Throwing water into cold air. She eventually went to the hospital with .
Throwing water into cold air It’s freezing cold outside and you decide to take a cup of boiling water outside and throw it into the air. Why does throwing boiling hot water into cold air cause ice clouds? WARNING: If trying this experiment on your own, be certain to NEVER throw the boiling wat Jan 5, 2024 · A person throws boiling water into the air following cold weather, in Pyhatunturi, Finland January 1, 2024, in this screen grab obtained from social media video. Feb 8, 2019 · A couple of things occur when the boiling water is thrown into the air. Can a cup of boiling water be thrown in the air? How to throw boiling water into the Jan 5, 2024 · Lauri Untamo filmed boiling water being thrown into Finland's frozen air, which turned it into an arc of snow and ice. Second, the water breaks into smaller globs of water as it Dec 29, 2017 · Freezing temperatures make for fun videos. . It seems like a big mystery until you think about it this way: hot water is closer to steam has less viscosity (think thickness or stickiness) than cold water Dec 20, 2024 · However, things didn't go so well for a woman in China, Jiang Nu, who ended up scalding her head after throwing a carafe of boiling water into the air. This phenomenon is more likely to occur at temperatures around -14 F and below, and Jan 4, 2018 · "When you throw [boiling water] into the air, the hot water forms into hot droplets," says Uttal. ABC News. From instantly turning hot water into snow in Chicago to this ice-cold water bottle science experiment in Alaska, extremely low temperatures can produce eye-popping effects. com Jan 7, 2014 · Much of North America is experiencing the coldest temperatures in twenty years. Hot water freezes when exposed to cold air creating a cloud and snow. When it was boiling it was already close to becoming steam, so throwing it in Typically, the air freezes immediately. Jan 18, 2017 · floats away like a cloud Feb 14, 2021 · This is our second video of throwing cups of hot water into the air on a cold winter's day. Jul 20, 2022 · Can you throw water in the air and it freeze? how cold does it have to be to throw water in the air and freeze how cold does it have to be for water to freeze in mid air what happens when you throw boiling water into freezing air boiling water freezing in mid air throw boiling water in cold air boiling water evaporates in cold weather physical or chemical change throwing boiling water into Jan 27, 2019 · Throwing Boiling Water into Freezing Air@WooGlobe Verified (Original) *For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing@WooGlobe. Therefore, in a very dry and cold air mass, a dramatic cloud forms from the boiling water before hits the ground. Because the molecules aren't as condensed (given that hot water is closer to steam), the cold air is able to envelop the hot water quicker/more efficiently because it covers a higher surface area. Bullshit, this doesn't happen at all. Hot water on ice, or hot water in co Jan 4, 2018 · Mark Seeley, a climatologist at the University of Minnesota, told LiveScience. Take the full flask outside, take a cup of this hot water and throw it all up into the air. To do this the water must be near boiling temps, which pee is nowhere near. Cold Air, Tommy Technetium YouTube Channel (accessed 1/16/24) Why does throwing boiling hot water into cold air cause ice clouds? After doing the experiments this time around, I thought in a bit more detail about how this happens. The large surface area means it's much easier to freeze the water than if it were a liquid ball. Jan 30, 2019 · The air is not quite cold enough to freeze water immediately, which happens at about minus-42 degrees, Terry said. Lauri Untamo/via REUTERS/File Photo 3395 Likes, 44 Comments. Temperatures must be at zero degrees, and the water must be boiling for the science to work. Second, the mass of hot water immediately heats the air around it, allowing the air to hold more water vapor and causing the air mass to expand. "Now, cold air is very dense, and this makes its capacity Oct 31, 2023 · Leidenfrost Effect: When you throw this boiling water into very cold air (e. It's so cold that the air freez Feb 12, 2019 · “Throwing cold water into the air won’t work as it won’t freeze in time, however, boiling hot water will as its temperature is able to drop significantly faster, turning it into a snow-like In the picture above, water was boiled in a pot and taken directly outside to be thrown into the -22 degrees Fahrenheit air. Dec 7, 2018 · A cold front approached the northern city on Monday, causing temperatures to drop by between 12 and 20 degrees Celsius. TikTok video from thecaffeinationstation (@thecaffeinationstation): “Discover the amazing effects of throwing hot water into cold air and witness the mesmerizing transformation. As per In the morning of the 15th of January, 2021, it was -22°C in the north of Helsinki (Siltamäki), Finland. The water freezes instantly mid-air, and falls to the ground as ice. Boiling water is close in state to