I have 4 options: Balanced ability scores Tempest Cleric and 2 levels of wizard is amazing. You don’t get Destructive Wrath, but you still get a lot of tempest cleric goodies. This essentially makes you a paladin with some cleric on top, since you’re limited to fourth-level spells and have fewer spell slots. Feb 11, 2024 · 2 Divination Wizard / 3 Storm Sorcerer / 2 Tempest Cleric / 5 Spore Druid. Hell you can get shillelagh and hit with your WIS instead of your STR with a druid dip. But once you get Markoheshkir (in act 3), you then respec to change your build to start with the other classes instead. 1 Wiz 2 Sorc is a killer combo that can be splashed into any casting build, but it especially synergizes with our build due to how we abuse movement speed. So the order should be 2 tempest cleric/8 storm sorcerer/ 2 divination wizard. Nov 12, 2024 · 2 Tempest Cleric; A similar variation to this build offers access to Destructive Wrath. Every other badass lightning spell you get from tempest. Alternatively, if you really want to do a Monk/Cleric, my suggestion would be 6 Trickery Domain Cleric/6 Shadow Monk. Best Race, Abilities, Spells, Cantrips, Equipment. Currently running this. Find out the best race, abilities, background, skills, leveling and gear for this build. Tempest Cleric/Storm Sorcery is a good/flavor combo, Although you can be any Sorcerer to make this flourish. For a caster heavy build, dip 3 into BM and the rest cleric. Also there are a lot of chain lightning scrolls available in act 3 so you can just use the consumables. I level: 1 storm sorc, 1 tempest cleric, 1 wizard so by level 3, you’ve taken the classes in the order you need and you never have to respec unless you want to. Alternately, you could go 5/7 paladin/cleric. This feels like a good solution without giving up the two levels into Cleric (medium and heavy armor proficiency + channel divinity + guidance and all the other cool Cleric stuff) while Tempest 2 / Wizard 10 gets you armor and Wrath of the Storm, while you are still mostly a wizard using INT. Good when you crit, as it maximizes the damage of the crit. Sep 20, 2023 · Multiclassing the Storm Sorcerer and Tempest Cleric in Baldur's Gate 3 has some explosive results. Portent dices are super strong. You can just run Gale as Tempest 2/Evo Wizard 10 getting you the thunder combos magic missile and Utility on one character, that way you can use someone else in Shart's slot just bare in mind that all your cleric spells on Gale if you went this route would not be very potent so stick to none damage/utility while at the same time your team is completley safe from the buffed up lightning damage The staff is a little strange with a Sorcerer + Tempest Cleric. That being said, it can still work. +3 to Spell Save DC is 3x as much as +1, that's way more than Ketheric's Shield provides. Also the Bernard's glaive can selfstun if you not construct (which you are not). Warhammer for smites and the staff for lightning bolt and chain lightning. I wanna play Monk with 4 Way of Elements (no TB and without using Heavy Armors). Jun 13, 2024 · Learn how to play a Tempest Domain Cleric with Sorcerer in BG3, a subclass that combines healing, support, and lightning spells. There is an alternative for a build that one of my friends recommeded which a 3 thief rogue 3 gloom ranger and 6 tempest cleric You can 100% build a dexterity based Tempest Cleric. That with the extra attack at lvl 5 its a good class. Shadowheart is the obvious choice, but you can change Gale or even Wyll to fit this build. This build may be suffering from some favoritism, from me I've just started a monk/cleric build, and I'm gonna be focusing a lot of effort on applying thunder damage. The reason for this is because it gives access to heavy armor and shields, which will make you tankier, which is very good as casters typically lack constitution as they level up, and place their points fairly often into Wisdom and Charisma for the party facing, and their own All the gear works for that build too, I love the hamarhraft since a tempest str cleric thill be jumping a lot to close the distance when they have Spirit guardians up. Maybe combo Create Water with Glyph of Warding from Cleric. Yes, the three magic classes use different stats so it was a tricky mess to play around those. I personally went for CHA but in retrospective it might have been better to go for INT. Nov 7, 2024 · The Tempest Domain is a Cleric subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). . If you play a custom character, I recommend a Is there any cleric-focused build (at least 6 levels in cleric) for tempest cleric? Playstyle would be deal damage via thunder/lightning spells while providing the classic cleric combat utility All of the ones I've seen around here are 2 cleric 10 sorc, which feels like I'm just playing sorc while dipping into cleric I have decided on tempest Cleric for my first play through. With 2 Level dip into Tempest Cleric. Not a big deal, since there are ways to get constitution proficiency from other sources. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Tempest is an amazing Cleric Domain that offers unique benefits to the Character. My character is using a shield and mace, but the mace only does 8-13 damage. The main focus of this update was the final narrative additions, mostly centered around evil endings, along with official modding tools and adjustments to honor mode. Option 2 Tempest Cleric 2 // Draconic Sorcerer 9 // Wizard 1. Sep 22, 2023 · Best Tempest Cleric Sorcerer Build in Baldur's Gate 3. The Talos Dragonling: 6 Tempest Cleric; 6 Draconic Sorcerer May 10, 2024 · Today we create the ULTIMATE Storm Tempest Cleric Build in Baldur's Gate 3 utilizing the strongest Lightning spells and combos, especially with Reverberation Imagine a 6 light cleric / 6 paladin with radiating orbs + improved warding flare + aura of protection every party member is a tank. If you don't want to open Cleric, you can wear Robe of Supreme Defences [bg3. Basically I want a regular build that focus on Dex+Wis. Jan 28, 2025 · Enjoy playing using our formidable Baldur’s Gate 3 Cleric Build Guide! Cleric Class Changes in Patch 7 for BG3 Baldur’s Gate Patch 7 (Image via Larian Studios) The Cleric Class received no changes in Patch 7 of BG3. Either way you get two attacks. While this build is primarily a Storm Sorcery-focused build, it will multi-class into the Tempest Cleric as well. The build at its core is a full-fledged cleric. Take divination over evocation. I think it's there as a trap. The only weapon in the game providing more effective spell save DC is Rhapsody. You just lose out on some nice Tempest Cleric spells. For our Tempest build, we are quite Rhapsody [bg3. I'd go with sorc for being able to dump 2 spells in a turn and build around a wis based call lightning. Jun 23, 2024 · A very powerful Reverbation THUNDER TEMPEST CLERIC Build for inBaldur's Gate 3! This can be your main character or Shadowheart as the tempest cleric can real Jan 24, 2025 · The release of Patch 7 for BG3 brought with it no significant combat, gameplay, or build-related change for the Solo Cleric Build. But once per long rest you have that "now you die" button. Sep 25, 2023 · Baldur’s Gate 3 Tempest Domain Cleric Build. Build a full skill monkey with a Lore Bard perhaps (1 rogue, 1 knowledge cleric, 10 lore bard). Quick and Easy guide for Baldurs Gate 3 class - Cleric with Tempest subclass. There's two key items I'm wondering whether they'll actually work with Thunderbolt Strikes - the first is (act 1) Cacophony, on the monastery trail, from the egg-hungry lady, which deals additional thunder damage to each hit , as well as Destructive Wave from tempest 9 is such a great spell for a melee range build that I’d take that over the feat from rogue 4 without hesitation. Strongly disagree, Phalar is incredible. Aug 18, 2023 · Video build guide discussing all the things that make Tempest Domain Cleric one of the best, strongest and most versatile sub-classes in Baldur's Gate 3. Where I go over the basics of the Cleric and the Tempest Cleric subclass,and what it brings to the table for this build, and briefly touching on the Sorcerer since I've talked about them a good amount, oh! and a leveling guide too. Having played a tempest cleric, at some point you realise you are just a tankier ranged caster, not a full melee martial. It gets a ludicrous amount of spells and skills, and while it misses out on the 6th level spell, you get a ton of lower level utility spells, cantrips, and skill proficiencies. wiki] is great, but is often contested by other builds. Considering an off-hand Trident of the Waves + Shocking Grasp Tempest Cleric or EK for stab-shock prowess. I'm just about to finish Act 1 as a Light Cleric at level 6 with 8 STR, 16 DEX, 15 CON (planning to take Resilient at level 8), 8 INT, 18 WIS, and 10 CHA in my current game, playing at the Balanced difficulty level, but I'm already thinking about a Tempest Cleric build at the . That build is using Eldritch Blast w/ Blue or Brass Dragon Sorc. You can clear entire encounters on turn 1 I always see charisma casters getting multiclassed, but there is never any love for multiclassing bg3’s 2 wisdom caster classes, even though it can be very powerful. Plus there's the matter of being good the entire game vs act 3 because Tempest cleric delays everything for a good bunch of time (at minimum level 7 way best the hard part of BG3 when you finally get lightning bolt/call lightning) and without Tempest cleric your build is just Sorcerer who wants to haste bot by this point and maybe use some As u/-Gambler-has pointed out, you may enjoy playing pure sorcerer or mostly pure Tempest cleric (with a wizard dip) for awhile. Get the Legendary Staff early Act 3. This subclass is specifically designed to take control of Thunder and Lightning. So first up is 6 levels of Tempest Domain Cleric and what I really like about this BG3 Build is it allows you to focus on Wisdom. Feat will be Dual-Wield. That actually makes it seem a lot more viable and fun, lol. The tempest cleric reaction synergism’s with getting hit often. The build idea is solid both from a roleplay perspective and overall capabilities. You want mobility so your spinny bois can hit as many targets as possible. 