evaporation, when thrown in the air it increases the surface area exposed to freezing cold air (very cold air also has a lower level of moisture. Kitchener, ON. Feb 12, 2021 · Throwing Hot Water Into Cold Air. When the humidity is low, there is very little water vapor in the air. It's so cold that the air freez Dec 29, 2017 · People throw boiling water into freezing air to prove how cold it is Typically, the air freezes immediately. Throwing boiling water into air exposes a lot of surface area so the freezing temperatures immediately convert the water into snow. However, things didn’t go so well for a woman in China, Jiang Nu, who ended up scalding her Not completely true. That’s not so fun for skiing and snowshoeing, but it’s perfect for trying a neat winter experiment – turning boiling hot water into frozen steam in just a couple of seconds. Others decided to be a little more creative, opting for a bowl of noodles instead. Jan 12, 2024 · Staff at the National Weather Service in Bellemont, Arizona released the video at the top of this story, showing an employee throwing boiling water into the air to demonstrate how it can freeze Boiling Water Freezing in Mid Air: Slow MotionIt is currently -30 F in Michigan so my roommate, Kevin Haughn, and I decided to throw boiling water into the a When temperatures plunge, boiling water can freeze almost instantly. This is because the hot water is quickly condensing into water droplets and turning into steam, rather than freezing. As we ascend higher into the atmosphere, the air pressure decreases, causing water to boil at lower temperatures. Throwing boiling water into the freezing air in slow motion. “Throwing boiling water into the freezing air to see the spectacular result. com/F WATCH: Temperature is so cold in the Northeast that throwing water into the air freezes it instantly. When hot water is thrown into freezing air, it appears to turn into big white cloud. The air around most ski slopes is hotter than -41C, and thank goodness because that would be awful (almost 70F lower than freezing! Feb 16, 2021 · Last week, Arctic air parked itself over the Rockies, and on many mornings, temperatures were as cold as -35 C. 6 degree Dec 28, 2021 · The woman throwing the water is one of many who have embraced a viral social media-era winter tradition of throwing boiling water high into the freezing air and sharing images of the spectacular How to throw boiling water into the air and have it freeze instantly. You can write your name in pee if you want to, it's not gonna do anything special. hot water freezes more quickly than cold water. Today we finally had blue sky and freezing temperatur Mar 12, 2015 · The hot water is thrown up into the cold Canadian air and a beautiful reaction occurs. Feb 16, 2021 · The water starts out in the liquid phase, boiling with some minor steam coming off (going from a liquid to a gas). With the temperature at a freezing -21 degrees Celsius, the water forms a massive "ice-mist spiral Jan 5, 2018 · Ever wonder what would happen if you threw boiling water into the air in below-freezing temperatures? Meteorologist Bill Evans put it to the test Friday morning, as temperatures neared 10 degrees. What About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Jan 6, 2024 · A person throws boiling water into the air, which turns into steam, following cold weather, in Pyhatunturi, Finland January 1, 2024, in this screen grab obtained from social media video. David Fogarty Jan 7, 2014 · We had two cups of cold water and two cups of boiling water. This allows more water vapor to escape from your boiling water into the air. As he notes in the video's description, the temperature was -41 degrees Celsius (or -41. Feb 5, 2009 · Whereas a pot of cold water thrown into the air comes down as large blobs of water. Feb 8, 2019 · The boiling water challenge, as it is sometimes known, has gone viral in the past few weeks, as a weather pattern called a polar vortex gripped a large part of the U. Download this Throwing Water Into Cold Air Freezes photo now. Jan 24, 2011 · "When you throw the water up in the air, it breaks into much smaller droplets, so there's even more surface for water vapor to come off of. Videos emerged on social media of people throwing water into the Jan 7, 2014 · Previous Video http://bit. Usually, the cold water just hits the snow, but the hot water turns to snow. The water appears to turn into "steam" which actually appears to be ice crystals. K. The boiling water challenge that has gone viral in the past few Jul 9, 2016 · A fun thing to do in extreme cold is to throw hot water into the air. The next day, she tried it again. 2025. Throwing HOT water into FREEZING COLD airThanks for watching Check out my other videos https://www. And search more of iStock's library of royalty-free stock images that features Adult photos available for quick and easy download. When boiling water is thrown into freezing air you get the MPEMBA Ef Jun 9, 2024 · This is known as the Mpemba effect, where water can freeze more quickly when it is very cold due to factors like evaporative cooling and the smaller droplet size when throwing water into the air We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. com during an interview in 2011 that "when it's cold outside, there's hardly any water vapor present in the air Feb 7, 2019 · It looks cool – throwing boiling water into the air and watching it instantly freeze in supercold weather – but don’t do it. Throwing boiling water in to the freezing air. The outside air temperature has to be cold enough for it to work and the water has to be hot enough. ). 2019). “Xanthomonas A person throws boiling water into the air, which turns into steam, following cold weather, in Pyhatunturi, Finland on Jan 1, 2024, in this screen grab obtained from social media video. Jan 22, 2025 · Throwing boiling water into air colder than -14°F turns it into gas instantly! At -22°F, the rapid evaporation creates a dramatic effect, thanks to the Mpemba effect—hot water freezes faster than Dec 22, 2022 · Boiling water when tossed into the air (preferably from a container) can turn into snow before it hits the ground. OK, I'll admit—it also looks really cool. The air isn’t cold enough to This video is of myself Getting some hot boiling water and throwing it into the Minnesota Freezing weather during the Polar Vortex! And making it evaporate! Jan 7, 2018 · Ever wonder what would happen if you threw boiling water into the air in below-freezing temperatures? Meteorologist Bill Evans put it to the test Friday morning, as temperatures neared 10 degrees. When I threw the boiling water into the air, the water became very fine ice crystals which evaporated immediately. December 29, 2017 The Power of Water. Finland is experiencing record low temperatures with the temperature at Jan 7, 2014 · This experiment works best when the humidity outside is very low. So what really is the science behind throwing boiling water up into cold air so that it resembles cloud-like snow? Jan 24, 2019 · David Freiheit showcased just how cold it was in Montreal, Canada, on January 19 by boiling water and throwing it up in the air outside his house. For that reason, throwing boiling water into the air will look more Jan 6, 2014 · When you throw the water up in the air, it breaks into much smaller droplets, so there's even more surface for water vapor to come off of. Dec 13, 2016 · Throwing water into the air. Feb 8, 2019 · While the cold weather may deter many from going outside, others like to take advantage of the freezing temperatures and test out different science experiments. The water immediately turned into steam as . The cloud looks like snow, but it’s actually just water vapor. First, you increase the surface area of the water so it can freeze into tiny snow-like crystals rather than little icicles. Cold water does turn into snow, but it’s more likely to freeze into shards than form fluffy flakes. Very hot or boiling water is more visually pleasing because the steam freezes very quickly and gives a nice instantly frozen mist, but any temperature of liquid water thrown in the air will quickly freeze at very cold air temperatures. You are suppose to fan the water and launch it high so that it spreads out as fast a possible to cool. ly/1acyc1BSe Dec 26, 2020 · When you throw the water into the air, two things happen. , -20 degrees Celsius or below), a layer of water vapor quickly forms around the droplets of water. Videos emerged on social media of people throwing water into the Throwing boiling hot water into subzero degree air! #polarvortex #boilingwater #coldair #wisconsin #milwaukee #hunteroftoys Had to look up what -10 and -20F was in C, haha. When I threw cold water into the air, it appeared as regular water as it fell to the ground. He threw a huge pot of boiling water into -29 degrees Ce Dec 29, 2017 · Amy Fogarty took a pot of boiling water and tossed it into the cold air outside her home along Lake Superior. She also tried with cold-water and the result was different - the water just fell to the ground as a liquid. Once the water is thrown into the air, the water starts to make water vapor Jan 31, 2019 · By throwing boiling water into frigid air, she said, “you’re manipulating that transition. A woman throwing hot water into the cold air in Berlin, Germany, 01 March 2018. The air is not quite cold enough to freeze water immediately, which happens at about minus-42 degrees, Terry said. Instead of falling to the ground and searing a h Aug 17, 2013 · At -40 air has very little ability to hold moisture. Take a flask and fill it with boiling water to warm it up, pour this away and fill it again. My husband wears sandals to take out the trash when it's -30C or -40, like it has been this week, so I see what you mean. Oct 19, 2023 · When it’s freezing cold outside and you throw a cup of boiling water into the air, the water droplets rapidly evaporate into vapor that immediately condenses into a cloud. ly/1iJXmJvSUBSCRIBE to future videos! http://bit. It’s freezing cold outside, and you decide to take a cup of boiling water outside and throw it into the air. Feb 10, 2021 · The reason why this happens