5 ranger / 7 cleric is probably a good mix for extra attack and decent spell options. That’s gonna be very awkward to build for. It depends on the playstyle you want. And of course items. The comment has merit, you could go with one of those builds until level 6, and respec into this build at level 7, where it goes fun. Cleric relies on Guardian Spirits, it's like their best spell. With the Tempest Domain you gain Heavy Armor and Martial Weapons proficiency, increasing your gearing options! You also unlock the following as you level up: What I'm going to do is start off as Tempest Cleric (2 lvls) and multiclass into Sorcerer. Call lightning is good spell, so anything that makes AC, concentration or spell DC better. This is not that different from the Storm Sorc build, but you have no metamagic. Cleric is a very versatile class and choice of the build depends on what do you want from Shart. BG3 High Damage Light Domain Cleric Build. Tempest gets a counter attack reaction that war cleric does not get. Honestly I think tempest cleric is more fun than a sorcerer 10/tempest 2 build, since you get to be up in the enemies face. For those of you that want to play like you're THOR, this is the perfect c It’s fine. STR feels so much more powerful than Dex for melee builds in BG3, it's not even remotely funny. Just after your thoughts on the build, or other race suggestions that will work. If you are not set on Cleric, and just want the perception, there's other builds as well. The BG3 Tempest Domain Cleric Build works for both PC and Consoles (PS5 and Xbox Series X/S). I was thinking in get 1 o 2 LVL of Cleric (Tempest subclass) to have the reactions attacks + create water. Its a dual wielding build. My character is currently level 7 and spec is currently 15,18,16,8,19,8. Dex builds are better on tabletop, where jump distance isn't stupid. Take spores Druid 9/tempest cleric 3 for example, with this build you have the following: The multiclass of Paladin / Tempest Cleric can do this. So I ran a similar build but on my MC. You get huge value out of your destructive wrath the entire time. Tempest Cleric: At level 5 you get Call Lightning which is awesome and powerful, and you can use it over and over. Shadowheart would do well as 1 Cleric/11 Shadow Monk with her default domain or even Cleric/Assassin Rogue or Cleric/Gloomstalker Ranger. In terms of a stat layout, I will be maximizing wisdom (17), then constitution (16), and I am wondering what to do with the rest of my points. the whole 2/10 Tempest Cleric/Storm Sorc, 1/11 Tempest/11 Wizard, 2/2/10 Wizard, Sorc, Tempest cleric builds are still pretty confusing to me. Reverb items. Light Cleric synergizes really well with radiating orb gear and I think that’s pretty powerful. Tempest cleric has a good option of spells that take advantage of the tempests channel divinity, you can dip storm sorcerer for more spells if you want but I think it’s bait. 6th level storm sorcerer gets access to call lightning and the storm sorcerer specific abilities. Idk if draconic would be any better cause I’m dominating this game on tactician. Bladelock Build. So 1 storm sorc -> 6 tempest cleric -> 5 last levels in sorc. If they have some different subclasses, you can make some pretty strong builds. There are workarounds, like dropping the water bottle (which is tedious) and Water Myrmidon from Conjure Elemental, but it is accessible late in the game. Jan 6, 2024 · The Cleric is a tricky class for multiclassing in Baldur's Gate 3, but an unusual build using the Tempest Domain can produce incredible results. This gives you *Paladin Smites + Extra Attack. Taking Cleric first allows spells from items to be modified by charisma. Exactly the kind of breakdown I was looking for as someone waiting 'till September. I did a 2 tempest cleric/2 divination wizard/8 storm sorcerer run in Tactician and it was a blast in act3. The two subclasses synergize pretty well, but I think sorcerer's levels are more meaningful as from the Tempest cleric all you need is heavy armour proficiency, the channel divinity, some utility/buff spells and create water. These spells rely on Wisdom. Also, as Cleric, you can prepare any spell of your Cleric level, plus Tempest Domain spells, which are always prepared. I don't have much knowledge with the wizard dip but generally for gear for a caster in act 2 these are my recommendations (This items are from Act 1 and Act 2 so spoilers ahead): The most common multiclassing for that build is 2 tempest cleric, followed by 10 storm sorcerer, to ensure that spells granted by items (and illithid powers) scale with charisma and not wisdom. But Tempest is very clearly pushing you towards STR. kggk jwla mcd lljom gsz prgk arpwcs ocrhy sktr zassc iutkbq atuqkj sour ugwyfega qqs