is boiling water is closer to evaporating than cold water. Hot water evaporates faster than cold water because the molecules in cold water are not moving near as quickly. Both ingredients are essential. #hotwater #coldair #science”. "First, the hot water is making water vapor through evaporation. Today is supposed to be #winter Dec 10, 2020 · In other words, boiling water is very nearly water vapor. References. That was done in the video by through making the water more apt to spread out and then throwing it out into -41C air -- the motion spreads out the water and the air is cold enough to freeze boiling water quickly. The more water vapor that can escape, the more ice crystals will form. S. She eventually went to the hospital with It's minus 15 so I decided to show what throwing a cup of boiling water does upon coming into contact with freezing air. 26:29. This is due to the Leidenfrost effect, which occurs when a liquid comes into contact with a surface that is significantly hotter than its boiling point. With a polar vortex causing wind chills to drop Jan 27, 2017 · So what really is the science behind throwing boiling water up into cold air so that it resembles cloud-like snow? Unfortunately you're not making your own snowflakes, but as you throw the water up, it quickly evaporates into vapor that then condenses into particles, which creates the appearance of a powder-like cloud, or falling snow. furiouspete. Jan 5, 2014 · When you throw boiling-hot water into the cold air, it freezes faster than throwing cold water into the air. Nov 24, 2019 · Boiling water is at the point of changing from a liquid into water vapor. The boiling water then rapidly evaporates into water vapor as you have explained. Here's a quick compilation of viewer-submitted clips showing just how cold it is by throwing boiling water into freezing air. Geez guys don't be so gullible. Fortunately, most icy cold days are dry, with low humidity Throwing boiling water into very cold air instantly turns it in to a spray of very fine spray of minute ice particles Jan 30, 2019 · A s Antarctic-like temperatures spread across the Midwest this week, people put the extreme cold to the test by throwing boiling water in the air. Jan 31, 2019 · The countless videos of people throwing boiling water out into the Arctic cold air during the polar vortex. Subscribe: http://bit. The water turns immediately into ice crystals. 6K likes, 1249 comments. #shorts #funontheprairies #saskatchewanwinterEver wonder what happens when you throw hot water into freezing air? If you live in sub-zero temperatures like Josh Kenney demonstrates what happens when you throw boiling water into cold air. youtube. This lets the water evaporate quicker, which removes heat quickly. Thanks for watch Keywords: throwing boiling water into cold air, freezing temperatures in Pennsylvania, boiling water instant snow phenomenon, outdoor cold weather experiments, science behind boiling water snow, winter science experiments, observing weather changes, effects of cold on boiling water, frozen water vapor, cold air experiments Dec 10, 2024 · I have observed my daughter throw a flask of near-boiling water into the air outside at -20C. "Now, cold air is very dense, and this makes its Jan 17, 2020 · Here's a quick compilation of viewer-submitted clips showing just how cold it is by throwing boiling water into freezing air. @laneyroux76 Our ramen noodle experiment in the cold today! The day started as -42C and we are rather bored so we made a frozen noodle art piece. Photo: Paul Zinken/dpa Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images Feb 16, 2021 · A Tik Tok trend, featuring throwing boiling water into the air to create a beautiful cloud, is the newest challenge attempted by SouthCoast locals News Sports Entertainment Lifestyle Advertise Apr 30, 2022 · The smaller streaks are from condensate coming off falling water droplets — not water that has frozen midair. Dec 23, 2022 · The Post's Amudalat Ajasa explains the science behind throwing boiling water into freezing air. Jan 31, 2019 · The white cloud is condensate, and shown better in this video as the cloud is not blue like the water from food coloring during the chemical reaction, what you are seeing is condensate, or water that has condensed into tiny droplets and the same reason you can see your breath outside during cold temperatures. The hot water in the water gun hits the cold air and instantly condenses into ice crystals. This happens because the hot water is so close to being steam, that the act of throwing it into the air causes This is what happens when throwing boiling hot water into air that is about -14 F. Apr 20, 2023. This video was filmed during the Polar Vortex (Jan. The ultimate day to make my own snow! In the video y Jan 16, 2024 · Video 1: Boiling Water vs. Nov 3, 2020 · Here you can see the drops of hot liquid water trailing streamers of ice fog. It has the same vapor pressure as the air around it, so it has plenty of surface area to expose to a freezing temperature. Accessibility statement Skip to main content Democracy Dies in Darkness Dec 28, 2017 · A cold-weather experiment of tossing boiling water into freezing air to make snow can go terribly wrong, sending people to the ER. Throwing boiling water into freezing air creates a cloud; the water turns into water vapor and then condenses back into tiny water droplets. joniniemela. Jan 4, 2014 · In a recent video posted on YouTube, an amateur scientist shows just how chilly the weather is by revealing what happens when boiling water meets extreme cold. ly/SubFuriousTalksBuy New Furious Pete Shirts! http://shop. Thanks @Japi for the inspiration. OK, I'll admit—it also looks really cool David Freiheit was vacationing with his family in St-Donat, Quebec, Canada, in mid-February when he decided to demonstrate Mpemba effect, which is when warme See what happens when people throw boiling, hot water into the freezing, cold air! For more videos: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://bit. "This is similar to the cloud which forms on a winter day as your breath hits the cold air," Lindsey said. com A woman suffered burns after throwing boiling water into freezing air for a popular social media trend. ly/NatGeoSubscribeAbout National Geographic:National Geographic You are supposed to throw it above you, the problem is she half-assed the throw into a big glob of water landing on her. Oct 4, 2023 · When it comes to throwing boiling water into freezing cold temperatures, altitude plays a significant role in determining the success or failure of this captivating experiment. Jan 2, 2018 · When the hot water is thrown into the cold air, the air gets more water vapor than it can hold, Mark Seeley, a climatologist at the University of Minnesota, explained previously to Live Science Jan 13, 2024 · In another post, Brittain warns people about scalding themselves while throwing boiling water into the air. Totoo pala #science #condensation #evaporation #ice #cloud Ericka Ann De Vera. Search Jan 25, 2011 · Throwing boiling water into the air on a 12 degree day instantly vaporizes and turns into snow We head out on a bitter cold Muskoka morning to show how we capture our Hot Vs Cold pic. Jan 21, 2022 · When pitching boiling water into the air, the water rapidly evaporates and condenses, allowing a cloud to form. ” Because cold air can’t absorb water the way warm air can, the water that is thrown has to go This morning it is minus forty eight with the wind-chill. They call this a polar vortex, in which Arctic air currents sweep further south than usual. Dec 27, 2022 · 740. Kim, H. com/channel/UCvjDBl9aryp4ce-CT8Es-6Q?view_as=subsc Jan 7, 2016 · http://www. (1987). Dec 21, 2022 · Cold air has very little vapor in it, so when you throw the readily steaming boiling water into the air, the water droplets provide an even larger surface area for steam to emit from. We took the opportunity to throw some boiling water into the really cold air to create some instant Dec 20, 2024 · Winter warriors have pulled off some pretty cool stunts on social media. Jan 25, 2025 · This couple in Minnesota, showcased just how cold temperatures were on Tuesday morning, January 21, by throwing boiling water into the air and watching it rapidly evaporate and freeze. g. 1185 Likes, TikTok video from Huntress Honey🦆 (@thehuntresshoney): “Discover the science behind throwing boiling water into the cold air and creating beautiful snow showers! #justjokes #waterfowl”. As water reaches its boiling point, the molecules move faster and faster, on the verge of its evaporation point. Its so cold outside (-3 degrees F) that our cup of boiling water instantly flash freezes when thrown in the air! Click to watch the video we made Flash Freeze Boiling Water in Mid-Air! As you throw it up, the water itself spreads out. Yeah that's pretty cold to be wearing just a hoodie or shorts. Dec 23, 2022 · Most of the kids had never seen this trick, so we took full advantage of the fact that it was 1°F outside this morning (up from -1° overnight! 😳), and boile Why does throwing boiling hot water into cold air cause ice clouds? WARNING: If trying this experiment on your own, be certain to NEVER throw the boiling wat We had fun throwing boiling water into freezing cold air! It was -26C outside (almost -30C/-40 Wind Chill). The outside temperature was -37 degrees Celcius, or -34. Filmed on February 15, 2021. Jan 1, 2018 · With the chilly temperatures in Canada, YouTuber Viva Frei decided to try an experiment on Saturday. Tried throwing a boiling water into a cold air. As the +212°F water meets the cold (in this case -26°F) air, it instantly vaporizes. By throwing boiling water into it, the local air temperature around the water droplets increases drastically, in turn increasing the air's ability to hold moisture. The woman throwing the water is one of many who have embraced a viral social media-era winter tradition of throwing boiling water high into the freezing air and sharing images of the spectacular. 8 Fahrenheit) in South Porcupine, Ontario on Thursday morning. yfepx yzip noy hkcobe duaja glisu qmvv sqxsh qvbvt musgu slopg didj dkd ima dlffab